
I always did suck at math.

You sucking is a totally different equation altogether! :eek:;):D:rose:

On the serious side, we have a lot in common, math was never my strong suit either. I'm competent, but don't start confusing the issue with letters and squiggly signs, 'cause that ain't math, that's a means of torture! :eek:
Read through the question once and once only; no going back to correct your math:

The bus you are driving begins its route with Zero students on board. It stops and picks up 2 students, then 3, then 2, then 4, then 8, then stops at a school and drops 10 students, then makes 4 more stops at each of which it picks up 3 students. When it get to the 2nd school, 6 students get off and it heads for the 3rd school.

The question is: What's the bus driver's name??
I enjoy math, but I was always a little too pragmatic for my math teachers' comfort. When faced with the infamous train question, my answer was always: "It doesn't matter. When they collide, there will be a bunch of dead people."

Is the glass half full or half empty? It doesn't matter. Somebody has to wash that glass eventually.

You cut a pie into 4 pieces and give 1 piece to Anna, 1 piece to Rob, and the rest for yourself. How much pie do you have? My answer: What kind of pie is it? Teacher: Why? Me: Because if it's a coconut cream pie, I'll have the whole pie. I'm not sharing. Teacher: *eyeroll*
I enjoy math, but I was always a little too pragmatic for my math teachers' comfort. When faced with the infamous train question, my answer was always: "It doesn't matter. When they collide, there will be a bunch of dead people."

Is the glass half full or half empty? It doesn't matter. Somebody has to wash that glass eventually.

You cut a pie into 4 pieces and give 1 piece to Anna, 1 piece to Rob, and the rest for yourself. How much pie do you have? My answer: What kind of pie is it? Teacher: Why? Me: Because if it's a coconut cream pie, I'll have the whole pie. I'm not sharing. Teacher: *eyeroll*

My kinda gal, except for the coconut cream pie, you can definitely have my share of that! LOL:D
One of those "pre-register" questions to make sure one is not a spambot.

I think that one's from this site:

People using that site ought to be able to solve questions of that level.

Wow, that is quite the Sign Up / register page.

By registering, you accept:
royalty-free right to use the downloaded random data in any, non-commercial,
imaginable way -- without any restrictions for academic and scientific use;
to reference to this Service in written works (articles, papers, etc.)
that somehow use or rely to random data downloaded from this Service; and
to abide by additional license agreements for each client application
(source code and/or executable) downloaded from this site.

Wouldn't it be funny if that was just a site where REALLY smart folk go to download short video clips of kittens and Justin Beiber FAIL gifs?