So my nose has been bleeding a lot lately.. 3 days out of the week... often it's like I can smell the blood an hour before I get a bleeding nose... and that smell makes me want to pass out...
Your nose could be dry. Take some vaseline and line the inside of your nose. It'll seal in the moisture and that should prevent it. (No it's not a joke)
It could be any number of things. My father and I are prone to unprovoked nosebleeds when the weather is hot. I had a nosebleed that lasted nearly three hours a couple summers ago.
I have the same problem.. both in warm dry or cold dry weather.
More than likely your problem is the cold/dry weather. Get a humidifier for your room. NOT A COLD AIR ONE. They sell the hot vaporizers in most drug stores. I just recently bought one.. for $11 (US) at our localy owned drug store.. but I know WalMart has them also. If that isn't an option.. keep a kettle (tea pot works great) of boiling water on the stove. You can add a little menthol to the water (Vicks Vapor rub works good) to either of the above options.
The vasaline in the nose will work also.. but you really need moisture in the air to totally eliminate the problem.
Also.. to stop the nosebleed once it starts.. Pinch your nostrils together and leave your head at a normal position.
DO NOT PINCH THE UPPER (BRIDGE) OF YOUR NOSE AND DON'T TILT YOUR HEAD BACK. Tilting your head back will cause the blood to go down your throat and possibly into your lungs. Also.. excessive blood in your tummy will cause you to throw up. You think the nosebleeds are bad?