What is crossing your mind right now?

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Why would she do that to me?!
If she thinks I'm cute, that's fine, but she knew she was setting her deliciously perfect boob, a breast so soft and heavy, onto my head while she worked on my smile.
Fuck. She knew what she was doing. She probably thought, "Whatever, my back hurts, I don't care what he thinks.."
Well you know what I think?
I think I would do anything...ANYTHING to feel those breasts on any part of my body again. On my face, up against my body while I wrap my hands around that fucking glorious ass, and ass that makes me melt, my hands pushing, kneading those fucking breasts while we break all the rules...
I would pick her up and fuck her anyway she wants...most likely with her on the work counter behind us, with those tits pressed against me, thighs around me, my cock slapping into that needing pussy..
time to catch up on old pm's. I'm wondering how many bridges i've burned in the interim.
Just checked to see how an older poem was doing and the damn thing is sitting at a solid 5. How nice :)
Far to much is on my mind to fit in this silly little box, and I'd just like a distraction from all of them.
No EDC for me this year, Im pretty much going to be sulking around the whole weekend. But there's always next year... *sigh* So sad!!
The ability of people to forget and move on...

Also, my 4th grade teacher who always used to let me up early from reading to stare at the giant inflatable globe hanging from the ceiling. Good on you, Ms. Pope.
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