Trump supporters became more likely to express dehumanizing views of Black people After 2016


Satan's Plaything
Oct 14, 2017
Captain Obvious is at it again.

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and subsequent victory in 2016 had a polarizing effect on the racial attitudes of white Americans, particularly in their views towards Black people. Those who viewed Trump favorably before the election were found to rate Black people as less “evolved” in the post-election survey. Conversely, those who had unfavorable views of Trump rated Black people as more evolved after the election.

Political campaigns, especially presidential ones, are often thought to shape public opinion. However, the extent to which they influence deeply ingrained attitudes, such as views on race, is a complex area of study. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was particularly noteworthy for its divisive and often racially charged rhetoric. This provided a unique opportunity for researchers to investigate whether and how such a campaign could impact the racial attitudes of white Americans.
If the article would have swung the other way, you'd be like, "See?!"

Also, you should probably read the fucking study before dismissing the content, jackass.
I read the study and took note of who conducted said "study" and the methodology. It's still all bull shit.

First of all Social Psychologists are being called down by even those within their ranks (read Jonathan Haidt) and the site itself is nothing more than a bunch of 'wokesters' preaching to each other.

The study had NO control group and no longer term research into attitudes.

Further the study makes no attempt to explain why Trump is gaining in support by the black population. As a matter of fact the publication now seems to indicate that the study is specifically targeted to counter the trend that is expressing itself.

What's even more suspicious is that, by the researchers own admissions, there was virtually no difference between the before and after. so they decided to do a deeper dive into the data set. They then proceed to deduce that there was a profound difference without any study as to what the status was BEFORE Trump even became a candidate. Meaning that they have NO clue as to whether those views preexisted or not.

The study is profoundly flawed.
I read the study and took note of who conducted said "study" and the methodology. It's still all bull shit.

First of all Social Psychologists are being called down by even those within their ranks (read Jonathan Haidt) and the site itself is nothing more than a bunch of 'wokesters' preaching to each other.

The study had NO control group and no longer term research into attitudes.

Further the study makes no attempt to explain why Trump is gaining in support by the black population. As a matter of fact the publication now seems to indicate that the study is specifically targeted to counter the trend that is expressing itself.

What's even more suspicious is that, by the researchers own admissions, there was virtually no difference between the before and after. so they decided to do a deeper dive into the data set. They then proceed to deduce that there was a profound difference without any study as to what the status was BEFORE Trump even became a candidate. Meaning that they have NO clue as to whether those views preexisted or not.

The study is profoundly flawed.

Unsupported bull shit.
Unsupported bull shit.

Triggered AF in less than a minute. 🙂

Also, you should probably read the fucking study before dismissing the content, jackass.

I read the study and took note of who conducted said "study" and the methodology. It's still all bull shit.

The study is profoundly flawed.


Please refer to this exchange the next time you are perplexed when your unsupported bullshit is called out 😉
Assuming this is true

It makes sense considering what we see from blacks daily
Unsupported bull shit.
So call out the study

I read the study and took note of who conducted said "study" and the methodology. It's still all bull shit.

First of all Social Psychologists are being called down by even those within their ranks (read Jonathan Haidt) and the site itself is nothing more than a bunch of 'wokesters' preaching to each other.

The study had NO control group and no longer term research into attitudes.

Further the study makes no attempt to explain why Trump is gaining in support by the black population. As a matter of fact the publication now seems to indicate that the study is specifically targeted to counter the trend that is expressing itself.

What's even more suspicious is that, by the researchers own admissions, there was virtually no difference between the before and after. so they decided to do a deeper dive into the data set. They then proceed to deduce that there was a profound difference without any study as to what the status was BEFORE Trump even became a candidate. Meaning that they have NO clue as to whether those views preexisted or not.

The study is profoundly flawed.
Oops, you tried
It is a fact that poor people tend to come down hard on blacks because they Need someone lower than them to lord over. Most of trumps support comes from red necks looking for new jack boots and dusters.
Jews are massacring innocent children right now, bb. Your people. The Chosen Ones.
That's fake news, why do you believe what hamas says?

and it's your people that are holding babies and toddlers hostage
That's fake news, why do you believe what hamas says?

and it's your people that are holding babies and toddlers hostage
The pictures of all the dead Palestinian children in Gaza would appear to back up their claim.
but...but..."errybody knows that Hamas lies!" right?
There is plenty of dead Palestinian baby pics on the web. I'm not going to contribute to your jerk fodder.
The pictures of all the dead Palestinian children in Gaza would appear to back up their claim.
but...but..."errybody knows that Hamas lies!" right?
This is one of the few times in history when we can say, "both sides are commiting atrocities." and be correct.