Well it's Waffle House after all. This stuff is gonna happen.

Good. :rose:

These racist anti-indian slurs dumbfound me, given that they come from people who pride themselves in being SJWers.

No wonder that no Indians post in this forum, despite being well-represented on this site: the GB trolls and stalkers chased them away.
You are one stupid paki! SJWer....lmao. silly goat fucker.
You are one stupid paki! SJWer....lmao. silly goat fucker.

You and Emerson40 have been following me around, calling me a paki, dirty Indian, dishevelled gipsy and all sorts of lovelies. (I only know about Emerson because you and others quoted him).

Personally, I'm not too bothered by your insults, given that you are a mere racist troll who's trying to have fun at my expense. Plus I'm not Indian.
On the other hand, I'm weary of Emerson40 because he displays the characteristics of a resentful stalker: anger and a desire to make the target feel as yucky as he feels.

But think about how stupid you look, RobDownSouth: your blood goes up whenever you come across racists, yet you engage in racist slurs yourself.
These clashes in values and cultures both fascinate and confuse me.

As an immigrant, I can say that while my experiences were overall clearly better than back home, I also came across some negative attitudes from BOTH mainstream and minority cultures.
And I can say that local minority groups were more judgmental and rejecting towards me than the mainstream culture. They probably saw me as unfair competition. That's understandable, but it still skewed my perception towards a positive bias of the mainstream.

The GB is similar: while they're very protective of American minority groups, some of them display clear xenophobic and racist attitudes towards non-English speakers.

That's not the America that we all look up to and admire.
You guys are lucky that heroes like the lady from the Starbucks incident, or those from the Parkland and Waffle House shootings erase the yucky impression that you GB trolls and losers give.

These clashes in values and cultures both fascinate and confuse me.

As an immigrant, I can say that while my experiences were overall clearly better than back home, I also came across some negative attitudes from BOTH mainstream and minority cultures.
And I can say that local minority groups were more judgmental and rejecting towards me than the mainstream culture. They probably saw me as unfair competition. That's understandable, but it still skewed my perception towards a positive bias of the mainstream.

The GB is similar: while they're very protective of American minority groups, some of them display clear xenophobic and racist attitudes towards non-English speakers.

That's not the America that we all look up to and admire.
You guys are lucky that heroes like the lady from the Starbucks incident, or those from the Parkland and Waffle House shootings erase the yucky impression that you GB trolls and losers give.


Imagine...Lit's duplicitous dummy and resident racist, hashtag, confused.

Weren't you banned big fella?

Hei Zumi, you racist and xenophobic pos.

Guess what?
From now on I'll call you "nigger".
Just like you had no qualms about encouraging the stalkers who call us prairee niggers, gipsies and pakis.

You can shove your non- white outrage up your ass, as far as I care. :)

Aww, the American minority member with a chip on his shoulder is finally showing his true colors.

Own it, doofuss: you're a xenophobe and white hater.

I don't fucking care if the GB retards put you on the Endangered Species List. I came across and I know your kind all too well.

I wasn't.

Nevertheless, I highly doubt that you were ever raped.
Someone who was raped wouldn't be so keen to spread her STD's on an internet forum. As you obviously are. :rose:

Half Serbian, moron.
Us racists killed and baked thousands of brown muslims.

Wanna be next? :)

Hei Zumi.

My ancestors, those genocidal racist psychopaths baked and killed your kind for a living.

Wanna spoon? :D

As I said, one of my parents is from Serbia.

I'm pretty sure that dpsome of my relatives killed or bak1d a Muslim.

So what am I supposed to do? Volunteer to the GB brothel as a token of my repentance? :eek:

You have to check first. If it's waving a white whipped cream flag, it's French.
Gargle for history. And note that The Simpsons is not a documentary series. Grow up.

French Mirage 2000s Came to the Rescue of Green Berets in Niger ...
Oct 26, 2017 - An hour later, armed French helicopters swooped in, deploying French and American special operators. Finally, two Super Puma helicopters flying from Gao, Mali arrived to transport two injured Green Berets and eight Nigerien soldiers to hospitals. The wounded Americans were later flown out of Africa by ...

French Troops Rescue Trapped American Kids | Fox News
Sep 26, 2002 - YAMOUSSOUKRO, Ivory Coast – Waving U.S. flags and shouting 'Vive la France!," American schoolchildren escaped a rebel-held Ivory Coast city under siege Wednesday, as U.S. special forces and French troops moved in to rescue Westerners caught in the West African nation's bloodiest uprising.

US admits role in French mission in Somalia | News | Al Jazeera
Jan 14, 2013 - US president Barack Obama says American forces assisted in a failed attempt to rescue a French secret agent captured by insurgents in Somalia. ... to free Denis Allex, held since 2009 by al-Qaeda linked al-Shabaab, but insurgents apparently killed their hostage during the raid, along with a commando.

French Counterterrorism: RAID, BRI and GIGN | SOFREP - SOFREP.com
May 25, 2017 - This group is part of the French military, and their closest American counterpart is the U.S. Army's 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-D, the Delta Force. Much like Delta in the U.S., GIGN is tasked with counterterrorism and hostage-rescue missions in France or anywhere in the world. Some of the ...

The 9 most elite special forces in the world | Business Insider
May 13, 2015 - Elite special forces are some of the best-trained and formidable units that a country can boast. They go where other soldiers fear to tread, scoping out potential threats, taking out strategic targets, and conducting daring rescue missions. ... 8) But the US Navy SEALS might one-up even the marines. To join ...

US Marines & French Commandos Marine: Small Arms ... - Military.com
Video for french commandos rescue american troops▶
May 19, 2017
U.S. Marines conduct bilateral small arms training with French Commandos Marine, swapping and firing ...
Here's logic for you. There's a good chance you can dodge a knife attack, arson or beating, but there's no outrunning a dozen bullets.

Consult your local MS13 chapter and double-dawg dare them. After all, a machete is just a Crocodile Dundee version of a rally big knaive...

Don't take a gun! Just watch Dodgeball a few dozen times first.

Get back to me once you've gotten away from the theory of violence and actually had to disarm one of the local punks with a straight-razor. You're going to get cut, but in the real world, those of us who have had to have a bit of understanding about the reality of violence choose where to get cut when engaging.

Easy to dodge? You just, once again, sadly, display your full ignorance of almost any topic in which you deem it your sacred honor and duty to lecture the rest of us on.
9 people murdered by truck in Toronto earlier today.

Phrodeau is strangely silent on the matter.

Because not an AR-15!!!

Other than obvious sardonic satire and parody, I have no need to make shit up here, as I'm selling nothing. I also have no need to further respond to your crap; the opinions of sniveling cowards don't interest me. Welcome to iggy.

Says one of the biggest liars on the board... run and hide in your iggy bunker!:)

Have any of the regular pew-pew nut-jobs suggested shark restrictions or bans yet?

That one is always good for a laugh.

It's almost as funny as the fucking morons who want to ban pistol grips and bayonet lugs on rifles to solve a gun violence problem that's done almost entirely with handguns.

Here's logic for you. There's a good chance you can dodge a knife attack, arson or beating, but there's no outrunning a dozen bullets.

That's a bunch of emotional bullshit...as usual.

Not logic.

Why only rifles and not revolvers, shotguns and pistols?

Nobody wants to band shotguns or pistols...even though significantly more gun violence is done with both of those.


Someone left out the time when they stopped the Germans from entering Paris. :eek:

There's only so much you can do with a naked man carrying an AR-15 in 1 hand and a buttery waffle w/syrup in the other.

I mean, the hero brought a knife to a gun fight. It's like he's the Black Panther or something.
Someone left out the time when they stopped the Germans from entering Paris. :eek:

Battle of the Marne, September 1914.

They did a right nifty job of it, too.

Of course, von Kluck's troops were out of position and exhausted. The von Schlieffen plan would have worked a lot better with lots of trucks.
There's only so much you can do with a naked man carrying an AR-15 in 1 hand and a buttery waffle w/syrup in the other.

I mean, the hero brought a knife to a gun fight. It's like he's the Black Panther or something.

Battle of the Marne, September 1914.

They did a right nifty job of it, too.

Of course, von Kluck's troops were out of position and exhausted. The von Schlieffen plan would have worked a lot better with lots of trucks.

Well, yeah, but the British had their backs and orders to shoot any fleeing frogs. :D
There's only so much you can do with a naked man carrying an AR-15 in 1 hand and a buttery waffle w/syrup in the other.

I mean, the hero brought a knife to a gun fight. It's like he's the Black Panther or something.

He showed how the damage can be minimized if you don't cower in fear.
The "gun culture" as represented by the likes of the NRA membership do not model or imitate this behavior. The ones who do it are the ones outside of the gun culture per se. They are part and parcel of a culture fostered by the Progressive moral busybodies who have created a culture of misfits alienated by that very culture. They are beset by a nihilistic school of thought that rejects all morality of a more traditional view for one that demands, "Who are you to judge?" and then turns around and judges and attacks everything and everybody who might say, "But can we at least get a hearing?"

The Cruz shooter was a perfect example. He was on everyone's radar, everyone knew he was a ticking time bomb (especially his now moralizing classmates who had bullied him for years with no pushback from authority) and thanks to this new "morality" he was given every opportunity to act out on his threats because everyone in a position to act/intervene is paralyzed to act for fear of the PC blowback.

And then, the same people who created this culture turn around and play judge, jury and hopeful executioners who know exactly who to blame: the law-abiding citizens who happen to be NRA members and the vacuous "assault weapon." There is never a single amount of self-reflection on the part of creators of this drama because their intentions are as pure as the driven snow and they will book no judging of the results of their utopian ideas, no matter how dystopian their efforts truly prove to be.

What a load of bullshit. This guy was a right wing nut job and part of the culture created by the NRA, where government is the threat to their "freedom."

That's some Kellyanne Conway level of derp you spewed.
Consult your local MS13 chapter and double-dawg dare them. After all, a machete is just a Crocodile Dundee version of a rally big knaive...

Don't take a gun! Just watch Dodgeball a few dozen times first.

Get back to me once you've gotten away from the theory of violence and actually had to disarm one of the local punks with a straight-razor. You're going to get cut, but in the real world, those of us who have had to have a bit of understanding about the reality of violence choose where to get cut when engaging.

Easy to dodge? You just, once again, sadly, display your full ignorance of almost any topic in which you deem it your sacred honor and duty to lecture the rest of us on.

man you know nothing about ms13 lol ;) should probably stop talking about them.
What a load of bullshit. This guy was a right wing nut job and part of the culture created by the NRA, where government is the threat to their "freedom."

That's not a created culture....it's a verifiable fact.
To recap:

White shooter + Black victims + Unarmed black hero saves strangers


No calls for a ban on angry white guys
No white evangelists calling out the evils of racism
Silence from the president
Silence from Republican leaders (no calls for thoughts and prayers)

The only thing we haven't heard yet are how the NRA is going to use this to drum up gun sales.
How interesting. You think Toronto is in America.

Uhhh, it is.

If you take umbrage with that fact, get out your ouija board to talk to Amerigo. If you can't find yours, check the store behind your church.

Thanks for once again proving that you don't care about murder, or people dying.
Uhhh, it is.

If you take umbrage with that fact, get out your ouija board to talk to Amerigo. If you can't find yours, check the store behind your church.

Thanks for once again proving that you don't care about murder, or people dying.
I didn’t see a post from you offering thoughts and prayers for the victims or their families. In fact, you said that there were nine dead, and there were ten. Where’s your tribute to the tenth murder victim, hm?
I didn’t see a post from you offering thoughts and prayers for the victims or their families. In fact, you said that there were nine dead, and there were ten. Where’s your tribute to the tenth murder victim, hm?

Thoughts and prayers are worthless.

I've called for mental health care for all, upon demand, without apology.

Canada has work to do.

You still haven't provided a solution, and you've failed to care about murder, once again, because it didn't happen with a gun.

The waffle house shooter passed a universal background check, and he had a waiting period for all of his weapons.

You also claim you're not trying to ban the AR 15. So what is YOUR solution?