What Are You Listening To Now?

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Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey's Head - Gorillaz


The Electric Light Orchestra

I got to see ELO on this tour and it was hysterical. They had a robot wheel out and do Prologue as the opening but when the robot wheeled around to exit, it knocked over the front bank of Richard Tandy's keyboards effectively putting him out of the show for the first fifteen/twenty minutes while he and technicians reset him up. The rest of the band played beautifully and unphased

Gotta love those unscripted moments when their true mettle is revealed.
Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey's Head - Gorillaz

Gotta love those unscripted moments when their true mettle is revealed.

People of the South Wind


Yep. Always had it drilled in my head by my professors - keep playing as if nothing happened, the audience won't know a thing unless it is to react to your response. ELO displayed this beautifully that night, and sadly since it was the year John Lennon had died they did a great tribute encore of Lennon and Beatles also incredibly well done.
Goodnight Song

Tears for Fears

Night everyone! Good luck with your teleconference, DT. See you later Thee, true and Emily. Stay safe and well; be surrounded by peace and love.
Pantera - Walk (their second most overplayed song, just after Friends and a Bottle of Pills)
First Time


overshare time: this was the theme song at my junior prom in high school
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