Want to share links to free online porn pics/vids?


Literotica Guru
May 23, 2013

Would like to find some friends to share online porn pics/vids links. Prefer a female partner to share with, but figure this site is 99% men so always up for finding some hot new pics/vids :)

Shoot me a PM if interested in sharing favorite online porn. Thank You

Zundas posted a reply on 24th October last year which is still pretty valid - you have not specified what you are into, and I imagine those who look at general porn can do a quick search and find enough to keep them going for the rest of their lives, as the internet is awash with it, so why bother contacting you to share would maybe be the reaction ?
If you are into something a bit more niche, then maybe advertise on a different more specialised forum, or contact people who write stories of the type you like ?