Healthcare by Executive Order


Feb 27, 2017
Fucking what?

Instead, Trump now seems to be backing health insurance reforms pushed by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Paul, who opposed the Senate repeal bill, wants insurers to be allowed to sell policies across state lines and for people to be able to form groups to buy coverage.

"I believe President Trump can legalize on his own the ability of individuals to join a group or health association across state lines to buy insurance," Paul said on MSNBC Wednesday. "This would bring enormous leverage to bringing down prices. It would also bring protection to individuals who feel left out, hung out to dry, basically."

The concept of letting insurers sell policies in other states has been very popular among Republicans and much less popular among insurers, state regulators and consumer advocates. The basic idea is that insurers would be able to sell policies in multiple states but only have to adhere to the regulations of their home state. So an insurer from a lightly regulated state, where policies may offer skimpier benefits and lower premiums, could start marketing its plans in a highly regulated state, where premiums tend to be higher.

Yeah sure. Cuz EO's are so stable.

Christ on a cracker. He rails against EO's but here he is signing a ridiculous number of them and putting healthcare for the US at the whims and instabilities of an EO.

DACA anyone?
The orangutan has a lot of nerve pinching a loaf in his pants over athletes not standing for a damn song, proclaiming to be a Super patriot like the rest of his low rent trash base.

Yet, wants to deny millions of fellow Americans decent healthcare and allowing the inhabitants of a US territory to suffer.

As they say in Jamaica, come again?
That's an excellent idea.

Not surprised the snowflake has complaints about it for merely being Trump endorsed.
EO's are the only bullets Cheetolini has in his six-shooters. And even those are made of rubber.

Well considering the republicans had a conniption fit everytime Obama signed any EO (and he averaged less than an president since Cleveland) one would think they'd actually stick to their guns and continue with the same logic: that policy creation by EO isn't stable or appropriate, and bypasses the role of the legislature.

Now they're cheering it on.

It's telling.
Well considering the republicans had a conniption fit everytime Obama signed any EO (and he averaged less than an president since Cleveland) one would think they'd actually stick to their guns and continue with the same logic: that policy creation by EO isn't stable or appropriate, and bypasses the role of the legislature.

Now they're cheering it on.

It's telling.

On that I agree with them. DACA was bullshit. Congress needs to do it job. Same for doing away with the AUMF .

So yes I agree with you. They are hypocrites of the highest order!!

But what's this Health Care Bill all about?
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Rule of thumb: If its a trump idea, it's definitely a bad one.
Fixed for ya.

Except he has a GOP controlled Senate and House. :confused:
Over which he apparently has no clout. Pathetic.

I suspect a flurry of lawsuits will accompany any EO. Gosh, lawyers getting richer! Who could imagine?!?

Is this what the NFL diversion was supposed to cover? Or is worse coming?
Selling health insurance across state lines is already legal in some places, but insurance companies aren't doing it, and there has been no impact on costs.
I'm baffled why selling across state lines is/was illegal - capitalism champions?
No truth in your dribble. Only mindless hate.

Just go play in traffic and get it over with. Life is ass. You deserve a rest.
He never bragged about grabbing the pussy.

Close the garage door and rev up the motor. Get sleepy. Go to your happy place.

You know you want to.
Triples ^^^down on Nigger

Who talked Pussy

This is about EO, n DarkieKenyan n Pen n Phone
I'm baffled why selling across state lines is/was illegal - capitalism champions?

Actually there are many states that allow it. Healthcare is regulated at the state level. The insurance companies typically don't want to sell across state lines.

From the article:

Opponents, however, say that it would split the market so that healthier folks would flock to the skinnier plans, while the sick would stay in the more comprehensive plans, pushing up their rates even more. Or, sicker Americans would flock to the states that require insurers to provide more services, jacking up premiums there.

Also, it can be difficult for insurers to set up provider networks in multiple states.

One thing that makes selling across state lines less attractive is that the Affordable Care Act mandates all insurers nationwide cover an array of benefits. So there are fewer differences between the states these days.

It's questionable whether Trump could just wipe away state insurance rules with the stroke of a pen, experts say. Health insurance is regulated on the state level, according to federal law.