We're off to find the trigger of the day...

non sequitur


Please quit not caring so much about the topic and go find someone you can relate to, like Rory...
Okay, I'm sorry, you really are that stupid and hateful.

I think I'm done with your idea of a "conversation."
Lobbing 27K words at a post does not a conversation make.

DCL-stylin' iggie . . . now, "conversations" . . . .


Just pour in some h8 and bring it to a boil, continuing to stir . . . .
If we're talking about the topic of books that have triggered outrage with academia for their callous and arguably poor treatment of difficult social subjects-

Again, I'm gonna recommend trigger warning. It's been heavily panned by both readers and academics from literary critics to psychologists and sociologists, but I read it to see if it really was as bad as they said it was.

It was. It really, really was. It even included real people who were dead and couldn't defend themselves, and who's families were outraged.

But, as someone who has admitted to not caring about any of that, and who has a mindset very similar to the author, I think it may actually be an enjoyable read for you. It chronically the journey of a veteran who has severe PTSD that he refuses to get treated as he returns from active duty and decides to further his academic career, so his grandfather uses his influence as a financier to get him to the top of the waiting list for a prestigious university.

However, he finds himself unable to adapt to his new environment because he is continuously accosted and physically attacked by militant members of the antifa movement for reasons that, just as the critics pointed out, are never adequately explained. These attacks obviously trigger his PTSD, which causes him to lash out and attack them- and they're untrained spoiled college kids and he's basically a Marvel-level supersoldier, so this gets him in trouble with the cops. At first, his grandfather is able to throw money at the problem- but will that be enough? Will he ever be able to adjust to civilian life in a world that he neither agrees with or understands?

You'll have to read it to find out!

Deplorables like Spearechucker are triggered by their own shadows. :rolleyes:

Never seen a bunch of advanced aged men, dudes in their twilight years, acting like a bunch of silly sixth grade school children until I joined this board. I was taught that with age comes wisdom, apparently this is not the case with Deplorables.

I guess free speech means you have to act like an ass to folks without the inconvenient worry of having someone put a foot up your behind.
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I guess free speech means you have to act like an ass to folks without the inconvenient worry of having someone put a foot up your behind.

Of course it does.

You see, that's what age brings to you. The wisdom to know that you can act like an Ass and not worry about the consequences OR need any motivation to do so.