The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community

National Public Radio

Poverty, Dropouts, Pregnancy, Suicide: What The Numbers Say About Fatherless Kids​

June 18, 20176:04 AM ET

The growing number of fatherless children in this country poses one of the the most serious problems in education today, according to best-selling author Alan Blankstein...

Dropping out of school, growing up fatherless and incarceration appear to be connected. One study you cite from 2012 titled, "The Vital Importance of Paternal Presence in Children's Lives," shows that seven out of 10 high school dropouts are fatherless...

The research that I've seen says that girls are twice as likely to suffer from obesity without the father present. They're four-times more likely to get pregnant as teenagers. Boys are more likely to act out, which is why we're more aware [of how they're affected], but if a young girl is imploding, we don' t see it.

Race and class matter, as it does in everything in America, but the overall trend [of fatherlessness] is up for all families. So we're looking at a 20 percent rate among white fathers who are absent in their children's lives, 31 percent for Hispanics, 57 percent for African-Americans.


Illegitimacy is not a life style choice that we do not have the right to condemn. It is a growing and serious problem that should concern us all.
So what part of that proves that "very few illegitimate children are the smartest people in the US"?

Oh right....none of that does.
So what part of that proves that "very few illegitimate children are the smartest people in the US"?

Oh right....none of that does.
Illegitimacy correlates with low incomes, which in turn correlates with low IQ's.
The Latin adverb sic (pronounced [siːk]; "thus", "just as"; in full: sic erat scriptum, "thus was it written")[1] inserted after a quoted word or passage indicates that the quoted matter has been transcribed or translated exactly as found in the source text, complete with any erroneous, archaic, or otherwise nonstandard spelling, punctuation, or grammar...

Sic may also be inserted derisively or sarcastically, to call attention to the original writer's spelling mistakes.


You say that I am uneducated, but you have not learned the basics of capitalization and punctuation. :nana:

I am judgmental of people whom the welfare system allows to live morally irresponsible lives.

When Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was introduced during the 1930's it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children.

Children are the financial responsibilities of their fathers, not the tax payers.
LOL You tried to make someone smarter than you look foolish and paid dearly for it. You even googled definitions and bolded text to make your point and it blew up on you.
LOL You tried to make someone smarter than you look foolish and paid dearly for it. You even googled definitions and bolded text to make your point and it blew up on you.
There is a reason he references "high-school, perhaps he even graduated from one?
What you say about the use of "sic" is true. I will remember it next time. Try to remember what your high school English teachers taught you about capitalization.

Maybe he'd have a better grasp of the English language if he had gone to College, or University.
It's become completely apparent to informed people the verity of the above. This is what the left wants, they know their biggest enemy is the family structure. This is why they're coming after the nation's children. The Democrats and the rest of the Left want this country divided along racial lines, their goal being to drive a wedge between us and to destroy the unity of the nation. The last thing they want to see is a pre-1950 black family structure. The last person on Earth they want black people to pay any kind of attention to is Thomas Sowell.
Dude, when you post crap like this...THIS is why nobody takes you (or your intelligence level) seriously. Just stop.
Learn to read, past a fifth grade level, and really think. Or else stop posting because you look more and more like and idiot every day- and I am NOT just resorting to name calling; this kind of illogical ranting you do makes you look stupid according to every rational dictionary definition.
Dude, when you post crap like this...THIS is why nobody takes you (or your intelligence level) seriously. Just stop.
Learn to read, past a fifth grade level, and really think. Or else stop posting because you look more and more like and idiot every day- and I am NOT just resorting to name calling; this kind of illogical ranting you do makes you look stupid according to every rational dictionary definition.
It cracks me up when these clueless right wingers think Black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Larry Elder could ever be leaders in the Black community. They are nothing but grifters hustling White right wingers by telling what they want hear and have zero influence on regular Black people.
Dude, when you post crap like this...THIS is why nobody takes you (or your intelligence level) seriously. Just stop.
Learn to read, past a fifth grade level, and really think. Or else stop posting because you look more and more like and idiot every day- and I am NOT just resorting to name calling; this kind of illogical ranting you do makes you look stupid according to every rational dictionary definition.
Do you think even he really believes it? I don't. I think he's just trying to bait us.
It's become completely apparent to informed people the verity of the above. This is what the left wants, they know their biggest enemy is the family structure. This is why they're coming after the nation's children. The Democrats and the rest of the Left want this country divided along racial lines, their goal being to drive a wedge between us and to destroy the unity of the nation. The last thing they want to see is a pre-1950 black family structure. The last person on Earth they want black people to pay any kind of attention to is Thomas Sowell.
this would mean that there would be no country at all, which would benefit no one, not even teh democrats, you histrionic nutter.
Male wolfs take care of their puppies. Male dogs do not. That is because for thousands of years humans took care of puppies. That is how dogs lost the paternal instinct.

Those who care for children their fathers do not care about contribute to the loss of the paternal instinct in humans.
your [sic] error was a testament to your poor education and my pointing it out shows that i am not a poorly educated racist. i [sic] don't capitalize on purpose so there's no need for me to take your sanctimonious advice to heart. educated people have figured this out.
What could the purpose be?

I wonder how many of my detractors have read a single book in its entirety since leaving school. I read hundreds of books, and occasionally post book reviews here.

If I am a poorly educated racist, why do I have such an easy time documenting my assertions?

If anti racists are so well educated, why do they try to suppress opinions they disagree with? Why do they lack confidence in their ability to refute those people in calm, civil debates where facts and insights matter, and where insults, name calling, and obscene words are forbidden?
Who pays for public schools then?

I think that your dad might want a refund.
Fathers are responsible for housing, clothing, and feeding their children. They are also responsible for guidance. I have documented that fatherless boys often become criminals.
there is heredity in thought and attitude as much as dna

once a slave
once a mentality
many a passing on
He ought to be blaming single black fathers. Those are the people who are not living up to their parental responsibilities.
He ought to be blaming The Great Society of LBJ which was the main catalyst for the breakup of the families of the poor irregardless of race.