The Chinal Pearl Inn part 8

::Settling in with a basket of fish and chips to watch the game::

Okay, gentlemen. Let's see what you've got. :D
*hops from foot to foot*

*bites nails*

*tries to look harmless and nonchalant*
Unless Chris comes in, we may have to wait until tomorrow. I think CG is in bed now. He is an early to bed, early to rise kinda guy. :)
Man gets lost for a few days and there's already 4 pages? Holy guacamole

I like the new place but CG could you possibly PM Laurel and ask her to fix the typo in the title, I think I'll go crazy if I have to look at Chinal Inn for 5,000 posts. Otherwise so glad I found you all again.
Hiya Glad:rose:,

Looks like we are just missing each other today, I'm about to go offline for a couple of hours.

Please? I wanna play!
*hops from foot to foot*

*bites nails*

*tries to look harmless and nonchalant*

With a resigned sigh I hand Uggg three very sharp darts.

You may play but you must be very careful Uggg.

A worried look farrows my brow knowing that I now must let Chris as well have three sharp pointy darts as well.
Chris you must behave.........that is behave WELL!

With some trepidation I hand Chris three very sharp and pointy darts.
Chris you must behave.........that is behave WELL!

With some trepidation I hand Chris three very sharp and pointy darts.
I'll uh, you know....just stand back here... just encase, you know... anyone's holding a grudge. ;)
Perhaps a good time to regret all the wack a mole jokes?.
Chuckles as he stands and moves to the bar to fill a glass with water.


*Strikes a fencers pose*

lol Jokes! I'm gonna be good:D.


*Starts throwing darts in a responsible manner at the darts board and ignores all the other potential targets that present themselves*

*Feels very secretly chuffed that I gots trusted*

*Gives CG a spontaneous hug (Being careful with the darts at the same time :D)*



*Strikes a fencers pose*

lol Jokes! I'm gonna be good:D.


*Starts throwing darts in a responsible manner at the darts board and ignores all the other potential targets that present themselves*

*Feels very secretly chuffed that I gots trusted*

*Gives CG a spontaneous hug (Being careful with the darts at the same time :D)*

"Don't poke his eye out with the hug," chuckles.
"Hey look a bulls eye,"
I aim for the triple twenty, it's a higher score... If I hit a bulls eye it might look impressive but the truth is I'm way off the mark;) lol.
Found you!

This could be the shortest RnR we’ve ever had. We’re on standby for recall to base.

If we go to war can we use your darts CG?