You know the libs are triggered when they start shipisting


Loose canon extraordinair
Jul 30, 2016
Butters is on a tear shitpisting about everything Republican and Trump. That must mean there's an election coming up.
Why isn't RAPEY whining about vetteman's 298 Biden threads or about Zuckerberg owning the world?

WE NO Y!!!111
Butters is on a tear shitpisting about everything Republican and Trump. That must mean there's an election coming up.
Butter's ovaries always seem to be in an uproar when it comes to Trump's right to breathe.
Butters is on a tear shitpisting about everything Republican and Trump. That must mean there's an election coming up.
She could see the red wave alllll the way from back in April.....

With what the wokeies have been doing in public schools? The economy? Price of fuel....

Record shattering republican registration and more turnout in numerous primaries in competitive states that are dwarfing general election participation?? Seems their brand of "progress", destroying the economy and woke activist fuckin' with peoples kids in the public schools isn't as popular as Democrats had hoped.

They KNOW unless they find, well document and bust the GOP stealing and eating peoples babies as a sacrament to Satan, lava pits and all the evil lair trimmings .... this November is probably going to be a rather ugly one for them.

The flailing and teeth gnashing from the anti-American leftist like butters is in full swing.
Why isn't RAPEY whining about vetteman's 298 Biden threads or about Zuckerberg owning the world?
WE NO Y!!!111
We're seeing the realtime limitations of Timmeh's analog shitpisting.
He needs to think less and type faster to reach AJ/Vetty/BoBo levels of shitpisting.
Butter's ovaries always seem to be in an uproar when it comes to Trump's right to breathe.
Butters's got everyone she don't like *mainly conservatives* on IGGY, maybe she thinks she's a popular shitpister.

Republicans complaining that the spotlight is too bright? That’s different.
I have no one on ignore and I see far more shitposting by rightists than leftists. Grow up.

Are you afraid that Trump is still toxic?
I have no one on ignore and I see far more shitposting by rightists than leftists. Grow up.

Are you afraid that Trump is still toxic?
That's because dogs can't smell their own shit.

You suffer from TDS on steroids,Trump is no longer in the WH, Biden's the toxic one.
That's because dogs can't smell their own shit.

You suffer from TDS on steroids,Trump is no longer in the WH, Biden's the toxic one.
You're braindead if you think 45 doesn't control your party.
That's because dogs can't smell their own shit.

You suffer from TDS on steroids,Trump is no longer in the WH, Biden's the toxic one.
If Trump would do what is usual for ex-presidents -- drop out of sight and write his memoirs -- we wouldn't talk about him much. But he won't go away.
Butters is on a tear shitpisting about everything Republican and Trump. That must mean there's an election coming up.
It’s not a liberals versus conservatives thing. It’s a criminal investigation by a part of the United States Army and the United States Air Force. Not a conservatives believe one way versus liberals thing. “The investigation into the attack on the Green Village site is being carried out by the Army's Criminal Investigation Division and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.”
It’s not a liberals versus conservatives thing. It’s a criminal investigation by a part of the United States Army and the United States Air Force. Not a conservatives believe one way versus liberals thing. “The investigation into the attack on the Green Village site is being carried out by the Army's Criminal Investigation Division and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.”
In hindsight, it would have been better to let Soleimani live.