You men and your tools...


Literotica Guru
Dec 27, 2001
How do you and your partner play with the tools in your toolbox?

Yes, I do mean that toolbox. Filled with wrenches and clamps and nails and a hammer and all those things that make men, well...MEN.

How can you use that toolbox as a sexual treasure chest? :D

Curious minds want to know...

sheath said:
How do you and your partner play with the tools in your toolbox?

Yes, I do mean that toolbox. Filled with wrenches and clamps and nails and a hammer and all those things that make men, well...MEN.

How can you use that toolbox as a sexual treasure chest? :D

Curious minds want to know...


Screwdriver handles make cool toys. Lots of different sizes, too.
Sheath, its funny you should bring this up. I was just hinking of a thread over on the BDSM board back in October or so; on making your own toys at home and someone gave a link to a site that had all sorts of wonderful add ons :)p) to every day household tools. I lost the site when I deleted that particular screen name and having't been able to find it since. :(

Anyway, good topic Sheath! Hope to see some interesting replies! :D

-kym- getting out my cordless drill and looking at it longingly :devil:
sheath said:
How do you and your partner play with the tools in your toolbox?

Yes, I do mean that toolbox. Filled with wrenches and clamps and nails and a hammer and all those things that make men, well...MEN.

How can you use that toolbox as a sexual treasure chest? :D

Curious minds want to know...


My suggestion off the top of my head is to avoid the X-acto knife, the needlenose pliers, and the wire clippers. I have trouble visualizing how those could be pleasant sexual accessories, unless you're Joseph Mengele.

Re: Re: You men and your tools...

RomanHans said:
My suggestion off the top of my head is to avoid the X-acto knife, the needlenose pliers, and the wire clippers. I have trouble visualizing how those could be pleasant sexual accessories, unless you're Joseph Mengele.


If I may add the staple gun too? :eek: Don't wish to have any holes in the skin, thank you very much!

-kym- Put down the staple gun and slowly back away! :p
Re: Re: You men and your tools...

RomanHans said:
My suggestion off the top of my head is to avoid the X-acto knife, the needlenose pliers, and the wire clippers. I have trouble visualizing how those could be pleasant sexual accessories, unless you're Joseph Mengele.


I'm thinking those needlenose pliers might be quite a lot of fun! Damn, I am a perv!
Aahhh... the feeler gauge, measures your gap! :)
PinkOrchid said:
Once you deside what to use, put the tools in a toolbelt, and show up wearing nothing but the toolbelt and some work boots. :D

If I can get my camera back, I'll take some pictures and show you what this looks like ;)

Now that's hot.
I am so enjoying those responses. :)

I'm wondering...

Anybody know what to do with one of those circular clamps? I wonder if that would make a good cock ring.

And those needlenose pliers look pretty good to me, Chele! :D

My next thread will be on kitchen items, get ready. ;)

Not many tools but I know this.

sheath said:
I am so enjoying those responses. :)

I'm wondering...

Anybody know what to do with one of those circular clamps? I wonder if that would make a good cock ring.

And those needlenose pliers look pretty good to me, Chele! :D


Pliers with rubber on the handles are best for keeping a grip.
Wood clamps,, the kind you can slowly tighten down,and the ones with that are like clips with big rubber tips on them. And yes,, a circular clamp does make a good cock ring, did that many years ago, wish I had a good camera then or a clamp now hehe. Needle nose pliers are fun on nipples, and a nice big flashlight is fun too. Well been a long time since I played in a tool box with anyone, but the memeries are nice.

crazybbwgirl said:
Isn't that where you keep your 'stud finder'? lol

LOL Oh, that's funny. :D

When I do pull out the toolbox, I'm going to take the 'stud finder' out of there and press it against him, see if it beeps or lights up.

Wouldn't he be so amused if it didn't? ;)

I just found a cool battery powered drill.

And an air compressor.

What about power tools, fellas? :)

What can I do with these?

Ya know, I work in theater, and I have a lot of tools... but I've never played with them! What's wrong with me?

Sheath, that compressor idea scares me a bit... but at the end of the workday, if you're covered in sawdust, putting on a little blower attachment to the hose allows you to blast yourself with air, and send the sawdust into the atmostphere - fun fun.

A cordless drill? Well.. if you have lots of time on your hands, make your own chain mail. Get the right gauge wire, get a long straight rod the diameter you want the links, drill a tiny hole in rod, the same gauge as the wire, stick through, wear gloves, run the drill reeeeeaaaaaaal slow, and the wire will wrap up & around and around and around... and then you pull it off, and go snip, snip, snip, snip, for hours, making links. No, this is not my real hobby, but my friends know how to do it. Silly reenacting geeks. :) You could make a chain mail bra, I think they're very intriguing looking, but I'm not sure about the comfort. I don't think comfort is actually the point.

Hmmm, what else is in that bag??? Vise grips are heavy, and mean - they're pliers, which have a spring & a knob to tighten or loosen them - you grip something, and they lock on. I imagine those could be used in varying degrees of painful ways.

Snap lines - it's a little metal 'box' full of a wind of string, filled with blue chalk or black powdered charcoal - you pull it taut, snap, and it leaves a straight line of chalk/charcoal behind... You could tie someone, or snap temporary lines on them... or on your floor, if it's hardwood, punishments if they accidentally cross boundary lines.

I have lots an lots an lots of paintbrushes (of course), and I should get another feather duster. Paint each other, with or without paint - natural bristle brushes feel lovely against lips and faces, and probably other body parts as well. And they have nice wooden handles. ;)

That's all that comes easily to mind at the moment. :p
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Watergirl, I think you are now on my list of innovative sexual gurus. :D

Another use for the battery op. drill and a screwdriver: Chuck(insret and clamp) the pointed end of the screwdriver in the drill, use handle as a rotating dildo.

A multi speed jigsaw can be used in a similar way.( only if it can be slowed WAY down)

Power sanders make excelant vibraters with soft padding in place of the sandpaper.
Thank you, Sheath - :kiss: ! I'll have to remind a friend to look at this thread, he seems to think he's the more creative one... and often, when it comes to putting things into practice - well, I give him credit, he is. ;)

Palm sanders are cool, I keep meaning to acquire one. If you have something up on sawhorses, and you lean on it a little as you're sanding it - mmm. Nice vibrations. The small reasons I love my job, you know?
Now I'm wishing I'd picked up that little Dremmel tool when it was on sale at Lowes. At the time I didn't think I'd have enough use for it! silly me.......

Wow what a neat subject. I like my tool I use in my private sessions. It's the handle of my file. It's an old wooden handle that's contoured . I love some anal pleasuring when I have a solo session and the size is just right. It's great to inpaled and be in total control.

I was a little afraid of this thread when I first saw it, and I wondered if it should be on the BDSM board instead...

...but now I'm just intrigued and a bit aroused!

<starts looking through toolkit...>

I don't have any power tools :( but I agree that used gently the needle nose pliers could be interesting on nipples. Perhaps a rachet dildo? Put a big socket on it and keep it spinning one direction? (Not sure it would actually work...)

I have heard that you can buy/make a dildo to put on the end of a power-drill. Strikes me that such would be great-- a spinning, vibrating dildo! Anyone know where/how to buy/make such a toy?