Scott Pruitt, Warrior for Science

A rare double right wing snowflake triggering by me! I'm very impressed with myself.
The problem isn’t just that almost all of the alarms about GMOs were false. It’s that the anti-GMO campaign has deprived much of the world of a crucial, life-improving technology—and has shown the readiness of many environmentalists to ignore science when it contradicts their prejudices....

The coming world of 10 billion people demands a more clear-headed and genuinely progressive approach. The great challenge will be to produce enough food for this tremendous surge in population while also protecting enough wilderness areas to maintain some measure of the planet’s fast-depleting biodiversity. We simply cannot feed the high-consuming population of the future using the low-productivity methods of the past.

Science has already helped humanity to nearly abolish the specter of famine. If it is not to reappear in decades to come, in tandem with ecological collapse, we must allow scientists to keep doing their jobs. They shouldn’t be hindered by those who, having already filled their bellies, have the luxury to indulge in righteous, ill-informed campaigns against promising new food technologies.​

M. Lynas, Confession of an Anti-GMO Activist: Genetically modified crops have been vilified and banned, but the science is clear: They’re perfectly safe. And what’s more, the world desperately needs them., WSJ (Jun. 22, 2018).