The Birth of Horny Town U.S.A.


owner of slave_
Apr 28, 2010
Okay, I had an idea that I want to throw out to other writers to see who might be up to try this out.

Back in the eighties, Robert Aspirin edited a book series comprised of novels and short story collections called Thieves' World in which he and a couple of other writers created a world, gave it a history and established some primary characters. They then cut lose, each writing their own stuff sharing the characters and settings. It was great.

I would love to see us create a normal town with a bunch of standard locations and populate it with a bunch of horny characters and then just have fun writing stories using them.

I would be willing to come up with a general sense of the town (map), some location names and make a list of places and open it up to whoever wants to stake claims. For example maybe some writer would love to give life to a pizza shop (love them delivery carriers!) and it becomes the pizza shop and characters all participating writers use when that comes up in their stories when in the mood to write a story in the town.

This thread would maintain the names, places and details that we would share to keep the continuity.

What do you think?

Established locations:
Keep in mind - towns can have multiples of the same type of business! Competition can be healthy and fun

Suggested names for town - Hornoville (Handley Page); Hornith (Litfan10)
Potential town descriptions in posts: 13, 14, and 30

Name/type of place/characters/Post numbers with information/founding writer

Shear Pleasure/ beauty shop/Kitty Wells proprietor, Margaret, Amy, Ty staff/4,6, 38/ Emerald Kitten
Choicest Pearls/ Chinese restaurant/Mr. Fu, Lin Fu/20/ Litfan10
Loosen Up! / Physical Therapy (office and mobile) / (metrosexual) Bob Krackel, Proprietor/15,18/Tx Tall Tales
TBA/Office Building/Darren, security guard (Tiffany girlfriend)/10/Stella Omega
TBA/Drive-in Theatre/TBA/10/Stella Omega
Knight Mart/small grocery store/Cassie Knight Proprietor, Mac the butcher, Jayne Boyd clerk/21/JeffLeigh
Sheer Fun/ women's nightwear/ Mrs. Minter (3 daughters)/30/ Handley Page (would turn over to another writer)
Write Place/expensive techie work in an old office building/ Fred Place proprietor/30/ Handley Page
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How will you keep authors writing about the same location or characters from accidentally contradicting each other?
That wasn't really a problem in the books. People have various points of view and sometimes it's contradictory.
Okay, I had an idea that I want to throw out to other writers to see who might be up to try this out.

Back in the eighties, Robert Aspirin edited a book series comprised of novels and short story collections called Thieves' World in which he and a couple of other writers created a world, gave it a history and established some primary characters. They then cut lose, each writing their own stuff sharing the characters and settings. It was great.

I would love to see us create a normal town with a bunch of standard locations and populate it with a bunch of horny characters and then just have fun writing stories using them.

I would be willing to come up with a general sense of the town (map), some location names and make a list of places and open it up to whoever wants to stake claims. For example maybe some writer would love to give life to a pizza shop (love them delivery carriers!) and it becomes the pizza shop and characters all participating writers use when that comes up in their stories when in the mood to write a story in the town.

This thread would maintain the names, places and details that we would share to keep the continuity.

What do you think?

I :heart: this idea. :)

I would have to have a beauty shop, lol. :) :catroar:
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How will you keep authors writing about the same location or characters from accidentally contradicting each other?

Hey Seduc1ove! It is a possibility, especially if a bunch of people get involved. Best we can do is have a listing of the stories here and we keep track as best we can.

Different writer interpretations are going to lead to some discrepancies anyways, but that will be half the fun I feel.

I like the idea that a team of us each with different thoughts and interests might give life to a place and characters watching it take on a communal life of its own.
Sounds great! I hope we get more takers.

Rest assured you are now the proud owner of a beauty shop. Any idea what you would like it to be named?

Whoop! lol. Gee, if only it was that easy in real life. :p

Hmm, I've always wanted a shop named 'Shear Pleasure'...
and I think for this project that would be pretty appropriate. :)

Ha! I see My business cards now..
Shear Pleasure..
Would you like it teased or blown?

Muahaha. I am so funny. :)
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Whoop! lol. Gee, if only it was that easy in real life. :p

Hmm, I've always wanted a shop named 'Shear Pleasure'...
and I think for this project that would be pretty appropriate. :)

Ha! I see My business cards now..
Shear Pleasure..
Would you like it teased or blown?

Muahaha. I am so funny. :)
Made me LOL!

Okay, I have a couple of characters; Darren's a security guard at the local office building He's a big good looking dummy, with a thick shock of black hair, and a hunky body, like Elvis-- or Lil Abner. His girlfriend, Tiffany, is working... where? maybe at the beauty parlor? She ought to be all he wants but he gets distracted pretty easily. She steps out on him too, and they get mad at each other about it once in a while. But a shared sixpack usually cools them out again.

Darren adores, more than anything else, his big block chevy and he's always scheming to get the extra money to put into it. Sometimes he can talk Tiff into selling a bit of her time... but it's strictly hobby for her.

And there's a drive-in outside town. There isnt much left of it, but they still show films once in a while.
Okay, I had an idea that I want to throw out to other writers to see who might be up to try this out.

Back in the eighties, Robert Aspirin edited a book series comprised of novels and short story collections called Thieves' World in which he and a couple of other writers created a world, gave it a history and established some primary characters. They then cut lose, each writing their own stuff sharing the characters and settings. It was great.

I would love to see us create a normal town with a bunch of standard locations and populate it with a bunch of horny characters and then just have fun writing stories using them.

I would be willing to come up with a general sense of the town (map), some location names and make a list of places and open it up to whoever wants to stake claims. For example maybe some writer would love to give life to a pizza shop (love them delivery carriers!) and it becomes the pizza shop and characters all participating writers use when that comes up in their stories when in the mood to write a story in the town.

This thread would maintain the names, places and details that we would share to keep the continuity.

What do you think?

Established locations:
Keep in mind - towns can have multiples of the same type of business! Competition can be healthy and fun

Name/type of place/characters/founding writer

Shear Pleasure/ beauty shop/TBA/ Emerald Kitten
Choicest Pearls/ Chinese restaurant/TBA/ Litfan10

This is a damned good idea.
How will you keep authors writing about the same location or characters from accidentally contradicting each other?

It's not as hard as you think, so long as the authors involved talk about the direction that they're going. When we wrote the Laresa's World chain, we did a lot of brainstorming in the thread and on messenger. We also passed the stories amongst the group to help head off little problems before posting.

There were still little things that cropped up here and there ( and we had magic to explain away a few things *laugh* ) but you can usually work it out one way or another to have the whole thing come together as a single tapestry.

Maybe one character was actually lying about something in a story that contradicts those that come after. Could even become a character trait for later stories. If enough people are writing about the town, you'll surely have someone come up with a bright idea to fix any issues that pop up.

I'd suggest making at least some sort of rudimentary map of the town, in case any characters are traveling between locations. Then, as the stories are finished, you can add detail to the map of town from the descriptions, and everyone who follows will have that to work from.

Cheat sheets are a good idea to post here too. Hair color & length, eye color, other traits... Give a list for the characters that are common amongst two or more stories so you at least have those details right. Do the same for locations that get visited in multiple stories. Whoever decides to revisit the character/location should pick out those details from previous stories and post them while writing the new one.

People's reactions can be far different to similar situations on different days, and they may have secret desires that pop up unexpectedly, but his or her eyes are always going to be the same color.

Just some thoughts :)
here's my idea for the downtown (All two blocks of it) The first block has some historical warmth, with older brick buildings. The second block is grandiose, ten-story concrete buildings, with high glass fronts and underground parking. Are they full and busy? Or are they half empty, a relic of the civic council's 1980s ambitions? Either way, a lot of encounters can play out around there. Darren works as a security guard in one of those buildings, for instance. There are lawyers-- a few, at least-- a bank, a quickMart in the lobby.


VM wrote a series of stories that featured a very rapacious lady mayor and her cabinet;

I don't recall that he named the town. I wonder if he would let us fold them in? or if Litfan and Emerald Kitten like that idea?
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I think you would build the town, first.

Main street is a state highway going through he town. There is one stop light.

At each end of town is a motel. One end of town has a big truck stop. Along Main street are places of business, such as an appliance store, drug store, two furniture stores, hardware store, women's clothing store, men's clothing store, two bars, two cafes, two churches, two banks, hunting and fishing supply store, a VFW post, a couple of law offices, town hall with courthouse and jail, a lumberyard, a nursery, a doctor's office, a library, a movie theater, a beauty parlor, and anything else you can think of.

Once you get the town built, start putting in the population. Once that's done, start the (usually sneaky) sex interactions.
Loosen Up! / Physical Therapy (office and mobile) / (metrosexual) Bob Krackel, Proprietor

A lot of the men around town figure him to be gay. He's every lady's best boy friend...

Very often, with benefits.

Stella- I like the way you think. ;)

... and of course Bob has several assistants working for him, from college interns like (luscious) Lacy and (bisexual) Steve to the powerfully built (Dom) Inga, with her strong German accent and even stronger hands.
*Clapping excitedly*

Yay! This is so fun!
(Glad you guys got a tickle out of my business card, lol. :p)

I've gotta say- my beauty shop (or any other) will be the hub of the gossip center, lol.. (Trust me. I know so many deep dark secrets about my customers, its not funny. :rolleyes: I like having the knowledge though! lol.) If ya wanna know who is screwing who, come see me! (Course, it helps I give the best head in town.. ha ha ha. :p)

Stella, I :heart: the drive-in idea... what kinda dirty tings can happen there I wonder? :confused: :devil:
I am thrilled with the response! Should be a lot of fun which is what was intended. I will PM Vm to get the details and ideas on his premade town.

If we go with a new town (a.) it needs a name (b.) I can design a rudimentary map or would anyone else such as squarejohn or Stella who already have some great ideas on this front take this part.

I think the town should be near a beach either from an ocean, lake or river - thinking lake would be best so beach scenes and life guards are potential situations

Choicest Pearls is the Chinese Restaurant with all-you-can-eat buffet as well as eat-in/take out/delivery. Mr. Fu is the proprietor. No one knows his first name or age, and he is a widow. He makes great food but loves to experiment with ingredients, so less knowledge is better on the behalf of patrons.
Often there is gossip in the beauty salon how depletion in animal populations can be attributed to new menu items at the restaurant. For example, pigeons vanished just as exotic teriyaki quail over a bed of jasmine rice appeared on the menu. Try as he might, the health inspector has yet to prove anything.
Mr. Fu has a twenty-year old daughter Lin, who appears very much the dutiful prim and proper daughter but is anything but.
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I'd like to have the grocery store in town. It's just a small shop that features whatever produce I decide to have, like starfruit and mangos but no tomatoes one week and an overabundance of corn the next. Cassie Knight is the proprieter and she is often found in the back of the store working at (or on...) her desk.
Mac (no last name) is the butcher. He's a big, meatloaf of a fella and his hands are perma-stained red from the ammount of meat he cuts. He often works for Mr. Fu when a certain 'specialty' item needs some professional attention.
Jayne Boyd is the 20-something store clerk. Picture long, raggedy brown hair and a ghotee that just over-accentuates that boyish face. He's not a very good clerk, usually sneaking out back to smoke or eating cheese-whiz at the counter. But his wiry muscles and deep, mahagony eyes keep him popular with a lot of the younger women in town. Not to mention the divorced cougars who prowl Knight Mart's narrow aisles.
If we go with a new town (a.) it needs a name (b.) I can design a rudimentary map or would anyone else such as squarejohn or Stella who already have some great ideas on this front take this part.

I think the town should be near a beach either from an ocean, lake or river - thinking lake would be best so beach scenes and life guards are potential situations.

Four or five years ago, much of the AH participated in a flash fiction version of what you're suggesting. Four or five flash vignettes would be combined into one submission to meet Lit's 750 word minimum. It will take a bit to dig out the discussions--which included maps--because it's back past the normal search limits.
I believe the first post has all the current info about characters and places. Let me know if this works for you or if I can do something better for you.

I have emailed VM to see if he is interested. I am working on a rough map of the place using what everyone has posted so far in case VM doesn't want to use his town.

At this point we have enough people and energy to give this a go. Very cool!! thanks everyone. Once stories are written we can have a listing here of title/writer/characters and places used

I really want this open to any body and avoid any clique crap, so feel free to let any one you know who might be interested in joining in on this little venture. I saw Stella had threaded to squarejohn in another post, and then he came in with some great ideas. Thanks Stella, as well for your own great input.

If I don't hear from VM by Monday I will post a map for your review.

Thanks again for all the great responses; this already is a lot of fun - we have some mini-stories already popping up here in the posts! Rock on!
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Four or five years ago, much of the AH participated in a flash fiction version of what you're suggesting. Four or five flash vignettes would be combined into one submission to meet Lit's 750 word minimum. It will take a bit to dig out the discussions--which included maps--because it's back past the normal search limits.

Very cool WH! I figured this couldn't be a brand new idea for the place. I will see if I can hunt back and find anything. Do you remember any particular writers involved? Feel free to join in if you would like.

This vignette idea opens up two concepts - full single stories as well as shared stories like they had in the past. Very neat. I think both will work well here.
I love this idea, but unfortunately I don't have much writing time these days. If it's at all possible, I might contribute something later on, maybe a character passing through town or whatever.

But I do look forward to reading the stories and watching things develop. Looks like you're all off to a great start already. :)