Seek Intelligent Perverted No-limits Filthy Females with Contradictory Qualities

I’m not looking for what you’re selling, but I did enjoy your little scenario. I suppose Gilda will eventually come clean...
Bump for Gilda.

Johnny (narrating): I hated her so, I couldn't get her out of my mind for a minute. She was in the air I breathed and the food I ate.
(Johnny walks to his private rooms in the casino to try and get some needed sleep but awaiting him are disturbed and haunted nights of past memories with Gilda.)

There is only one Joker and you ain't him. Poser.

Harley Quinn... well. She broke. Shattered really. Poor thing. Laughing as I write that.

I didn't. It was the other way 'round. Poor man.

You could say he... went laughing.
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