Confessions: What Are Yours?

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Ella, ICT one of these days you and I should get together for a drink. I think we'd get along.
ICT I really hate looking at professional porn star Stoya. She is one annoying, goofy smiling bitch.
Who the heck wants to look at her clown-like big toothy grins? Not me, I tell you.
ICT I got a pm from a man in a nearby state. The message title said "do you like presents".

IACT the message inside said "I should spoil you".

IFCT the message went unanswered. This is not the way to get my attention, or my affection. Anyone who thinks they buy either one is sadly mistaken.
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ICT I got a pm from a man in a nearby state. The message title said "do you like presents".

IACT the message inside said "I should spoil you".

IFCT the message went unanswered. This is not the way to get my attention, or my affection. Anyone who thinks they buy either one is sadly mistaken.

ICT you got hit by the marriage proposer
ICT today sucked. Had an awful day at work made some big mistakes, and had to face the consequences.

ICT being new at something sucks. Feeling very much thrown into the deep end without any kind of guidance. Apparently I'm supposed to just know what to do and how to do it. Very frustrating.

ICT none of that makes me any less thrilled to have employment again. Being unemployed sucked worse than being bad at my new job my first week ever could, lol. It's not a career, by any stretch, but income is income.
ICT I brought home more than the $77 from the casino

ICT I do miss the summer interns

ICT I love Yahoo Messenger :D
ICT I think I am falling for guy I'm seeing.

IACT it bothers me that my ex girlfriend (who I was engaged to) isn't speaking to me and I have no fucking idea why. I don't want to date her again, partially because of her irrational silence, but we were going to be friends because that's what we were before.

I am very happy with my current boy. And I feel bad that it bothers me-- like it's not fair to him or something.
ICT I think I am falling for guy I'm seeing.

IACT it bothers me that my ex girlfriend (who I was engaged to) isn't speaking to me and I have no fucking idea why. I don't want to date her again, partially because of her irrational silence, but we were going to be friends because that's what we were before.

I am very happy with my current boy. And I feel bad that it bothers me-- like it's not fair to him or something.

ICT I love your siggie lines. Each one a classic!

ICT taking the higher road has done a bit of good.

IACT the more I disclose, the more I am finding out about myself, pushing myself to the limit and not feeling like a failure.
ICT that I have had 4 nights camping with my wife
IFCT that night 2 we had fantastic anal sex
IACT I love, want and want her again and again and again
Ok, I'll bite. What is the trick to getting your attention?

ICT guys that send pm's saying hi, and being respectful get my attention.

IACT I'm getting sick and tired of being dragged into my gf's "musical chairs" love life. One week she is leaving her family for her new lover. The next she is back home. Today, she is home as her spouse's roomie, and is dating her new lover.

IFCT it is very hard to stay neutral and be a good friend, when I so disagree with what she is doing.
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