Mind control idea


Literotica Guru
Jun 22, 2002
A person receives powerful mind control abilities. They can reach out and affect the thoughts/actions/emotions of people hundreds of feet away. However, the controller is somewhat constrained, laser focused on giving people the best sexual experience of their lives. It is a calling, a passion, an all consuming goal.

The controller runs a hotel, and the steady stream of guests are the beneficiaries. The controller can see what they want, what they desire. The controller maintains a stable of studly men in the hotel, all clean, well behaved and controlled to keep their mouths shut.

Since all encounters are controlled, boundaries can be crossed with impunity--literally a safe, disease free play space. So flirting glances quickly devolve into wild escapades that IRL would be extremely unwise. Both (or all) partners are being controlled, and everyone walks away thinking "That was amazing!"
A person receives powerful mind control abilities. They can reach out and affect the thoughts/actions/emotions of people hundreds of feet away. However, the controller is somewhat constrained, laser focused on giving people the best sexual experience of their lives. It is a calling, a passion, an all consuming goal.
I'll trot out my usual: There needs to be a cost, at least to the controller, and maybe to the controlled, too. The controller slowly loses vitality and mental clarity; the controlled slowly develop degenerating kinks. Then, someone discovers what is happening...
Or like in my story; the mental links allow him to experience the sex himself, he feels every emotion, and orgasm as if he himself were doing the fucking.