Victorian Love (closed)

"I believe I may have been setting up an excuse should I miss," Henry confesses.

"A very fine double, Major," Lady Addling says.

"Thank you, Lady Addling," Henry says with a slight bow.

The sound of a gun firing twice comes from Lord Darlington and Cedric's area. Followed by one from Richard's.

The two downed birds are retrieved by an assistant gamekeeper who trails the three of them. Henry retrieves his gun from Jimmy and continues forward. In the course of the woods he bags four partridge to go with the pheasants. Several times shots can be heard in the other areas. The three shooting groups arrive on the east side of the woods within five minutes of one another. The sun is well up and the wind is blocked by the woods. It is a beautiful winter's day. The carriage of servants arrives and within a few minutes a folding table and chairs for the ladies are set up. Timed nicely a single horse coach arrives with large straw stuffed hampers bearing hot food for the gentlemen and ladies of the party.

The bag is counted and Henry scores six, Richard five, Lord Darlington three and Cedric one. Darlington almost looks a little sad when looking at Cedric's lone bird. How a man shoots and rides means a lot to a man like Lord Darlington. The only thing worse than Cedric's shooting is his ability to ride a horse. Ambling along in Hyde Park does not count in Darlington's books. Luckily, for Cedric, he is not invited on the fox hunt. Within the Darlington family he may have some standing but outside... He is not a relative, not Ellie's husband, not even her fiancée yet. The other nobles and landed types would not welcome Cedric. They don't need his money.

"Good shooting, Richard! Major, very well done!" Darlington congratulates the two men.

"The Major had a fine double to start, Charles," his sister says, "He shoots very well. Doesn't he Ellie?"
"Yes, he is an excellent shooter. I am quite anxious to see how our game of cards goes later, if he is even half as good at cards as he is at shooting then you have some serious competition." Ellie said. Thinking about how terrible Cedric did she wonders if her father might reconsider his chosing Cedric to marry her.
Darlington looks at Cedric, who does not look overly happy. "Don't worry, Cedric. There will be many opportunities in the years to come to improve your shooting."

Cedric is in fact looking dour due to Ellie still clad in Henry's great coat. He does gain some satisfaction from the reference to the years to come. "And I am looking forward to every one of those years," he says looking at Ellie.
"That's great. I've recently come to realize just how excited I am for my future. It should be amazing." She said looking at Cedric "What are your thoughts on what your future holds? Anything you are looking forward to?" She asked turning to look at Henry "Hopefully there wouldn't be another terrible war for you to go off to."
"No, it is thought, that it is the Americans turn. It will not effect our Empire. You need not worry, Miss Darlington," Henry replies politely.

"It will have some impact," Richard says, "We will have to choose between cheap southern cotton or cheap northern corn, I suspect."

"But there will be much profit in dealing arms and supplies to both sides until that decision is made," Cedric adds his two pennies to the conversation, "Even after the choice is made, an American war will be good for our own economy."
"There is nothing good about a war Cedric. People will be losing their lives, no amount of money you make is worth that. All you care about is yourself. Money is not the most important thing in the world. I rather be poor then know I'm benefiting from the deaths of others." Ellie said tired of Cedric's greed. Looking around she realized she had made a terrible mistake "I... I shouldn't have said anything..."
"It was my fault, Miss Darlington," Henry quickly says. Turning to her father he says, "My apologies, my Lord. I allowed the conversation to go to politics in front of the ladies. What they do not understand usually brings an emotional response from them." "My apologies."

"Mine too, Father," Richard says.

Cedric stays silent.

"Yes, well then. No need for apologies," Lord Darlington says mollified by Henry's words, "Quite right, not to discuss such matters before the weaker sex." "Whist is a much better subject. Is it not, Martha?"

"Most definitely," Martha replies, "Say three o'clock? After lunch."

With breakfast in the field finishing, the horses are brought around. Cedric makes a point of holding Ellie's horse.

"May I help you into the saddle, Ellie?" he asks.
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"I think I can handle it on my own." She said climbing onto the sadle with ease. "I would apperiate if you could help my aunt though, it would mean a lot to me." Guiding her horse away from him she wondered Why Cedric didn't bother to say anything when the other men helped her. It was just another reason she couldn't stand him, all he cares about was how he would look. Henry had been willing to make himself look bad just to save her from being scolded.
Cedric turns to see Lady Addling being assisted by Jimmy as they spoke. Saddled up the party enters back on the road to the manor.

"How about a race you three?," Richard asks cheeringly of Ellie, Henry and Cedric, "A beautiful day for one, what?" "Come on. A sovereign apiece, first one through the stable yard gate."

"I'm game!" Henry replies.

Cedric says, "It is a waste of a sovereign but if Ellie will chance it so will I." "Or I shall have to stay and keep her company."
Ellie rolled her eyes "oh come on, it'll be fun. Lighten up a little Cedric." She said "Lets do it." She said lining herself up with Richard and Henry "Three.... two... one.... Go!!" She said before quickly taking off, easily getting ahead of the guys.
Henry barely had time to swing his horse in to line, as did Richard. Cedric's horse did all his work for him by following the other horses. With the lesser weight Ellie's horse accelerates rapidly. With almost two miles to go Richard and Henry both check their horses to something less than full out. Ellie gains almost four lengths by the mile mark. Richard now gives his horse some freedom to run. Henry follows a stride or two behind. Both horses start to gain on Ellie's. With half a mile to go they are within a length. The road has a slight jog in it an eight mile from the manor. With all three riders close together, Richard's horse shies slightly from the inside of the turn. This allows Henry to get a nose on him and a full neck by the time they exit the slight ess. Henry manages to pull within a neck of Ellie as she races for the finish.
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"Guess it's between you and me." Ellie said glancing over at Henry. As soon as they reached The stable something spooked her horse and jerked her back, nearly knocking her off. Holding on tightly to the sadle Ellie struggles to try and pull herself back into place.
With her head turned, Ellie does not see the stray sheep bound across the road in front of the three galloping horses. Her horses shies and skids as it collides with the stray animal. Henry sees Ellie almost unhorsed as his horse falters in it's step during the collision. He viciously spurs his horse to stay with Ellie's frightened animal, who with the bit between its teeth now is unresponsive to the reins. Henry gathers his reins in one hand and guides his horse with his knees closing the gap. He reaches out and his arm encircles her waist.
"my foot is stuck, I can't move." Ellie nervously grabbed onto Henry as she tried to free herself "I must look like such a fool to you. I know how to ride, this shouldn't have happened. I guess I got distracted..."
Henry laughs and says, "Don't you think we should hold off critiquing your riding abilities until after we have saved your life?" "Now hold on to me real tight."

Sure enough, Ellie's right leg is pinned under the second pommel by her left thigh. Which is quite obvious as the collision has allowed her skirt and petticoats to become free and the wind of the horses passage threatens to blow them even higher. Henry thinks he should act before she is exposed further. He does notice the length and slimness of her exposed legs. And the colour of her drawers. Richard catches up to the run away horse and leaning over takes it by the halter. Henry leans over and forcibly pops Ellie's left leg out of the stirrup. He is then able to quickly sweep her off the horse and onto his lap aboard his own horse. Richard brings the riderless horse under control as Henry reins in his horse with Ellie and himself wrapped around one another.
Ellie holds onto him even tighter than before "Thank you." She said relieved that she was safe "I owe you. I am sure I would have been seriously hurt if it hadn't been for you. I don't want to ever let go..." Ellie looked into his eyes as she loosened her grip just a bit, afraid she was hurting him. "I would kiss you right now if I could." She said softly.
"I guess I will just have to settle with holding you in my arms," Henry replies.

Richard canters back leading Ellie's horse, which appears uninjured though frightened and skittish. Cedric clumsily reins his horse in, having caught up with the other three racers.

"She is alright, Richard," Henry says to Richard, "But I would like to have a look at her leg before she puts any weight on it. I will take her to the front doors and the main hall."

"Cedric ride back to his Lordship and inform him there has been a slight accident," Richard orders Cedric.

Cedric hesitates as he looks at Ellie in Henry's arms. Looking slightly disgusted he rides off back down the road. Richard leads Ellie's horse toward the stables, while Henry directs his horse in the direction of the front of the manor. The horse goes at a slow walk. Entering a small copse of trees, planted for shade and esthetic reasons on the estate's lawn, Henry halts his horse.

"How about that kiss now?"
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Ellie wasted no time before pressing her lips to him. Her kiss was brief but full of her passion for him. "I want you..." She hoped the shade of the surrounding trees helped mask the bright flush of her cheeks "I want a life with you. I know it's not proper but I hope to do much more than just kiss you..." Ellie looked down afraid she was being too forward with him.
Henry cups Ellie's chin and raises her eyes back to his. "And I want you. I want you in my bed. I want you to still be there in the morning. And every morning for the rest of our lives," he says before kissing her passionately.

The hand cupping her chin moves to trace and caress her slender neck and shoulder. His hand wanders to trace her collarbone lightly with his fingers before, just as softly, moving his hand across the top of her breasts. Momentarily he cups Ellie's breast then continues down with his hand. He runs his hand down her body, taking time to cop a feel of her bum through her dress and several petticoats. Ellie's habit of dressing simply allows him to feel the soft firmness of her buttock. His hand comes to a stop under her dress as he caresses the naked calf of her leg.
"What if someone sees us." She said pulling away from him "what do we do if someone finds out about us. If anyone knew they would make sure we never see each other again." She said worried "How are we going to do this?"
"Just for now we are safe, there is no one to see. We will only tarry here for a moment," Henry says looking into her eyes, "Until we can have you moved to Chatham, we will just have to be careful and snatch what time we can to be together. If only for a moment and a kiss. It would be most dangerous, but perhaps the nights might bring about an opportunity for more than just a kiss. We will just have to be careful and pray that we are not caught, my love."

Henry kisses Ellie again, then urges his horse forward out of the copse of trees. "Now you being with me in Chatham does not mean we will be spending our nights together. But in Chatham we can maybe limit the number of interfering chaperones and hopefully be able to see one another in mixed company. I dine regularly with the Fort Pitt commander. So we can see one another then, perfectly chaperoned," he continues, "I will admit I am sort of making this up as we go. Never thought I would be involved with the beautiful soon-to-be engaged daughter of a Peer."

Arriving at the front entrance, to be met by Richard and a couple of servants, Henry holds Ellie tight, swings his leg over the horse and slides of the horse holding Ellie in his arms. Carrying her in his arms to the main hall. His Lordship, Ellie's aunt and Cedric arrive at the same time. Henry deposits Ellie on a couch. Her father and aunt look quite worried.

"I believe Miss Darlington is uninjured but I would like to check her out before she puts any weight on her leg," Henry says to the three. He kneels before Ellie, looking her in the eye he removes her shoe. About to raise her skirts enough to examine her lower leg, he pauses and looks over his shoulder at the other men.

"Out gentlemen!" orders Lady Addling.

Darlington and Richard promptly turn and walk from the hall. Cedric hesitates and walks away slowly, looking back over his shoulder as he leaves. With Lady Addling chaperoning, Henry examines Ellie's lower legs. To do this he raises her skirts to her knees, removes her shoes and stockings. Using the ruse of checking her for injuries, Henry caresses her calks and feet, massaging them.

"Is there any pain, Miss Darlington? Any discomfort at all? There is no bruising or swelling."
"There is no pain. I believe I am fine, just a bit shaken up from the whole experience." She said as she started to pull herself back together "If it hadn't been for you then who knows what's guy have happened to me. You may have saved my life, I will always be greatful for that."
Henry reluctantly takes his hands of Ellie's legs and feet and stands. "I am just glad I was able to lend you assistance, Miss Darlington," he says. He turns to Ellie's aunt, who is looking at him worried, and says, "She is uninjured and in perfect health."

Lady Addling looks relieved at getting a doctor's opinion. "I am so glad. Horse accidents can be so terrible at times. I did fear the worst," she says. "Repair your skirts, Ellie and we will have the other men return." She sends a maid to bring the other gentlemen back in.
Ellie quickly fixes her clothes and stands. "I will be much more careful next time. I'm sorry for worrying you." She said "I don't know what happened out there. It was all so sudden. Seems my horse is a more then a bit skiddish. I hope she's fine..."
"It wasn't a skittish horse, Ellie," Richard says as he returns, "Your horse collided with a stray sheep. It came out of no where. But don't worry your horse is just fine."

"Apparently this family is further indebted to you, Major," Lord Darlington says, "You have my thanks."

"You are welcome, Lord Darlington," Henry says graciously.

Cedric comes and stands beside Ellie. "I am so glad you are all right, Ellie," he gushes, "I could not have lived if you had been killed."