🙈🔮 Naughty Confessionals 🔮🙈

I'm married, young, an obedient, and seemingly perfect woman in real life. However, I'm very horny and unsatisfied on the inside.
I’m sure this forum and chats will stoke that horniness even more. Maybe you’ll make a good connection, maybe someone near where you live in real life. Then you won’t be unsatisfied long!
Oh come now…don’t be shy, Cherub…
Everyone needs a little absolution or in this case absolute praise for the naughty things you do, did, want to do 😈

So here is the Naughty Confessional! Because who among us hasn’t been a little bad?

Choose whatever format you like best:

“My name is___ and I confess…”

or whatever else makes you want to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing butt the truth 🥵

So what’s your naughty confession? 😈🤭
I double dog dare ya to share.
*** for the love of fucking god. You don’t need to directly reply to me!! FFS! Just post your comment and go! 🙄
As always:
🫶🏾please follow forum rules
🫶🏾this is a judgment free zone
🫶🏾your confessions can be as naughty or sweet as you like
🫶🏾Do read the room and discuss or approach others respectfully
🫶🏾this is just for fun; don’t over share if you’ll feel vulnerable


For the love of god. You don’t need to directly reply to me!! FFS! Just post your comment and go! Like every other game thread on the PG. I don’t personally want to hear your confessions!! 🙄🙄
Send them to me directly.