What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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What would you give it in?

I think the point went over your head.

It won't be nearly as funny if I have to explain, but here goes:

Goldnicks think having currency backed by gold would be a panacea. But gold has no intrinsic value. Just like seashells, glass beads and dollars, gold is only worth what someone else thinks it's worth. Therefore to value gold in some other fiat currency, is funny.

Being as neither gold nor dollars have any value on their own, I'd rather carry dollars because they aren't as heavy.
I think the point went over your head.

It won't be nearly as funny if I have to explain, but here goes:

Goldnicks think having currency backed by gold would be a panacea. But gold has no intrinsic value. Just like seashells, glass beads and dollars, gold is only worth what someone else thinks it's worth. Therefore to value gold in some other fiat currency, is funny.

Being as neither gold nor dollars have any value on their own, I'd rather carry dollars because they aren't as heavy.

We have to educate these yahoos, too.? I didn't sign up for that:cool:
I think the point went over your head.

It won't be nearly as funny if I have to explain, but here goes:

Goldnicks think having currency backed by gold would be a panacea. But gold has no intrinsic value. Just like seashells, glass beads and dollars, gold is only worth what someone else thinks it's worth. Therefore to value gold in some other fiat currency, is funny.

Being as neither gold nor dollars have any value on their own, I'd rather carry dollars because they aren't as heavy.

The USA has no gold so the point is moot.
They jailed Socialists not of their Party as to eliminate competition, but they were certainly not the right wing.

Oh fucking really, which party do you think the Strasser brothers, Ernst Röhm and many others who perished on the "Night of the Long Knives" were in then?

Hoffer, Peikoff, Hayek and Mises all trace and demonstrate this.

That’s a surprise isn’t it!

But, what do the likes of Shirer Speer, Fest, Bullock, Toland, Evans and Hobsbawn say then?

You know accredited historians and those that were actually there?




Not slanderous at all, demonstrably accurate.

Oh fucking really, which party do you think the Strasser brothers, Ernst Röhm and many others who perished on the "Night of the Long Knives" were in then?

That’s a surprise isn’t it!

But, what do the likes of Shirer Speer, Fest, Bullock, Toland, Evans and Hobsbawn say then?

You know accredited historians and those that were actually there?




Not slanderous at all, demonstrably accurate.


I am bookmarking this post in preparation for the next time the "Nazis were socialists! SOCIALISTS DAMMIT!" nutcases trot out their historical revisionism. Ish, Ellie, Vetty, and my pussy bitch AJ.

How awful.

I agree.
I am bookmarking this post in preparation for the next time the "Nazis were socialists! SOCIALISTS DAMMIT!" nutcases trot out their historical revisionism. Ish, Ellie, Vetty, and my pussy bitch AJ.

You are the one that's a little bitch:D

So expert when you going to explain monetary policy:confused:
It's hard talking to the uninformed. You have to re-invent the wheel at the onset of every conversation.

I think I offered before to compare degrees. The offer stands. Post a jpg of your degrees and I'll do the same. Then we can objectively determine who's uninformed.
Vet is right about are money not being backed with gold after 1913 but.....
after ww2 intel 1971 it was backed with gold again.
Look at the inflation that happened in the 70's
Up intel then the gap between the rich and middle class was not as great as it is today.
Look at what a house are car cost then.
Oh fucking really, which party do you think the Strasser brothers, Ernst Röhm and many others who perished on the "Night of the Long Knives" were in then?

That’s a surprise isn’t it!

But, what do the likes of Shirer Speer, Fest, Bullock, Toland, Evans and Hobsbawn say then?

You know accredited historians and those that were actually there?




Not slanderous at all, demonstrably accurate.


Any time a wingnut is shown to be wrong, they'll go slither under a rock for a while, and then re-appear spouting the same dis-proven bullshit a few months later, as if they were never shown to be wrong.

It never fails.
The United States Bullion Depository holds 4,577 metric tons of gold bullion. This is roughly 2.5% of all the gold ever refined throughout human history.

Me too.

do you obama supports have a new song that you sing to each other?

something like long live the welfare state?
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