Younger Women (18+) Who Fuck Older Men (40+)


Really Experienced
Jan 6, 2003
Here's the question:

Ladies: When you were younger (18-24), did you ever have a yen to try a man old enough to be your father (40+)? Anyone actually do it? If so, what was your motivation?

(Just curious...happily married and not looking for tips on picking up young chicks. Mainly wanting to know if anyone did it out of curiosity, etc. or imagined it)
I am almost 40, and more than 3/4 the women I have dated have been 10-15 yrs younger than me. Why do younger women like older men? Here is my opinion in a nutshell.

1) Younger women like older men because they have shown responsibility, they don't act in infantile ways, and have a direction in life. They are focused, and not as afraid of commitment because they have discovered their niche.

2)They have a job, they don't go out every weekend drinking, sex is more about a relationship than getting laid, they are steadfast, and ready to settle down.

3)Age isn't the key issue after say 26, it is about emotional maturity, being steady, and consistant.

4)They have more varied interests, they are deeper in various topics, the school of hard knocks have shown them a thing or two, and they are more accepting of physical appearances.

5) They treat them with respect, they show they care, and old fashioned manners(ie treat her like a lady). They can take them to fancy dinners, to the theatre verses the movies, and talk about important things instead of sports, cars, and videogames.

6) These are just some qualities they may find attractive, everyone is different. Some women may even see it as a boy thing verses say a man thing. Sometimes there is a big difference.

These don't apply to everyone, and yes of course assumptions may very from person to person. Typically though, in my opinion this may be the appeal.

Will it work? Depends on the person, in my experience though, it isn't the age gap that is the problem but the different stages in life. A younger woman is naive, she is still exploring, she needs to experience alot, sometimes she would give up too much to settle down at this early stage. That is what I have found as to the biggest issue, that and an inability to commuicate emotional issues effectively. Seems they want this openness, but when they get it, they don't know what to do with it.

This is a great topic, keep the discussion going.....

rounder03 said:
Here's the question:

Ladies: When you were younger (18-24), did you ever have a yen to try a man old enough to be your father (40+)? Anyone actually do it? If so, what was your motivation?

(Just curious...happily married and not looking for tips on picking up young chicks. Mainly wanting to know if anyone did it out of curiosity, etc. or imagined it)

Could it be the house, the pool, the platinum cards, travel, theater, fine dining, shopping till she drops ... and not having to get up and go to work???
I think you pretty much covered it ridddder. To sum it up though, you have fewer games being played with an older man.

For myself (29) I've been with men who were a few years younger, and men - one being 30 years older.

I look back on each and everyone of those relationships and see that the ones with the younger man failed to last for any amount of time.

This is only in my own experiences.
I've dated younger and older women.

Age doesn't matter as much as a cute bum.

Re: Re: Younger Women (18+) Who Fuck Older Men (40+)

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Could it be the house, the pool, the platinum cards, travel, theater, fine dining, shopping till she drops ... and not having to get up and go to work???

Ummm not likely! At least not for me. However the big insurance policy and heart condition are bonusses! :D (j/k)

Wow, unless I am reading this improperly, that was a pretty bitter statement, CBC.

What it is likely to be is just what I said, I liked him and I have liked any man I have ever been with no matter the age. Most of them have been older by ten or even 20 years.

Ummm now that sounds like I have a collection...oh well!

Is it possible that experience as a by product of age gives older men some of the characteristics that women find desirable?

I think so.

Then, I have met some real assholes who were older as well.
Well, I was once in a relationship with an older guy (21/39). It was not good. Looking back on it, I can see that I got into the relationship for all the wrong reasons (my own insecurity, some then-unresolved issues with prior sexual abuse). He also had some serious issues and was looking for someone he could have more control over and to whom he could feel superior. It got very ugly at the end, when I started to get therapy, get control over my own life, and really discovered who I was. He freaked and started to become violent.

However, I can look at this and see that that was just my situation, and I wouldn't presume to make a judgement about any two other people who decide to enter a relationship in which there is a large gap.
Upon further thought

while I wouldn't chose to be with an older man for financial reasons, that the stress of obtaining financial security isn't as likely to enter into a relationship is a positive.

No, I don't want to see your check book before dating and have dated older men who were in a financial flux, job changes, nasty ass divorces and that sort of thing, but financial stability and employment are assets to any relationship.
rounder03 said:
Here's the question:

Ladies: When you were younger (18-24), did you ever have a yen to try a man old enough to be your father (40+)? Anyone actually do it? If so, what was your motivation?

When I was that age I dated a few men in the (35-40) range. Not fucked but went out with them. They were great conversationalists and enjoyed doing many of the things I liked going to art galleries, fantastic restaurants, plays, etc. Guys my age rarely even thought of those activities. They were also extremely respectful and thoughtful compared to the insensitivity I'd been around in my own age bracket.
From Purr

Possibly for some, but I think it is more that (MOST older men, not all) have already played the field, gained education about how to please women sexually, GROWN UP, and learned manners.

I have dated wealthy younger men who were just plain lacking in the above. I have dated older men who were just scraping by to make ends meet. The older, poorer men were much more gentlemanly than the yuppies.

Gentlemen, if you are sincere, have good manners, and know how to treat a lady age is not a concern. Its not just about the size of your dick or wallet, it's about the size of your mind and heart.

I am attracted to older men. Appearance wise, they tend to avoid dressing like a frat boy or a poser gangsta. They tend to be found sipping coffee or a martini with a newspaper rather than guzzling bud lite and making stupid loud jackasses of themselves at bars.

They let their eyes wander rather than their hands at first. They think more than they react. They often have a spark in their eyes which conveys intelligence and wit,kindness and desire.

Men "desire", boys just "want".

Nothing is uglier than selfishness, petulance, bad manners and rutting behavior. These traits are less likely seen in older gentlemen.

And best of all, when they come, they have a delicious look of gratitude in their eyes. ;)

I've never dated or liked anyone based on the balance of their savings and checking account. How much they had in IRA's, stocks and bonds or CD's.

That doesn't mean I want someone who never works.. young or old. Just that the material possessions isn't a factor. I am sure however that this does happen. *shrug*

Now even though in my past experience of having been with older and younger men, that doesn't mean that I would turn down a wonderfully sweet man simply because he was younger than I.
To all those women who have dated older men...what did your girlfriends think?
I’ve always preferred older men. When I was 5 my first crush was on a 10 year old boy. People always tease me because I’ll think a guy my age is to young for me to date, but ridddder
did cover most of it. Except for the maturity thing. Men, no matter what age, all basically stop maturing after say 12 or 13. I just can’t take the games most younger guys seem to think need to be played. Though this last guy I was seeing seemed to like play games himself, but he’s the exception I’ve noticed. Money never really plays in to it if I want something I’ve got two hands, a brain, and a strong back I can get my own damned things.

edited to add answer to new question.

What do others think? I could care less.
Hey ladies! I'm 26 and everything you want in an older gentleman. Try me...I'll show you that there are exceptions to the rules.:rose:

To clarify an earlier question: When I asked what your girlfriends thought, I just wondered if anyone said it was creepy (sleeping with someone old enough to be your dad). Didn't mean that it necessarily bothered you, just wondered if your peers supported/showed disapproval of your choices. Hope that clears it up.
Re: Re: Re: Younger Women (18+) Who Fuck Older Men (40+)

MissTaken said:
Ummm not likely! At least not for me. However the big insurance policy and heart condition are bonusses! :D (j/k)

Wow, unless I am reading this improperly, that was a pretty bitter statement, CBC...

I didn't intend it to sound bitter at all. It merely reflects reality. IMPE, as a man becomes more successful, which is usually a function of his age, more and more attractive young women become available. That's great for us guys, because chances are that by the time one is ready for his second wife, he'll be able to gain the affections of a young nubile hottie, who is at least a decade or so his junior. And that's a good thing.

Who's CBC? Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (channel 9 in Windsor, Ontario/Detroit, MI)
rounder03 said:
Ladies: When you were younger (18-24), did you ever have a yen to try a man old enough to be your father (40+)? Anyone actually do it? If so, what was your motivation?
I've never had the yen to try an older man. When I was 18, I slept with a 26 year old guy, but that's the biggest age difference thus far. And I didn't want a relationship with him; his physique made me quiver and I just wanted a taste.

When I was in that age range, I had 40+ men hit on me, and quite frankly, it creeped me out. They were hitting on me solely because of my youthful appearance, and that struck me as extraordinarily immature and insecure. I know there are plenty of men in that age range that exhibit all of the qualities that I look for in a man, but I prefer men in my age range. I chose a partner that will experience life with me, instead of one that will most likely die decades before me.
J.B. said:
I’ve always preferred older men. When I was 5 my first crush was on a 10 year old boy. People always tease me because I’ll think a guy my age is to young for me to date, but ridddder
did cover most of it. Except for the maturity thing. Men, no matter what age, all basically stop maturing after say 12 or 13. I just can’t take the games most younger guys seem to think need to be played. Though this last guy I was seeing seemed to like play games himself, but he’s the exception I’ve noticed. Money never really plays in to it if I want something I’ve got two hands, a brain, and a strong back I can get my own damned things.

edited to add answer to new question.

What do others think? I could care less.

I so like you.
I was 19 he was 35.

Explosive sex, good conversation etc etc. Intense opposition from my parents!!!! :mad:

Oh well, fun while it lasted.
I knew a man once who was from an Island in the So. Pacific. It was the culture there that a man was not "old enough" to get married until he was 35. By that time, he could demonstrate to the tribal elders, and a girls father, that he had the skills to provide for his family. Divorce was rare. Guess that's what some of the ladies here have stated.