You People Aren't Following The Rules!


A ghost from your dreams
Apr 17, 2002
We like it when new people follow the rules. We have our share of trolls and we have ways of dealing with them. But as newbies, we expect more from you. We expect you to follow the forum rules.

We don't ask too much. Our rules aren't too difficult to follow. We don't want your blood and we won't take your first born male child. But, if you continue to be a shithead, it will piss people off.

If you want to be friendly, you will read the sticky at the top of this forum as well as the one at the top of the main Talk forum. I'll even give you a link to them. The one at the top of this forum (the cafe) mentions a few rules for this forum. It's called "Welcome to the BDSM Cafe". The one at the top of the Main BDSM Talk forum is called "Welcome To The BDSM Talk Forum". There are a few rules as well as some other interesting information that you might find worth reading in relation to that forum.

One rule is where a thread should be started. If you've had a thread moved from the Talk forum to the cafe, or another forum, maybe you should take the time to read this sticky in the Talk forum, so you'll know why your thread was moved. The mods don't move threads just for fun.

We want serious threads about BDSM to be posted in the main Talk Forum. That is where somebody can ask questions or maybe post experiences and expect serious replies, with a minimum of stupidity. It can be difficult for someone to open up about their private lives and they should be able to expect sincere communication from experienced people and not a bunch of fluff to filter through.

So, any thread that doesn't follow that vein should be here, in the cafe, where we all like to have fun. Threads here don't have to be serious and they don't have to be related to BDSM. Of course, we try to make the topic at least interesting to others. It's sad to see a thread slip to the 2nd page because nobody found it interesting.

You want to be interesting, right? You want to be liked? You want to be socially accepted? Then, I suggest you follow the link I've provided and READ THE RULES. OK?

Take it easy, folks. I like to sound mean and devious, but it's mostly smoke and mirrors.
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I really appreciate this. Noticed lately that a lot of things are showing up in the "Talk" forum that should be in the "Cafe" or not in the BDSM forum at all.
Should this really be in Talk? Since it is in Talk does that mean I have to be serious? :D

Good post, though I will add an encouragement for newbies and lurkers to post comments. This crowd can be a little intimidating at first but we are a lovable bunch. Added bonus is that after you are here a while they overlook your grammatical errors and typos.
Great post, although I'm not sure I'll ever be socially accepted. :eek:
Listen here, Male Master of the BDSM fourms!

Quit judging newbies! I'm actually not a newbie. I've been reading stuff on here sense I was 18 years old. I had to re-new my account several times for personal reasons. I try not to write to much or read every response because people write, and write, and write constantly. I'm a get to the point kind of cunt. Not to be rude, or troll as people call it, but I do have a real life; I gotta worry about too.

I'm almost 28 now, and so far, I haven't seen much trolling lately of any kind. Because real people, do not have the time to read EVERY single persons response. What I generally do, is I cruise through different discussions. And I respond when I feel like it.

I can understand if someone writes about jerking off and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. But I think your going a little over-board with the drinking there old man.

Listen here, Male Master of the BDSM fourms!

Quit judging newbies! I'm actually not a newbie. I've been reading stuff on here sense I was 18 years old. I had to re-new my account several times for personal reasons. I try not to write to much or read every response because people write, and write, and write constantly. I'm a get to the point kind of cunt. Not to be rude, or troll as people call it, but I do have a real life; I gotta worry about too.

I'm almost 28 now, and so far, I haven't seen much trolling lately of any kind. Because real people, do not have the time to read EVERY single persons response. What I generally do, is I cruise through different discussions. And I respond when I feel like it.

I can understand if someone writes about jerking off and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. But I think your going a little over-board with the drinking there old man.

Hey, if I wasn't old, I would resent being called an old man! But I am old. And from your description of how you post, that's probably the way many people here do it. You are not unique. But, being just a kid of 28, I'm much wiser than you (age has it's benefits), and know that you will eventually fall into the same "hey you kids, get off my grass" some day. It's coming for us all. I'm sure you have some time left, but you will eventually have to suck it up like everybody else.

Why are my posts sometimes long? I can type very fast. It comes from being old and wise and from typing for a very long time. Read my posts or not, that's your choice. Just be nice in the forums and follow the rules. :cool:
Should this really be in Talk? Since it is in Talk does that mean I have to be serious? :D

Good post, though I will add an encouragement for newbies and lurkers to post comments. This crowd can be a little intimidating at first but we are a lovable bunch. Added bonus is that after you are here a while they overlook your grammatical errors and typos.
It's a kind of catch 22, isn't it. In fact, just me replying to your post could be offending some regular right this instant. Do as I say, not as I do. ;)
Threads like this make it really really hard for me to be serious in the serious thread.

iwillbegoodiwillbegoodiwillbegood .... :devil:
If you think I'm out of line tell me, so I can ignore yu and keep doing what I was doing to annoy you ;). :cattail:
If you think I'm out of line tell me, so I can ignore yu and keep doing what I was doing to annoy you ;). :cattail:
You talking to me?

You talking to me?

Quietly adding one more to the watch list.:rolleyes:

Breaking the Rules

We like it when new people follow the rules. We have our share of trolls and we have ways of dealing with them. But as newbies, we expect more from you. We expect you to follow the forum rules.

We don't ask too much. Our rules aren't too difficult to follow. We don't want your blood and we won't take your first born male child. But, if you continue to be a shithead, it will piss people off.

If you want to be friendly, you will read the sticky at the top of this forum. Here, I'll even give you a link to it. It's called "Welcome To The BDSM Talk Forum" and it has the few rules as well as some other interesting information that you might find worth reading.

One rule is where a thread should be started. If you've had a thread moved to the cafe or some other forum, maybe you should take the time to read this sticky, so you'll know why your thread was moved. The mods don't move threads just for fun.

We want serious threads about BDSM to be posted in this, the main Talk Forum. This is where somebody can ask questions or maybe post experiences and expect serious replies, with a minimum of stupidity. It can be difficult for someone to open up about their private lives and they should be able to expect sincere communication from experienced people and not a bunch of fluff to filter through.

So, any thread that doesn't follow that vein should be in the cafe, where we all like to have fun. Threads there don't have to be serious and they don't have to be related to BDSM. Of course, we try to make the topic at least interesting to others. It's sad to see a thread slip to the 2nd page because nobody found it interesting.

You want to be interesting, right? You want to be liked? You want to be socially accepted? Then, I suggest you follow the link I've provided and READ THE RULES. OK?

My apologies, I shall endeavor to not repeat My mistake.

Serious inquiries and advice are in BDSM Talk.
Frivolous and funny in BDSM Cafe.
My apologies, I shall endeavor to not repeat My mistake.

Serious inquiries and advice are in BDSM Talk.
Frivolous and funny in BDSM Cafe.

And quit resurrecting old threads, would you please? It's not unreasonable to continue a thread on a common topic, but when it's an individual's question, asked and answered in, say, 2002, that's rather pointless. :rolleyes:
Old threads?

And quit resurrecting old threads, would you please? It's not unreasonable to continue a thread on a common topic, but when it's an individual's question, asked and answered in, say, 2002, that's rather pointless. :rolleyes:

How do I know what is an old thread?
Hey, if I wasn't old, I would resent being called an old man! But I am old. And from your description of how you post, that's probably the way many people here do it. You are not unique. But, being just a kid of 28, I'm much wiser than you (age has it's benefits), and know that you will eventually fall into the same "hey you kids, get off my grass" some day. It's coming for us all. I'm sure you have some time left, but you will eventually have to suck it up like everybody else.

Why are my posts sometimes long? I can type very fast. It comes from being old and wise and from typing for a very long time. Read my posts or not, that's your choice. Just be nice in the forums and follow the rules. :cool:

You are not unique either, fuck wad. Age means nothing, when it comes to living your life. You don't know me, and I don't know you, but all I know is that people come here to enjoy themselves, and check things out. You don't have to be 50 years old, for people to hear what you have to say, about a topic.

You don't own literotica, this is a place for people to come and enjoy the topics being discussed. I know some people your age. That get mad and jealous of me, because I've had more dates off dating sites by NOT posting photographs and protecting myself, by sending pictures through my phone. How is it that my 45 year old roommate also dates guys off dating sites, but she puts all her pictures up? Isn't she supposed to have more common sense, based on her age?

;) The world may never know, so next time you write, make sure it grabs the readers attention. I read like four sentences of you writing, and suddenly my pussy got really dry.

PS: I type fast too, 70WPM, I just graduated college, with my administrative assistance, certificate. So the next time you want to judge someone, try judging yourself. My grammar is still a little bit fucked, but atleast I try.
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DVS may not be unique but he's certainly due a little more courtesy. He is one of several experienced posters on this forum who go out of their way to be welcoming and helpful to people old and new who seek advice and support, and give generously of their time in doing so.
If he was, he wouldn't have created this thread in the first place.

;) I'm not judging the guy, but when you single certain people out, and you tell them, "You are not unique!" That isn't very mature. Why should I behave myself around him?

;) I may be a bitch, but I stood up for myself.
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Sorry to disappoint but I don't fight
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How do I know what is an old thread?

See the blue bar above each post? Look over on the left side of the bar. It has the date and time of the post. Every post has it.

Also, on the page that lists the threads there is a column, third in from the right, that shows when the last post was made and by whom. It depends on the board activity, but generally if you go more than 5-10 pages back you're in the weeds.

If you search the boards by keyword, you'll still get the blue bar above the post/subject.

PS: I type fast too, 70WPM, I just graduated college, with my administrative assistance, certificate. So the next time you want to judge someone, try judging yourself. My grammar is still a little bit fucked, but atleast I try.

Don't worry, sweetie, you'll get faster with some real-world practice.
I haven't seen much trolling lately of any kind.
Really? I have. But it's always from folks with a high post count and join dates that are a couple of years old.

And quit resurrecting old threads, would you please? It's not unreasonable to continue a thread on a common topic, but when it's an individual's question, asked and answered in, say, 2002, that's rather pointless. :rolleyes:
old is kind of relative. I've seen a lot of threads started here only to have some jackass thinking that their post count makes them the forum police get on and say something about how there's already a thread on that subject...
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