The 13th Annual Literotica Award Nominations: Most Helpful Editor

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Kitty Mama
Aug 27, 1999
This section is geared more towards authors. In this category, please nominate the editor who helped you the most in 2011.

Editor must be an active Literotica member (meaning their account is still currently on Literotica – it has not been removed or cancelled) listed on the Volunteer Editors list during the year 2011.

One nomination per member, please. If multiple nominations are made by a member, only the first listed will count.

I want to nominate Estragon as most helpful editor. He as been a great help to me and many other authors this year. He rarely refuses to help anyone who needs help. He only makes changes where and on what you suggest. Most all my stories are received back within a 24 hrs period.

He will make suggestions if asked. He had always made my stories a much bettr read and he never belittles anything I write. I have suggested him to other authors needing help and he has taken them under his wing.

There are many good editors on this site but this year I believe it's Estragons turn.
With respect
DG Hear
Estragon as well!!!

I concur completely with DG's comments.

Estragon had made me a better writer and at the same time respects my diverse interests even when they don't appeal to him.

He also is honest, had a quick return timeframe and has a passion for literotica...

JuicyStarchild for me

She corrects my English and occaisional tense phopars and often asks for clarification where she thinks it may be needed.

She never corrects but often suggests alternatives. perhaps more importantly she will tell me when my male view points do not relate to what a women would do, think or feel. She makes my stories flow and read better and I hope makes them more of a pleasure for both sexes.

Thank you juicy
I'd like to nominate Mikothebaby

I think Mikothebaby is a great editor, she has edited for a lot of authors on the site and in my case made me a much better writer. She offers timely suggestions, helps me with eliminating mistakes and even suggests titles. Her turn around times can't be beaten especially on stories as long as some of mine. SS06
As I am not listed among the VE, I am ineligible. I do wish to thank the very fine writers who nominated me for their kind thoughts and words. Your trust, respect and friendship mean more to me than I can say, and certainly are of greater worth to me than any award. God bless you all!
I'd like to nominate LaRascasse. He's helped me on a number of stories and has become a great friend over the past 5-6 months.

He will dig into your story if you ask him too and always gives it his best. He works quickly and with great care, often catching small grammatical errors to helping you completely revamp a story. I know he's worked with a number of writers on the site, I"m sure they would agree.


My nomination goes to the one and only, LaRascasse. He found me and offered his help. My stories have become better with his expertise. He is quick to return even my long stories and is always around for me to ask questions when he returns the edited copy. He doesn't destroy your story, he only offers suggestions and has a good eye for noticing even the smallest errors. He has also become someone I am happy to call a friend.

I nominate Mikothebaby because she has been invaluable to me as well as many, many other authors. Miko's passion for reading and speed of editing make working with her a real pleasure. She provides great feedback and communication, and if you ask her any questions, she answers them honestly and tactfully.

I would love to see her recognized in some way for the countless hours she volunteers to help others on this site.

Because of her love of reading, Miko has actually been able to let several of us know when our work was plagiarized and was vital in helping to get the pilfered pieces removed from the sites where they were posted. Miko takes her work seriously and she believes in what she does.
i'll second Nulli on nominating Mikothebaby for best editor. she hasn't been with me from the start but once we got together.... she's fast, to the point, honest, kind, everything you need to grow as a writer with the excellent feedback she provides!

go go Mikothebaby =)
I nominate IIya Kralinsky. This man is just wonderful. Words can't describe how remarkable he is with editing.I am grateful for that man. And I am also grateful that he is making me progress into a better writer.
A special editor..

Even though she is not on the VE list and is hence ineligible for this award, I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge the work of my editor KatieTay.

We stumbled across each other on the boards and she has since edited a LOT of my work. Her eagle-eyed copy editing means every single grammatical error is found, no matter how small. Being a literary critic, she also has several insightful observations into the work itself. My work is much better off due to her efforts.

She is not afraid of being open and forthright in her critique and I have always appreciated her brutal honesty regarding what I have written. She rips my piece apart so I can put it back together correctly.

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Lunarosa, you Rock!

I would like to nominate Lunarosa. She had been very helpful in ironing out my grammatical errors and suggesting alternative ways wording out phrases to improve my writing. She also give suggestions in plot and character development that I sometimes overlook. Her turnaround time is quite impressive.
I truly think she is one stupendous editor that deserves this award.
Thank you estragon

I see by your post that you are not eligible. I would also like to add my thanks and appreciation for all you have done to help me clean things up. It is a true pleasure to work with you.
I would also like to nominate Estragon for all of his efforts with several authors on this site. He provides incredible insight and goes above and beyond for those he edits for. Though he says he copy-edits, he offers suggestions and is readily available to bounce ideas off of. I am more than thankful for all that he has provided for my works, it's in his ethic that truly shines. His edits are unused and merely there to help the authors works, tightening up as any editors notes should. An exceptional man to collaborate with, and one I would highly recommend.
I would also like to nominate Estragon for all of his efforts with several authors on this site. He provides incredible insight and goes above and beyond for those he edits for. Though he says he copy-edits, he offers suggestions and is readily available to bounce ideas off of. I am more than thankful for all that he has provided for my works, it's in his ethic that truly shines. His edits are unused and merely there to help the authors works, tightening up as any editors notes should. An exceptional man to collaborate with, and one I would highly recommend.

**spelling correction**
Unjudged not unused.
The final voting for the The 13th Annual Literotica Reader's Choice Awards will begin on October 1st, 2012. Thank you for your patience, and good luck to all!
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