Any female gamers/geeks out there?

probably during legion, they merged them now more then they were at the beginning you couldnt go into any place but tanaris and be in a city with them without guards killing one or the other

Yep, that is what I am thinking final patch will merge them against a " new threat " lol
You think so? I can't imagine that lasting too long.

Well, at this point the game is 11 years old. We have seen and done just about everything. The only real story they have yet to explore is the much rumored / dreamed of " Emerald Dream " Expansion.

It would be interesting and bring some of the old school players back. :D
I tried to get into it , because I had friends that playted, but could never get into it. no story , lvling is too grindy, just ....ugh
You don't really play an MMO until endgame. So, if you have never raided or played PvP, then you don't understand the game.
You don't really play an MMO until endgame. So, if you have never raided or played PvP, then you don't understand the game.

Yep. I still believe BC was the best expansion. Great raiding, challenging but not annoying. WOTLK a close second. Cata was stupid easy. Pandaland... ugh.
Well, I only played until level 74. I was a Final Fantasy XIV: ARR player for 2 years. Ruined my life. >.<
You don't really play an MMO until endgame. So, if you have never raided or played PvP, then you don't understand the game.

I've played plenty of MMO's, it was not the game mechanics I did not like. It was the feel of the game I did not like. The graphics, the loot, etc. It seemed cartoony and silly. To each their own. I play LOTRO and love that game. I like Star Wars, GW2, and some other MMO's. I guess I don't know how you could make the comment I don't "understand" something when you don't know me.
I've played plenty of MMO's, it was not the game mechanics I did not like. It was the feel of the game I did not like. The graphics, the loot, etc. It seemed cartoony and silly. To each their own. I play LOTRO and love that game. I like Star Wars, GW2, and some other MMO's. I guess I don't know how you could make the comment I don't "understand" something when you don't know me.

Have you played the endgame of WoW? If you haven't, then you don't understand. If you have, then you understand. I'm sorry you misinterpreted the conditional statement that I made. :rolleyes:
Have you played the endgame of WoW? If you haven't, then you don't understand. If you have, then you understand. I'm sorry you misinterpreted the conditional statement that I made. :rolleyes:

I have not, and it's all good. That is the great thing, there are enough games that we can all find the one we love.
Lol I have, I even tried the last expansion and lvled that a;; the way, but , yeah, no real substance anymore
Is WoW still pretty active? I stopped playing mid-MoP. I got really busy with life and work and started playing on console more than PC. I definitely miss PvP and raiding! I've been playing LoL and the new CoD when I get some time :)
Am I the only one that never really got the appeal of WOW?

You're not the only one, I tried it 3x now. I doubt I'll ever get a max level in WoW, it's been out too long. I prefer to pick up a new mmo or at least within a few years of launch, then I usually stick with it until max level. Addicted to pvp and sometimes raiding if my life isn't too busy.

Took a gaming break this fall and now into Fallout for a bit.
Is WoW still pretty active? I stopped playing mid-MoP. I got really busy with life and work and started playing on console more than PC. I definitely miss PvP and raiding! I've been playing LoL and the new CoD when I get some time :)

No where near as active as it was. about 6 million playing at the moment. The new expac looks good so it should jump up again.
Have you played the endgame of WoW? If you haven't, then you don't understand. If you have, then you understand.

Thus proclaimeth the level-74 n00b. Did you raid Karazhan when it was current? I was main healer for Icecrown Citadel and downed the LK when he was current. My guild was 14/14 Ulduar. Eye of Eternity? Been there, done that, got the Azure Drake. Naxx? Which one? Pre-BC? Deathwing? In the words of the great philosopher Steve Urkel, no sweat, my pet. By this time, we were actually bored and started to look for another game we could get into as a family of players. So whip 'em out, 74--let's compare achieves.

I was a Final Fantasy XIV: ARR player for 2 years. Ruined my life. >.<

So you blame the game for your inability to balance your real-life responsibilities with a hobby you should have compartmentalized into your downtime? Oh, okay, then. [Insert Willy Wonka meme here.]

I'm sorry you misinterpreted the conditional statement that I made. :rolleyes:

Haven't been on WoW in a while. Those garrisons were so damn tedious. Star wars battlefront is where I've been at lately!