You MUST Time Travel To A Previous Generation and Stay There, Marry, etc - What Do You Choose?


Really Experienced
Feb 13, 2015
Something is happening to your time-space continuum. You can escape by picking anytime in them past but it must be at least a generation before you were born or more.

I'd definitely choose to go back to my Mom's generation and pull an all out back-to-the-future and see if I could use all my insider knowledge to marry my Mom. It's the closest I could get to current technology and life's convenience, I'd be able to get ahead with my knowledge of the future, and live out one of my favorite incestuous fantasies ever.
Do we get to pick who we are?

I mean, I’d go back to the Industrial Revolution as a robber Baron, but not so excited about being an immigrant.
To stay... I'd have to say.. 1965.
I think would be a great year💜☮️
Strangely enough people chose pretty recent timelines. I'd love to see what secuality in ancient greece looked like! Just sayin!
I chose the 70s because of the fact that we had to stay there. If it were temporary, I'd have gone much further back.
I would like to go back to the 1770"s I guess...

I did a historical novel from that era and my research was mind-blowing. One out of four brides were with child when they married, sex was much, much more prevalent than people first assume. Mistresses were not just tolerated by a wife, but expected. Prostitution was incredibly common...

Oh, and lobbing musket balls at the Redcoats and being part of the birth of a nation would be pretty cool. My forefathers wrote books about being in the rebel army and it was pretty epic. I would probably wish I had my modern rifles instead of a flint-lock, but what the heck...
1950s to see that it was neither as bad nor as good as so many people say.

But actually the 70s.
1940's, absent that unpleasantness called WWII.

(I won't go into the reasoning because I'm pretty sure it would not be welcomed by many. It's reactionary.)
Tough one. If I could change a few things, I'd have to say the Roaring Twenties. I'd need to change a few things because otherwise, I'd be dead by my 33rd birthday. I'm alive because of the advances in modern medicine and even twenty-five years might have been too far back.
I would choose the time when Neanderthals and early Homo Sapiens were alive and fighting and fucking. Every man for himself and God against all. A lot like modern times actually but with no social media. You had to club the fucking guy living in the next cave from you and then take his woman and kill all his children.
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I was born in this century but so many of my friends were from the 60's and 70's I'd love to go there. Can we meet folks we know now back there?