You're really enjoying yourself

Actually.. I'm bored! I'm thinking I'll go to yahoo and kick my ex husbands ass at Graffiti
I'm intensely tired. But I've got my sweet kittycat on my lap and a dear friend on Yahoo. So yeah, I'm enjoying myself. Thanks for asking. How about you?
Nora said:
I'm intensely tired. But I've got my sweet kittycat on my lap and a dear friend on Yahoo. So yeah, I'm enjoying myself. Thanks for asking. How about you?

Such a lovely visual of you playing with your pussy.

I have a constant supply of reese cups.
Well since you got a boobie av, yes. I'm getting eye candy I can share a little.
Ok-- I have to think of a title for myself. I like Decadent Goddess and Caffeine Fiend- its too late at night and I can't spell- any votes?
HeavyStick said:
ty silverlily :)

freaky you've been beating up on people all day.

I get in one of these moods on occasion. I'll be back to my cute quiet self tomorrow :)
freakygurl said:
I get in one of these moods on occasion. I'll be back to my cute quiet self tomorrow :)

Someone you're stalking is rubbing off on you.
HeavyStick said:
Such a lovely visual of you playing with your pussy.

I have a constant supply of reese cups.

Reese's are our friends. I like to nibble off all the chocolate first, then eat the peanut buttery insides. It's just about the only peanut buttery thing I like.
Oh yeah. Having a ball. This is about as much fun as I can stand. If I have any more, I'll simply burst from enjoyment.


Damn, even the keyboard's having a better evening than I am.
