Your Weekly Dose of Nancy Pelosi Madness


Jan 23, 2011
Your Weekly Dose of Nancy Pelosi Madness

DumOH! leadershit at its finest

Madame Pelosi, who is worth millions of dollars and could easily pay for her own travel, says she can’t visit the troops on Mother’s Day and it’s all the sequestration’s fault.

PELOSI: Every year for the past few years, on Mother’s Day, I’ve gone–I’ve taken a delegation–into Afghanistan or Iraq, we’re alternating now, now Afghanistan–for Mother’s Day to say thank you to our moms and, by the way, our grandmothers, who are serving there. Some young grandmothers. But, nonetheless, grandmothers. To also thank all of our troops for what they do to protect America’s families. I won’t be going this particular weekend because we don’t have–you know, under sequestration, we don’t have codels.

Madame Pelosi made the remarks at her weekly press comedy stand up hit/press briefing.

It’s unlikely that any of the troops are heartbroken over her absence.

Today we get a double shot of Botox on the brain. Pelosi also wants the world to know that she thinks the Gosnell trial is “really disgusting.” But:

“When we talk about reproductive health for women, that’s not what we’re talking about,” [Pelosi said]. Except that it is: The difference between what Gosnell did and what late-term abortionists idolized by the left do is a matter of about 10 minutes and 10 inches between the inside and outside of a womb. Not surprisingly, he received referrals from mainstream clinics.
The troops breathe a sigh of relief.

No one ever lets the pols know how much chicken-shit they unleash with their Bob Hope junkets.

I recall one such visit. We were assembled at the base theater to listen to the wit and wisdom of Melvin Laird; when he was done the commander of 16th Air Force whisked Laird away for a little quality time with the peasants. My detachment was their target.

Well! It just so happened that our site was maybe a quarter mile from the theater, as AF generals fly, but several miles away as peasants travel. That is, we couldn't cut across the runways like Laird's general did, we took a deuce and a half 2 miles up one runway, then 2 miles down another runway, and further, to the site which was located by the civilian airport. Call it 5 miles. The road crossed a taxiway and we had to wait for a green light from the tower, too.

Laird and the general were waiting for us, and unhappy about the wait. Our detachment captain got chewed and saddled us peasants with weekend duty for our insensitive dawdling. He was in no mood to listen to our protest that he was riding up front with the motor pool driver.
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Pelosi also wants the world to know that she thinks the Gosnell trial is “really disgusting.” But:

“When we talk about reproductive health for women, that’s not what we’re talking about,” [Pelosi said]. Except that it is: The difference between what Gosnell did and what late-term abortionists idolized by the left do is a matter of about 10 minutes and 10 inches between the inside and outside of a womb. Not surprisingly, he received referrals from mainstream clinics.
I plan to remember that you posted this.