Generally I leave it blank. I've never written a story for CHYOO, but I find that the literary work is always best when it's left completely to the author's hands.
Then again my favorite subject in CHYOO is mind control so you can imagine just how much of a submissive I am.
Leaving it blank would seem to make sense if the author, in fact, had any influence over the "default" name to fill in.
I thought that if you left it blank, {FIRST_NAME} {LAST_NAME} always showed up as Pat Smith.
Maybe having the author choose what the first and last names should be in an immersive story is a feature we should suggest to Chyoo? Unless Chyoo has it already, since I haven't tried building an immersive story.
No, it pops up Pat Smith everytime. I just thought it was some popular name here like Ron Jeremy. :lol:
I don't think being able to customize a default name is available in Chyoo, but it really should be. I think it would make the stories that much better. But I don't mind being Pat Smith either. He's obviously the luckiest man on earth. Who wouldn't wanna be this guy?
I think the name Pat Smith is designed because it can be either a male or a female name. So if the main character is a male it fits... likewise for a female.
The real problem I have with the immersive stories, is that you are not told what gender the "main character" is prior to getting into the story...
I have to laugh about Pat Smith being the luckiest man on earth, that is classic! Also my take on the author being able to set the name different than Pat Smith... it's called not including the Enter Name option.
With my Chyoo experience usually the main character that you enter a name for is a male. And then half the time the name you enter never shows up in the story because the author never knew the code or how it worked.
I have a story waiting for aproval, I have a feeling it won't be too popular considering the fact that it is a non-erotic story. However chances are I will include sex of some sort. The story is called Assassin's Delight. And in the story you are an assassin and are paid to hurt or kill annoying celebrities. You're all thinking of one now aren't ya? Maybe Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake? maybe the whole Backdoor boys group. The story will hopefully be aproved in a week or so. But why it is significant is this...
On the first page it gives an intro then the first set of options are please select the gender of the character FIRST & LAST name you entered before reading the story. That way if you enter a guys name you don't end up with boobs. And if you entered a girl's name you don't end up with a big, hard throbing erection... well I hope you don't. lol.
i either don't bother or just put in my name. I find often contributors don't remember the story is interactive anyway. NiceguyTim reminded me (I think) when i contributed once to his story and I think thats probably the key, that the editor makes sure it is kept up.