You know why I keep coming back to lit? The enchiladas.


Spitting Game Theory
Mar 27, 2001
Melodrama, served rare, with a side of same old garbage and name calling sauce.

Alcohol's a-plenty extra though.
I hear the Maple Leafs are moving to Tijuana starting with the 2004 season.
modest mouse said:
I hear the Maple Leafs are moving to Tijuana starting with the 2004 season.

Damn right. I'm moving with them.
I got an excellent 4-year Vermont cheddar at Costco today. My taste buds were singing, I tell ya!
Just for the record, fine cheese is the one reason I refuse to go vegan.
Weevil said:
Just for the record, fine cheese is the one reason I refuse to go vegan.

And an extremely good reason. I worked in a cheese shop during high school, and it's ruined me for the crap I get at the grocery store - I have to spend my money in the *gourmet* shops just to get some Danish Blue, or even Maytag.


Rubyfruit said:
I got an excellent 4-year Vermont cheddar at Costco today. My taste buds were singing, I tell ya!

Have you ever tried Cabot from Vermont? Mmmmmm.

I saw some Manchego cheese like I used to eat in Spain at Trader Joe's the other day, but it was like 9 dollars for a little wedge! Holy cow!
I hear ya, Weevil. I couldn't give up good cheese. A nice gorgonzola in a spinach salad, shaved parmigiano reggiano on anything or just plain, feta - there's a lot to be said for a good feta.
Eve32 said:
I worked in a cheese shop during high school, and it's ruined me for the crap I get at the grocery store - I have to spend my money in the *gourmet* shops just to get some Danish Blue, or even Maytag.



So did I! I was a Trader Joe's cheese girl, actually.

Frankly, I'd rather eat no cheese, than an average cheese.
Eve32 said:
And an extremely good reason. I worked in a cheese shop during high school, and it's ruined me for the crap I get at the grocery store - I have to spend my money in the *gourmet* shops just to get some Danish Blue, or even Maytag.



Yes, well, I'm a pretty basic cheese man myself.

But giving up cheese means giving up pizza. And that ain't going down.
Weevil said:
Yes, well, I'm a pretty basic cheese man myself.

But giving up cheese means giving up pizza. And that ain't going down.

What's the step up from Vegan? Can't you do that?


Eve32 said:
What's the step up from Vegan? Can't you do that?



I think you mean step down. I am a vegetarian. Eschewing all forms of flesh.
Mmmm... you folks have me thinking a sharp Tillamook cheddar now as well as an Asiago.

Go figure! I'm on Lit discussing cheese now!:rolleyes:
Eve32 said:
Have you ever tried Cabot from Vermont? Mmmmmm.


I have tried that, Cleo, but I think I like this one better. It's called, Grafton Village Cheese Company. Yum.
Weevil said:
I think you mean step down. I am a vegetarian. Eschewing all forms of flesh.

D'uh - yep, that's what I meant. What I get for not rereading before I post. Sorry!

Pyper said:
I saw some Manchego cheese like I used to eat in Spain at Trader Joe's the other day, but it was like 9 dollars for a little wedge! Holy cow!
You don't even want to know how much I spend on cheese.
I've had the Cabot cheddar and liked it very much. But the BEST cheese I've had recently was a cave-aged gruyere. OMG. I swear it's better than sex (no offense, Ruby). I read up a little on it and apparently the way it's aged (In these caves in switzerland for at least 12 but up to 15 months) causes salt crystals to form within the cheese. So it melts on your tongue, but there's a bite to it. I cannot be strong enough in my praise for this cheese.

I love a good, aged, sharp-as-hell cheddar. Ruby, I've GOT to take you to Central Market. Their cheese section is beyond belief.
Mischka said:
You don't even want to know how much I spend on cheese.

YES! Mischka is here! She'll back me up on CM's cheese section! lol

Btw, Mischka, see if your location has the cave-aged gruyere. It's sooooooo goooooooooooooooood.
Nora said:
I've had the Cabot cheddar and liked it very much. But the BEST cheese I've had recently was a cave-aged gruyere. OMG. I swear it's better than sex (no offense, Ruby). I read up a little on it and apparently the way it's aged (In these caves in switzerland for at least 12 but up to 15 months) causes salt crystals to form within the cheese. So it melts on your tongue, but there's a bite to it. I cannot be strong enough in my praise for this cheese.

Wow that sounds good. First time I've felt a tingle on Lit above the waistline.

Thanks Nora!

Cave-aged gruyere? Can you bring it on the plane with you when you come for a visit, my sweet potato pie? Is it too good to use in quiche?
Nora said:
YES! Mischka is here! She'll back me up on CM's cheese section! lol

Btw, Mischka, see if your location has the cave-aged gruyere. It's sooooooo goooooooooooooooood.
I was thinking of CM when I made my previous post. :D That store is the ruin of my pocket book.

Is the cave-aged gruyere that 40 dollar block of cheese prominently displayed? I've been pointedly avoiding it, and had to forcibly drag Mr. Mischka away last time.