Brother and Sister forced to fake getting along, wind up falling in love


May 27, 2013
Grandpa has decided to retire and turn over running the family business to some other family member. Grandpa gathers the whole family together to help him make the choice of who to turn the family business over to as all family members own shares in the family business. Grandpa has four children, and one of his sons and one of his daughters throw their names in the hat to take over running the family business. Glen and Sydney are brother and sisters, grandchildren of Grandpa, both have MBA's and successful business careers. They decided to put their names in as a team to run the family business. Their plan, once they get control of the family business, is to give themselves massive golden parachutes, sell the business, and walk away filthy rich. The only problem with the plan is that they hate each other.

Grandpa gives each contestant a task to do that takes several weeks. Glen and Sydney have to fake getting along really well in public, but in private rip each other to shreds. Glen and Sydney pass the firs task, and then are given a bigger task that will take months to do. While they are working together, they finally discuss the reasons why they hate each other. They make up and eventually fall in love. At the end, they convince Grandpa to turn the business over to them, and they decide to run it together as a happy couple.

I don't have any ideas for scenes for this story. What scenes would you have for such a story?
I love a few hatefucks that end in jealousy as they both realize they are angry at the thought of the other being with someone else. And then explore that until they realize they love each other.
1. In the grandpa's massive home.
2. In the executive boardroom of the company
3. In the penthouse on the top floor of the corporate headquarters for the CEO to live in (where they first hatefuck)
4. In the brother's apartment (they hatefuck again)
5. In the sister's apartment (they discuss their feelings and finally, make real, deep, true, love. Cry about how much they love each other and how they miss the times they could have had, but nothing will stop them now)
6. In the company boardrooms and other floors where they work together and kick ass.
7. In grandpa's home where they show that they are truly going to work together and be excellent.
8. Back in the penthouse where they will live together as co-presidents of the company, and make love all the time.
What's that movie called? No not broke back mountain you naughty little reader the other one erm cruel intentions maybe they both think they better than the other and they need to work together as equals to become the owners yet they can't get passed this power struggle and so the sex is there way to have that power each trying to empower the other sexually. Brother dominates sister in bed then next time she over him