Story Rejection - Politics - just a heads up, not a bitch

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Chloe, it would help to know what the story was and what your take on its problem was, because as it stands the issue is so theoretical that it provides no useful guidance to other authors. I find it disturbing that a story can be removed after 7 years. It's one thing if it's a snuff or pedophilia story that somehow slipped through the cracks, but politics?

I'm concerned that this Site over time has been trending toward being more puritanical and more restrictive than before, and as it does so it will encourage more and more busybodies to comb through the archives and look for other things to expel.

it was Hayley's Party Chapter 05 - haven't gone back to dig it out and read it but it was written back in 2016 and I think it had a few comments about Obama and immigration and the elections, and from memory a few Somali's got the shit kicked out of them and there were a couple of pro-Trump comments. Nothing particularly over the top (in my opinion of course LOL) and certainly nothing extreme. Got a couple of negative comments when it was posted but that was about all.

But like I said, I don't mind editing it and resubmitting, and I do think its a good idea to be fairly restrictive on politics in stories here, just to turn down the heat and keep the site inclusive.

I posted this more as a heads up to everyone re politics in stories because I'm not the only one that inserts a few asides now and then. LOL.
I wouldn't pretend to know why Lit does anything or what they will do next, especially in regards to your other stories. .....

Probably just a complaint, and most of my stories don't have any political comments in them at all. Just the odd one here and there where I'm feeling a bit snarky and I can work it in. LOL. More to satisfy my own misguided sense of humor than anything central to the story.
Chloe, I hope you can edit your story and get it reposted with minimal effort. Unless it's really blatant, I would think that the statute of limitations had expired quite some time ago and a note to Laurel might be in order in case it is something automatic or unchecked.

I don't include politics in my story but I do have one period story where a religious restriction of the time was used as a plot device to keep the lovers apart and show the building tension they had to overcome until they could get dispensation from the church to be married. There was no preaching, moralizing, or discussion of faith so I'm hoping this doesn't get retroactively flagged like Chloe's story since the resulting delay in marrying adds a lot of sexual tension to the story and would be difficult to rewrite in anything approaching the present tension without it.
You can publish a story about a woman being raped to death, one that describes an 11 year old child being raped and killed.

But you can't write about politics or religion.

Yeah, this site has its priorities.
I am about to submit a story in the Humor & Satire category that pokes fun at the Catholic Church. I even included a passage from the bible. After reading this thread, I fear my story may violate the “Works that promote or focus heavily on politics or religion” guideline. I always believed it is acceptable to incorporate religious humor when being humorous about sexual circumstances. I hope Literotica agrees.
You can publish a story about a woman being raped to death, one that describes an 11 year old child being raped and killed.

I don't think you can. The rules forbid snuff stories, permanent or serious injuries, and stories involving sex with characters under 18, and as far as I know they've been that way for years.

I think the stories that break these rules probably predate them, and they're only still up because no one has reported them.

Perhaps relying on reporting for that sort of thing isn't the best approach, but with a quarter-million stories it would take a long time for Laurel and Manu to re-review everything whenever a rule was changed.
This is how I see it. I hope Laurel is considering a statute of limitations on complaints, responding to complainants, "I hear what you're saying, but that story has been active on the site for X, and this is the first complaint it has received. Thank you for your concern."

That Chloe is getting a 7-year-old story kicked back is troubling.
Agree. Whatever next? Rewriting Roald Dahl to bring him up to a modern context?? Where does it end?

Does the embargo count if I start my own religion?
Chloe, I hope you can edit your story and get it reposted with minimal effort. Unless it's really blatant, I would think that the statute of limitations had expired quite some time ago and a note to Laurel might be in order in case it is something automatic or unchecked.

I don't include politics in my story but I do have one period story where a religious restriction of the time was used as a plot device to keep the lovers apart and show the building tension they had to overcome until they could get dispensation from the church to be married. There was no preaching, moralizing, or discussion of faith so I'm hoping this doesn't get retroactively flagged like Chloe's story since the resulting delay in marrying adds a lot of sexual tension to the story and would be difficult to rewrite in anything approaching the present tension without it.

Oh for sure, it was only a few lines and really not important at all to the story and only slightly relevant to the character. I'm now worried about it, it won't make any difference to the story at all. And historical religious restrictions shouldn't matter either. I think Lit's concern is far more with current events, and its a valid concern.
I wouldn't have called it subtle myself, but not current politics. Not yet, anyhow. LOL. More intended as a dystopian sci-fi future history.
I mean if this shit gets you wet then we are not the same.

But then I enjoy rereading the Texas dildo massacre every now and then, so that's probably for the best.
I am about to submit a story in the Humor & Satire category that pokes fun at the Catholic Church. I even included a passage from the bible. After reading this thread, I fear my story may violate the “Works that promote or focus heavily on politics or religion” guideline. I always believed it is acceptable to incorporate religious humor when being humorous about sexual circumstances. I hope Literotica agrees.
I’ve had stories that have gotten away with that. Not advertising specifics, just saying. Rules may be a bit different in some categories. The site also has a lot of essays about religion vs. sexuality (not science, glad that restraining order is respected) and a few about religious celebrities. I hope Lit will judge everything with a grain of salt of the appropriate size.
I find this concerning. It's one thing for a story posted 7 years ago to be removed because of some underage content that was missed during the approval process and the story was a flop in a category with few readers and went under the radar all this time, but quite another for a story to be sent back because of some political comment.

I can understand some political or religious content not being published - for example a story set in Germany in the mid 1930s that glorifies Hitler or a father-daughter IT story about a fictionalized US President and his daughter, but the said president and his daughter were just a bit too similar to one of the real-life presidents who held the office from 1993-2021.

Religion and politics can make for interesting story themes - I've used them myself - so if stories posted some time ago get taken down for these reasons it is a worry.
I wouldn't have called it subtle myself, but not current politics. Not yet, anyhow. LOL.
Okay, you're aware the messaging isn't subtle. Was the purpose of this thread really to warn other authors, then? Most respondents should have nothing to worry about; their throwaway political lines (even if partisan) probably wouldn't get their stories pulled, and it's doubtful that they're straight up publishing fascist propaganda. I'd hope not, anyway.
Regardless of the restrictions, political and religious stories still get published. I've got one where the FMC's abuse by members of her evangelical sect were a prime driver for the plot. There's a shit-ton of pro-gun stuff on Loving Wives, or at least gun fetishism, which is pretty much the same thing. There's a general veneration of police and the military kind of across the site, at least as much as the American populace on average, if not more. Try putting a bad cop in your story without explicitly saying "HE WAS ONE OF THE BAD ONES!" and see how your rating does.

No site that publishes art or writing is non-political. Any site that says it is will only allow status quo politics or maybe, maybe the slightest hint of actual discourse that attacks the status quo. But it's their site, their rules.
it was Hayley's Party Chapter 05 - haven't gone back to dig it out and read it but it was written back in 2016 and I think it had a few comments about Obama and immigration and the elections, and from memory a few Somali's got the shit kicked out of them and there were a couple of pro-Trump comments. Nothing particularly over the top (in my opinion of course LOL) and certainly nothing extreme. Got a couple of negative comments when it was posted but that was about all.

Was that the one where you referred to the Somalis as "ragheads" or some such term?
Was that the one where you referred to the Somalis as "ragheads" or some such term?
Yes! That was the one. But I think it was the cracks on politics, not the raghead comment. Retrospectively, it didn't do a thing for the story so its a good excuse to edit ut anyhow. I'll have to run thru my others and do the same thing. Bit of a silly comment without any other supporting context in the story, looking back, so its better off without it anyhow.
Okay, you're aware the messaging isn't subtle. Was the purpose of this thread really to warn other authors, then? Most respondents should have nothing to worry about; their throwaway political lines (even if partisan) probably wouldn't get their stories pulled, and it's doubtful that they're straight up publishing fascist propaganda. I'd hope not, anyway.

Yep - the lines in Hayley's Party 5 were pretty innocuous - half a dozen throwaway lines at most, mostly about Obama from memory. I wouldn't have seen them as anything like strident enough to justify bumping the story myself, but it's Laurel's site, and I don't have an issue with it at all. Like I said, it's just something to keep in mind going forward, no more and no less.
If anybody wants to see the story that was deleted, Wayback has it:

I'm guessing these are the "pretty innocuous" parts that got it pulled:

Half a dozen fucking Somali's were standing around laughing and making obscene gestures at me. One of them had just hit the window behind me with a big metal torch. He had it raised to hit the glass again. They must have thought we were making out or something. Either that or they were just doing their usual and making trouble. A couple of hundred goddamn Somali refugees had been inflicted on us a few months back. It was some sort of resettlement program funded by the Federal Government and set up by that goddamn illegal immigrant Kenyan Muslim so-called President. Two hundred Somali's in a large town with not much in the way of jobs! They'd caused nothing but trouble since they'd arrived.

According to Bethany's Dad, who was a cop, drug dealing and petty crime and random assaults had gone through the roof since they'd been shipped in. God knows there were enough problems at High School with them. Joe was already starting the truck up. Well, fuck those fucking ragheads and fuck running away. I swung the door open, slamming it into the closest one as hard as I could and jumped out.

"Jesus Hayley." Joe was tangling himself up in the cab trying to come after me.

"Oh fuck me!" Barry was throwing his door open but I was far faster. I had a good mad on and those fucking Somali's were going to be on the receiving end of it.

"Hey, leeetle chinkie whore, you wanna suck my deeeek too..."

Fucked if I can do Somali, but you know what they sound like. That REALLY pissed me off. I mean, I was mad before but that dickhead turned my anger to an icy fury. Did I mention I was wearing my Doc Martens? Maybe I did but I'm sure I didn't mention that the toes were steel-capped. When I snap-kicked that first fucking loud-mouthed raghead in the balls, I put all my pent up rage and fury into it. I kicked him so hard I lifted him off the ground. He didn't even scream. His mouth opened wide, his eyes bulged, his hands clutched at his balls and he sank to his knees, then folded over, jerking on the ground like a pithed frog.

"Gonna kill you, you slant-eyed beeetch..." One of the stupid fuckers was trying to stand up. The second or third I'd taken down I think. Obviously I needed to work a little more on those snap kicks. Jesus, what sort of an IQ did these guys have? Silly question when you think about it. I remembered something I'd read about Somali's. Probably around sixty-eight? Maybe seventy on a good day. Depending on how you looked at it, that was either Extremely Low educationally, or Mild Mental Retardation in a Psychiatric sense. Either way, pretty fucking dumb. Our boy here was living up to expectations. Low impulse control to start with.

I shook my head. "Really? REALLY? You're calling me a bitch?"

"Hayley..." Joe sounded like he was concerned.

Snap. Snap. Snap. I was getting to be addicted to those fast snap kicks to the balls. They seemed to work rather effectively. The camel-fucker changed his mind about whatever it was that he'd been intending.

I just love the smell of Somali's shitting themselves at midnight... Well, not really, but the line was too good to miss. Shame there wasn't a line like that from Blackhawk Down. It wasn't midnight either, but you can't have everything. You gotta love those classic old movies. Not the smell though. Definitely not the smell! What the fuck did these guys eat? Dead rats?

(And no, it wasn't me that reported it. I'd have backed them if they'd refused to publish it in the first place, but taking it down now feels more like CYA.)
Yep - the lines in Hayley's Party 5 were pretty innocuous - half a dozen throwaway lines at most, mostly about Obama from memory. I wouldn't have seen them as anything like strident enough to justify bumping the story myself, but it's Laurel's site, and I don't have an issue with it at all. Like I said, it's just something to keep in mind going forward, no more and no less.

When you resubmit the story, please remember that the plural of Somali is Somalis, not Somali's. The apostrophe is for possessive only, not the plural form.

If it were me, I'd get rid of some of the other stuff, too, but it's your story.
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