How often do you masturbate?

For so much of my life, it was a daily activity, including on days when I had sex.
At my current age, it is pretty sporadic. If I jerk off and ejaculate, it takes awhile before I'm good for sex again. Never used to be that wayu.
When I come to Lit, I do tend to touch myself, but I only stroke to finish when I'm on line with one of the very sexy ladies I've met here.
Some really hot women here. Make me feel young.
Less and less.

I hate having to do it.

I only do it to get rid of the urge.

It's more of a chore rather then for actual pleasure
Less and less.

I hate having to do it.

I only do it to get rid of the urge.

It's more of a chore rather then for actual pleasure
That's too bad. I'm sorry to hear that.
Not to try to tell you what to do, but it might be more enjoyable if you just slow down and concentrate on the physical sensations.
2 to 3 times a night. 4 wont yield much in terms of volume, but itll feel good if it ever gets there.
Whenever I feel the urge to do so which can vary from several times a week or a few weeks apart if I'm busy with projects.