You're single; What do you miss least about being married?


aʒɑ̃ prɔvɔkatœr
Dec 3, 2009
I don't at all miss the way my literal pocket change got frittered away. You make little choices throughout the day that save a few cents here or there. To do without, to put something back, to get the smaller size.

When it is time to do the ardous chore of rolling your change, it is dis-heartening to do all that work for a few rolls of pennies nickels in a few dimes. Looking at the distribution of change you would assume that all of my purchases ended in 76 to 99 cents.

Only a math geek would appreciate the fact that leaves out over three quarters of the possible combinations of change.

These days I love to see the sparkle of quarters on the nightstand. I roll them up recently it represented a couple of months worth of quarters keeping in mind that I used plenty of them for car washes, sodas and whatnot. It came to $70.

That works out to well over 400 dollars a year that would have been handy when I want to buy a soda, get air for tire, or maybe for those times you're so broke it take a handful of quarters in to get gas to get where you're going.

I realize it seems petty, small, and cheap.

I was a very young man making extreme sacrifices in my early 20's to be a homeowner.

Not everyone is comfortable with scrimping; some people feel better about life when they can spend freely.

My advice to people thinking about compatibility is a look at how you save and how you spend it is critical to your future.
You're single; what do you miss most about being married?

For me it's the roadtrips. I had always heard that if you can travel together it's a really good sign for a relationship longevity. I guess the point being if you can stand each other in enclosed spaces with very few physical possessions around you it's probably a good thing.

We made it a week shy for two decades so there might be something to that.

Last week she took the youngest with her camping with her new guy they cut their kids are working or didn't want to go, I feel they missed out...this week I took the two non- working youngest 90 miles south through the Desert Sun or in desert on the road I hadn't taken before.

Going to go a funky, artsy hippy street of little independent merchants tomorrow.

Just seems weird not to all be together.
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My Ex was and still is a very hands off parent so my kids never had that experience.
What I do miss on rare occasions is waking up to someone in the same bed, the early morning half asleep caresses and what they lead to.

I don't miss him in the least, never looked back, never wanted one last time in bed with him. When I left I was done 6 months beforehand.

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My Ex was and still is a very hands off parent so my kids never had that experience.
What I do miss on rare occasions is waking up to someone in the same bed, the early morning half asleep caresses and what they lead to.

I don't miss him in the least, never looked back, never wanted one last time in bed with him. When I left I was done 6 months beforehand.


I don't think that's at all I'm coming from what I understand of women. Which is little I admit.

I have heard and it seems to be true that women tend to mourn the loss of the relationship while they're still in it. Weather happy with the relationship or not, and seemingly even when they are the one to initiate a break up men tend to see the consequences after.
What do I miss the least - that's easy.
I miss sex the least. He was a pathetic fuck who couldn't sustain an erection, he refused to respond to sexually suggestive text messages, and would complain about my I miss sex the least.