You know You've Gotten Old When...

you need to break out the glasses to read stuff on your laptop.
A little poem to share with all the guys that is perfect for this thread.

It use to be embarrassing
To the way it would behave,
As of every single morning
It would stand and watch me shave.

But as my old age approaches
It sure gives me the blues,
To see it hang it's little head
And watch me tie my shoes.

*Green, here's how the same poem was worded in the 1940s or earlier. My Dad was born before WW1 and he carried a copy in his wallet ...

Now I'm old and feeble,
my pilot light is out.
What used to be my sex appeal
is now my water spout.

I used to be embarrassed
to make the thing behave
cuz every single morning
it would stand and watch me shave.

But now I'm getting old
and it sure gives me the blues
to have that thing hang down my leg
and watch me shine my shoes!
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A customer told me today that it'd when you try to get out of your car with the seat belt still on....
Damn it.,...
YKYGOW you begin most of your conversations with "I remember when....":rolleyes:
YKYGOW when the music you loved in High School and College is on "The Golden Oldies" radio station.
Sigh ...
YKYGOW when the youthful grocery baggers at your local store insist on carrying your groceries to your car for you.
YKYGOW fashion trends make a come back. I will never again wear a body suit. That clasp at the crotch is so fucking uncomfy! I have seen them come and go, Now three times... SO Over them!
When you can no longer play handheld consoles nor look at your phone for long periods of time.


I just want to cry every time I hear about Fire Emblem.
YKYGOW you're watching old home movies and you realize you're older than your parent were then.
The sales person at your fav boutique was born the year you graduated from high school and has a kid of school age. (WTF)
YKYGOW things start to click. My hips click sometimes. My jaw clicks on one side when I open my mouth wide. Which can be disconcerting in some, er, intimate situations.
YKYGOW things start to click. My hips click sometimes. My jaw clicks on one side when I open my mouth wide. Which can be disconcerting in some, er, intimate situations.

Please excuse me for smiling broadly at your post. My knees creak and my neck makes grinding noises when I turn my head. I guess we both need oiling. :D