You think you're having a shitty day?


Nov 9, 2000
Woman rescued after falling in toilet trying to get phone

QUILCENE — A woman who accidentally dropped her cellphone into the hole of an outhouse in the Olympic National Forest and fell in while trying to retrieve it had to be rescued by firefighters.

Brinnon Fire Department Chief Tim Manly said the woman, who was at the top of Mount Walker, had been using her phone when it fell into the toilet on Tuesday.

Manly said she disassembled the toilet seat and used dog leashes to try and get the phone and eventually used the leashes to tie herself off as she reached for it. That effort failed and she fell into the toilet headfirst.

“They didn’t work very well and in she went,” Manly said.
(more in link)

Mine is more metaphorical ...I gotta decide if I want to put drops in my eyes for the rest of my life or get a laser treatment every 2 years instead for glaucoma, on top of a fractured L-5, osteo-chondritis in both shoulders, sciatica on left side of body, residuals from a broken leg, a rebuilt ankle, carpal tunnel in both wrists (thanks to my wife), psycho-homicidal tendencies with socio-pathic leanings...

But yeah, I think she might have had it a bit worse than myself.