You made a very valid point - BUT


Nov 27, 2002
too bad you did it as Unregistered.

I understand the need at times to post as unregistered but why do it when you actually have valid things to say? I have read many posts along the way that are intelligent and well thought out - but all credibility is lost once you do not post it as your usual user name.
If it's well thought out, why should an unreg post discredit their thoughts? I figure they have their reasons for not wanting it listed under their names, but a valid point is a valid point...
I'm always more curious about how badly they must want to be liked here to feel that they have to post dissenting opinions as Unreg.
Eumenides said:
If it's well thought out, why should an unreg post discredit their thoughts? I figure they have their reasons for not wanting it listed under their names, but a valid point is a valid point...

It discredits the post because they were too chicken to post an opposing view as their registered name. I feel if you have a valid point then stand up and scream it out.
HeavyStick said:
Spy sez, Mia used to be a regular. ;-)

Get out!!!!!!!! Whatever would I do without you? I got one for you....Riddder is digitalmedia.
Mia62 said:
It discredits the post because they were too chicken to post an opposing view as their registered name. I feel if you have a valid point then stand up and scream it out.

Some people are not as brave. There are all types that make up this world. I have no problem with it, because if i don't want it up there, I don't post it, but some people are not like me. I like that about the world.
See.. I'm a chicken.


I won't go unregistered to say anything. If I feel it's going to come out worded wrong.. or it's going to piss someone off, I usually just don't say it. I figure it's better to keep my mouth shut. But I'm like that in real life too.
Eumenides said:
Some people are not as brave. There are all types that make up this world. I have no problem with it, because if i don't want it up there, I don't post it, but some people are not like me. I like that about the world.

I don't get it, tho...I can understand how when someone is mean they don't want anyone to know that their supposedly sweet lit personality is actually a nasty person. But when you have something important to add to a conversation...why not just do it?
Mia62 said:
I don't get it, tho...I can understand how when someone is mean they don't want anyone to know that their supposedly sweet lit personality is actually a nasty person. But when you have something important to add to a conversation...why not just do it?

I really don't know. I think it would differ as to the specific post and specific person. As I am in the minority here, I will concede. I don't know why people do it, but my point was that valid points are always valid.
My opinion of Unreg is now the same as everyone else.

Trying to get inside another's thought processes and/or overlay your values on someone is a fool's game at the best of times anyway, right?

Eumenides said:
As I am in the minority here, I will concede. I don't know why people do it, but my point was that valid points are always valid.

You also made some valid points. Don't ever concede. :)
Shush! Y'all leave my Emoodie alone! She's sick and not up to sparring with you bullies. :p
Nora said:
Shush! Y'all leave my Emoodie alone! She's sick and not up to sparring with you bullies. :p

Can't blame them too much, Borealis...I started it. And you know what they say about starting something you can't finish. Sorry, guys.
And so as to not thoroughly hijack, I think it depends on the intent and the message. At heart, I agree with Eumenides (as always) that a valid point is a valid point. But it does lose impact when delivered by a spineless coward. Posting unreg just so nobody sees that you're not sweetness and light is just silly to me. Why would anyone want to be so one-dimensional anyway? I dunno.

Like Laurel always says, some folk take it all way too seriously, I guess.
Gawd, there are times that I wish I had the nonguts to post as an unregistered yet I can't. I just think that you should be proud of your valid points - whether the rest of the flock agrees or not.

And Nora, I wasn't picking on her...I would never do that. :)
A valid point may be a valid point, but it is a valid point with a questionable past. One must consider the source. If it quacks like a duck and all of that shit.

Nora, that is the most colorful cowboy hat I have ever seen.
Don't get me wrong, M. I think they're spineless cowards, too. If I have something to say that I'm not comfortable saying using my one, single (this is not a jab at you, btw) screenname here, then I just don't say it.

Kiss it, StPeteypie. :)
The title of this thread had "point" and "but" in it, so I just had to open it, especially given its originator.

I see neither points nor butts, however.

le sigh
islandman said:
The title of this thread had "point" and "but" in it, so I just had to open it, especially given its originator.

I see neither points nor butts, however.

le sigh offense, Rocky...but are you blind? Nora's butt is up every time she posts.