You found my what!? (closed)


I blew a monkey once.
Dec 30, 2004
Nobody was supposed to be home until way later on. I had the house to myself and could do whatever I wanted. And what I wanted was to jerk off, it had been days since I had any kind of fucking free time on my hands to take care of business. Of course I could have jerked off late at night after everyone was in bed, but I like to sleep too and wasn't interested in fucking staying up simply to jerk around.

So I had a little toy I liked to use. A pocket pussy, which I guess is kind of lame but I'm a fucking shy guy and chicks are a bit beyond my comfort zone. So I used this to kind of train myself, and you know what? Don't fucking judge me.

I had the house to myself and my door was locked so my nosy ass sister wasn't going to come barging in here to fuck with me like always.

I was cranking away and about to cum when I heard my parents call out for me to come get the groceries. I jerked to my feet as my load blew into the pocket pussy. "Fuck!" I cried in frustration. Way to fucking ruin the whole thing. I didn't have time to clean up or wash the toy out, I had to tuck it back in it's bag and slip it under my pillow then jerk my pants up to go help with the goddamn groceries.

"Son of a bitch, way to fuck it all up." I muttered as I headed downstairs with sticky underwear. I was going to take a long shower after this.

As I pulled up I saw my parents and Jake unloading groceries. I walked up and said hi to them but said I had to get to work on studying for a big test tomorrow. Which was a bullshit excuse as I didn't have a test, but I sure as hell didn't want to help unload groceries either. I bounded into the house and headed upstairs, finding myself pausing at Jake's door as I listened intently on the conversations that were slowly making their way to the house.

Figured now was a good time as any to do a little snooping while he was busy helping our parents. I slipped into his room and quickly my eyes moved around his room to see if anything was out of the ordinary, at least for him. The normal crap seemed to be lying around, but one thing looked a bit out of place...his pillow. Normally it would sit flat on his bed, but this time it was raised up and upon closer inspection I noticed something under it. Grinning like I just struck gold, I bounded over to the bed and pulled up the pillow to find a bag, but when I looked in the bad I had to throw my hand over my mouth so I didn't bust out laughing. Inside it was a pocket pussy, you know one of those things only the really desperate use to get off. Usually the men that won't have a chance in hell of ever getting the real thing.

The more I thought about it the more I nodded with a smirk; Jake was certainly going to be one of those guys, no doubt. Looking closer I noticed it was dripping, well sorta dripping. Dropping it where it had rested before I couldn't help the chuckle the slipped from me; he must have gotten busted using it cause it was still full of his cum. Almost giddy I turned, tossing his pillow back on top of it and headed out of his room.

Getting to my room I tossed my jacket to the bed and stood there a moment thinking about all the things I could do and say to him with this knowledge. The more I thought on it the more I couldn't help the excitement that was building in me.

Jake wasn't a bad brother, as far as brothers went, but damn he was a nerd and there wasn't a single girl interested in him at school. Where as I, on the other hand, was popular in school and never had a dateless night unless I wanted it that way. I swear one of us was adopted, that was the only answer to this odd family.

I plopped down onto my bed and started texting my friends. I wouldn't tell, not yet anyway, but I could at least think on how I could use this ammo against him. Maybe start dressing in short skirts around him or even brush up against him in the hallway. I wanted to see how fast he wore that thing out. Laughing about my ideas I slipped from my bed to grab me something to drink in the kitchen.

Heading straight to the fridge I opened the door and bent over, further than I really needed to, just to push my ass out even more. Sure I wasn't in a short skirt which would have been ten times better, but my jeans weren't loose either. I waited, acting like I was searching for something, expecting Jake to come in with a load of groceries at any moment.
I was lugging three bags of very heavy foodstuffs when I came into the kitchen next. I stopped short as I saw Melanie my sister, bent over in the fridge like she was digging to the south pole. Her body was bent and her ass was sticking out in the air. I felt that tingle rush through my balls again, and I turned red without being able to help myself.

Now I know what you might be thinking, how could I think that way about my own sister, but look man she is really fucking hot. Like my sister is amazingly beautiful, and by far the sexiest girl I've ever seen in my life. I can't help but be attracted to her. Even if we are related her fucking body trasends that shit and the primal part of me just screams to breed her. She is physically perfect and the very fiber of my DNA wants to embed itself into her womb.

Mentally she is a total bitch. Not like the cruel bitch you might think of, she's just a cocky, smart mouthed, little nosybody brat that just does what she wants when she wants and fuck anybody who doesn't like it. I swear the shit she gets away with boggles my mind.

Anyway Melanie always is teasing me about not having a girlfriend and being a nerd and all that shit. Fucking bitch. Plus she likes to cock tease me by doing shit like bending over the fucking fridge way to far for no goddamn reason. It's like she knows I would fuck her in a heartbeat, and gets off knowing that I could never touch her.

"Really Melanie? Why don't you just get 'Open for business' tattooed on your ass?" I told her tossing the bags on the counter. "Here since you've got nothing better to do that wag your ass around, you can put this shit away."
Hearing my brother's voice I couldn't help the grin that followed. Straightening up slowly I glance over my shoulder, "Whaaa? I was looking for something to drink." I loved playing the all innocent role and yet we both know it was all an act anyway.

I turned around and moved over toward the bag and you, "Anything to drink in any of them," I ask you as I brush against your arm as I peer inside. "Need something, my throat is so dry," raising my hand up to tap my throat lightly.

Reaching in the bags I pulled out the apple juice, figuring that would do better than nothing. I reach up, higher than I need to, to get a glass; my shirt rising up to show off my toned belly, "Got any plans tonight Jake or just going to fuck around here?" I knew better than to think he had any plans, but I loved fucking with him and now that I knew what he did when no one was around, this was just going to be a blast.

I got the glass down and started to pour me something to drink, licking my lips as I did like I couldn't wait to get a taste of the juice. I glanced over to Jake and gave him a wink before putting my attention on the glass. Once filled I took a long slow sip, moaning and sighing like it was the best juice I had ever tasted. I smiled to Jake before I brushed past him again, "Well better get back to studying so I can go out tonight."

I headed back up to my room with the glass in hand, laughing inside at how easy it is to tease the fuck out of my brother.
I watched her little show with a passing interest. She was just trying to get a rise out of me and I wasn't going to let her bother me today. Still that orgasm I had moments ago was crushingly ruined by groceries. It sucked, and I was unfullfilled by it, which meant I would have to turn around and jerk off later on. Melanie's teasing moan and shake of her ass only made me tremble with need.

I sighed and finished bring the groceries in. I needed to find a place to go out or something. Maybe being more social would be good for me....bah I couldn't go out tonight I had a raid. Oh well, to hell with what she thinks. I don't need to be the center of attention like some people in order to be content.

Once the groceries were put away I went up back to my room. I snagged the pocket pussy from under my pillow and wrapped it up in my towel. I grabbed some clean clothes and then headed into the shower. I washed everything out and while in the shower I thought about taking the moment to jerk off again, but decided a quickie wouldn't cut it. I needed to take my time and really crank a good one out.

Oh well, it was almost time for raid anyway. I went back to my room and tucked my toy away safely and sat at the computer to turn my game on. With luck no one would bother me tonight.
I listened as Jake finally climbed the stairs, I even heard him get into the shower and wondered if he was jacking off into that thing again. I couldn't help the giggles that seemed to consume me imagining him getting all hot and bothered over something so fake. Hell he would probably blow his load at the touch of a real one.

As I heard him leave the bathroom and head into his room, I gave him time to get all comfy. I changed into what I would wear out, though I didn't really have any plans tonight. I got dressed in a short jean skirt and a low cut white top that showed off the tops of my breasts quite nicely. I threw on my sandals and headed out of my room.

As I got to Jake's door I could hear his computer going, he obviously was playing with his friends again. No wonder the boy didn't have a social life, he spent all his time on that computer. Grinning I opened his door and stepped inside. Pushing it closed I grinned as he turned around, "Is this what you had planned tonight?" I moved past him and started to crawl up onto his bed. I made sure to give him a nice show of me slowly making my way up onto his bed, knowing my skirt had rode up enough to show my ass. As I got to his pillow I turned around and leaned back against it.

Putting my hands behind my head raised up my shirt again to show off my belly as well as the top being cut low enough to show off my breast, I added the benefit of bending the knee closest to him and glancing at him over the edge of my bare leg, "Come on Jake, you spend your life on that thing. Are you that afraid of going out? Ohhhh let me guess, it is because you know you will get turned down by every woman you meet right?"

I couldn't help but give him shit, it was my job since I was his sister. As I sat there on his bed I started to move my leg a bit, just like I couldn't sit still. I would let that knee move to one side, spreading my thighs a bit before the knee move to the other side, closing my legs. In the position I was in it was a tease until I got to the point where Jake could actually see up under my skirt at the black thong I was wearing.

Sure most sisters didn't want their brother seeing anything about them, but God this was so much fun to fuck with him like this. One of these days I may just come into his room in my bra and thong and ask him something just to get his reaction.
The raid was going incredibly well. We had finally managed to kill a boss that we had never been able to beat before. The past three weeks we struggled against the bastard. But today, oh today we got him killed in only four attempts. The whole group was thrilled, man we were all a bunch of nerds, but nothing pumped you like a team pulling together to beat a challenge. Because we were about to go up against another boss that we haven't been to before we decided to take our break early. Get those juices flowing for the next fight which was supposed to be even harder than the guy we just beat.

Sure enough Melanie decided to come trotting into my room at that exact moment. I spun toward her and eyed her little costume. God she looked incredible, her breasts heaved out of her little top and her ass peeked from the bottom of her skirt. She crawled onto my bed, making a shower of it that got my heart pumping.

She teased me about going out. I smiled and watched her flop onto my bed, "You can't bother me tonight Melanie. We just beat a new boss and barely started our raid." I told her with a smirk.

She merely scoffed at video games and rolled her eyes. I leaned forward and looked at her up and down, trying hard not to look up her crotch. Though I really wondered what it was like to be buried between her legs. "So you are all skanked out, got a big night of sucking dick planned?" I asked taking a cheap shot at her. She always made fun of me never getting pussy, so I would make fun of her for being a slut.
Laughing at his question, I could tell he was trying so desperately to upset me by calling me a slut, but I would much rather be a slut than a virgin like him. Smirking to him, "Naaaa not sucking...fucking it Jake. You know that sliding down on a nice hard cock, riding it until I am screaming with my orgasm. Or maybe he will push me down to the ground and grab my legs, driving into me over and over again until he is cry out his own orgasm."

I knew every word I breathed would be yet another image stuck in his head tonight. I started to slide down to the end of his bed, feeling my skirt rising up, but not caring at this point. As I stood I found the edge of my skirt riding my hips. I reached up and shimmied it down back into place, "Enjoy your cock party, I'm sure it is so much more satisfying to kill some pixelated creature then it is to live a little."

With that I started for his door, "Oh and don't get too worked up over that game. I might start to wonder if you are gay if you are jacking off to a damn video game." I stepped from his room and headed down the stairs. I figured since I was dressed to flit and tease I would go out and see if I couldn't hook up with David tonight. He was one of the guys I enjoyed spending some quality time with.
"Bah go out and enjoy getting Herpes Melanie. I'll enjoy doing something productive." I said and spun around to resume my raid. Throughout the night though, my mind kept going back to the pictures Melanie forced into my head. I pictured her between my legs, sucking on my dick. Her head bobbing up and down my hard cock, sucking and licking on me.

I closed my eyes and focused as my group yelling at my fuck up in the game. I focused and tried to shake the thoughts from my mind. But they came back shortly afterward, this time imagining her naked beautiful body sliding up and down my dick. Buried within her tight little twat. Oh I shivered at the thought.

I needed my pocket pussy. Ugh, I glanced at the clock and sighed, two more hours before I could do anything about Melanie's little tease. Damn it. I decided to focus on the game as best as I could, using that focus to make time go by quickly. We actually made good progress on the next boss, though we didn't manage to bring it down.

The moment the raid was over I clicked the game off and I jerked away from my desk. I dug my pocket pussy out and gave it the going of a lifetime. The entire time I thought of Melanie. I imagined her moaning and making soft sounds while I pumped into her. Then I imagined her begging me to blow my load into her.

The orgasm rocked through me and I filled my nice little toy. When it was all said and done, I looked at the pussy. My dick was tearing at the hole, bummer. When it was new it was a tiny little hole that was tight as fuck. Sadly use was damaging the hole. Looked like I need to pick up a new one soon, damn I didn't get paid for a couple of weeks.

Looks like I knew what I needed to buy. Oh well.

I cleaned up and went back to dicking around in my video game again. My mind clear of Melanie's little taunts. Not to mention the tingling in my nuts was gone for the time being.

"Stupid Melanie." I muttered.
I went over to a friend's house and hung out, though no David and no real fun I found myself coming back home within a few hours at best. I came in and climbed the stairs. I paused by Jake's door and wondered if anything I did or said had gotten to him. I heard the computer like always and shrugged moving to my bedroom.

Inside I stripped from the clothes I had on and slipped on my nightgown, if you could call it that, it was mainly just a silk top and shorts. I slipped back out and went to the bathroom to do my normal routine to get ready for bed.

I opened the door to head back to my room when I saw Jake open his door. I gave him a bright smile and a small wave as I slowly made my way down the hall. I was so happy I picked the little flimsy thing for bed tonight as it gave me yet another moment to tease Jake's eyes. I slipped into my room and shut the door. Climbing into bed I began to think of all the things I could do to tease him even more. Come on weekend...that would be the real long haul on his teasing. It was going to be great!!!
If I hadn't already blew every drop of what my balls had made over the last few days, seeing Melanie in that little night thing she wore would have started the process all over again. Part of me wondered why she was so sick in the head that she wanted to sexually tease me like this. And I lived with her, it was maddening. Any other guy in the world would have been in heaven to live with her walking about in skimpy little things.

Actually bullshit. This was hell for any guy because she was just a giant fucking cock tease. Even if I wasn't her brother she would still flaunt her shit around and giggle at me like a pathetic loser when I looked. She had to know she was putting dirty shit in my head, she had to know that it made me fantasize about her. Why was she doing this to me? I was her brother. We were suppose to love and respect each other, yet she simply tried her best to shit on my fucking brain.

I went to bed with a groan of frustration. I couldn't sleep until I used my damn pocket pussy again. Then finally I passed out and hoped that she would make herself invisible for the weekend. Never had I wished some friends of hers invite her to a random weekend far away that right now.

In the morning I realized that last night's frustrations had caused a tear down the side of the pocket pussy. I had up my useless toy and frowned. There went that. Guess it was back to lotion and my hand for a while. That was gonna suck.

Luckilly I woke up early enough in the morning that I snuck the toy wrapped in a bag down to the outside garbage and tossed it before anyone saw me. That way I would have to explain why I was running through the house with the rubber nether parts of a girl in a bag. Go me.
I woke feeling refreshed and excited about the weekend. I had plans like I always did but I was so tempted to turn them down just so I could torture my brother even more. This was so much fun, I don't know why I hadn't done it before now.

Lying in bed I was trying to think of all the ways I could come up with to fuck with him when I heard his door open. I glanced at the clock and seen it was really early, at least for him. As his footsteps went down the hall I slipped from my room and made my way to his. I waited to see if he was just getting a drink or something else and sure enough I heard the door open. I grinned and headed into his room.

I looked around a bit to see if anything was out of the ordinary again, then I started my snooping. I looked under his pillow where I last found his object of affection and yet it wasn't there. I got down onto his floor and started to look under the bed. There wasn't a whole lot under there, but I still made my way through all of it trying to find what I was looking for.

Sitting up on my heels I glanced around again trying to think of where he would put it. Drawers wouldn't be a good place as mom might find it. Closet was the same case. Under the bed had to be the place. I leaned forward again, my ass in the air as I dug around again under his bed, knowing it had to be there.
Once my poor torn toy was disposed of I darted back into the house quickly. Didn't want anyone seeing me outside this early in the morning, I honestly wouldn't have an excuse ready....maybe I would say I was looking for the newspaper or something, look for jobs or whatever. It didn't matter because I snuck back in without a hitch.

I darted back up to my room wishing I had put on socks, the bottoms on my feet were freezing from the cold cement outside. I headed up to my room and slowed my pace as I saw my door open. I groaned on the inside and walked to the door. Sure enough, Melanie was there here ass in the air as she dug around under my bed.

I stepped into the room and shut the door quietly so mom and dad wouldn't wake up. Then I crossed my arms and admired her tight little ass for a moment. Then I felt rage build up inside me as this snoopy bitch dug through my shit like it belonged to her.

"What the fuck are you doing in here? What are you looking for?" I said anger in my voice.
Hearing Jake's voice I paused my snooping to slowly sit up and glance at him like I had a right to be there, going through his stuff. I smiled a devlish smile at him, "Ohhhh I was just looking for your love obsession."

I turned and stood up, "So where did you hide it this time?" I stepped closer to him, knowing full well I could be butt naked in front of him and there wasn't anything he would do about it. The nightgown I had on certainly didn't leave much to the imagination, but then again if I had to wear something to bed, then this was the next best thing to being naked.

As he looked at me curiously I felt my smile grow even more, "You know, the fake ass pussy you have been fucking little brother." I smirked knowing he was hoping like hell no one ever knew about it and yet here it was, out in the open, that his big sister knew he was fucking a silicon piece of pussy. So sad that he couldn't get the real thing since it was so much better than what he was fucking with.
I glared at her as she taunted me. What was she fucking talking about. The look of confidence on her face, the pure mean spirted taunt in her words. Why was she being such a fucking bitch. She was my sister, she was supposed to love me and be nice and shit like that. Not fucking make my life an embarassing trip through hell.

She stepped closer to me, her nightgown barely could be concidered clothing. I could see her shape perfrectly, even the darker tint behind the purple where her nipples were. If I was any other guy this would be a dream come true for me. Melanie was unbelievably hot, but the problem became that it had gone to her head. Just because she was this hot didn't mean she could get away with doing whatever she wanted.

Then she meanted my pussy. My pocket pussy. It was then that the color drained from me face. How did she know about that? No not how....motherfucker! She had snooped in my room and found it one day. But why? I mean why the fuck did she care where it was? Why was she looking for it to begin with?

I sneered at her, "You know about that? And you what...came in here to find it, for what reason, to hold it in your hand wave it around? What...." I narrowed my eyes and took a step toward her. "You have no right to be in here, looking through my shit." I put a hand on her chest, right above her tits and shoved her as hard as I could, sending her light frame back onto my bed.

I stood over her and pressed my hand just below her neck and held her down. "Why are you being such a cunt? What possible pleasure could you get from making me miserable." I smirked, "Oh wait a second...maybe you come in here to suck the semen from my pocket pussy huh? Are you angry that you want to fuck me but can't because i'm your brother? So you come in here to swallow my loads without anyone knowing."

I really didn't know why I was saying this dirty shit to her. Or why I was turning me on, but I was kind of lost in the moment, lust and rage leading me on at this point.
As he sneered at me I couldn't help but feel all giddy inside, I had hit a nerve and it was such a lovely nerve at that. As his hand moved up to my chest and pushed me back on his bed I opened my mouth to say something to him, having startled me that he would actually lay a hand on me.

Before I could get the words out though he was towering above me, his hand just below my throat, holding me down on the bed as he spat more words out at me, taunting me on his own. At first I was startled by his actions, I mean it was the first time he ever stood up to me but the more he talked the more I realized he was reaching for something, anything to make up for the fact I knew his dirty secret.

I smirked at him, my hands going around his that held me down. I knew I wouldn't be able to out strength him, but I could at least show him I wasn't afraid of him either, "Oh you wish I want to fuck you or even taste your cum, probably all spoiled anyway from staying locked up in your balls for so long. I found your little girlfriend and wanted to see how much you've worn the bitch out lately." Grinning, showing him I damn well knew what I had been doing to him for the past 24 hours. "I figured if I showed a little ass you would be tearing that bitch up and apparently you did since I can't find it. You're so sad Jake, can't even find a real pussy to fuck."

Yes I was being harsh with him, but damn the boy needed to get out and away from the computer for once. Maybe if he socialized, maybe God would smile down on him and he MIGHT find a real pussy to be fucking. But no, he has to get some fake shit to fuck and stay locked up....I was doing him a service!
I couldn't believe my ears. She was doing that shit on purpose!? I looked down at her in this tiny nightgown. "You did all that on purpose? Why? Why would you want your own brother to think of you like that?" I looked into her eyes and narrowed my gaze. "You think this is some kind of joke, that somehow you teasing me will make me yearn for what I've been missing with a real woman? That's horseshit."

I smirked and thought that if she wanted to push the limits then by golly I will push those fucking limits. "Alright sis. Tell you what, you want me out of this shell so bad, you want me to find a real pussy to fuck, why don't I start with yours?" I asked her placing my other free hand very high up on her bare thigh.

Then I slid my hand slightly up further, my fingers now touching the side of her ass. I needed only to flick up my thumb and I would brush her pussy with it. Her skin was so soft and smooth to the touch, I found my balls tingling, urging me to push even further.

I knew I shouldn't but every cell in my dick was screaming to fuck this bitch. Let's see how far she would take me.
It was true, making him want me would make him come out of his shell, it was as simple as putting butter on toast. So what I was his sister, I knew what I looked like and I knew how he looked at me.

His words were said to scare me and I saw it for what it was. I laughed even as his hand touched my thigh and started to slide down it. He was close and yet I still knew he wouldn't do anything. "Yeah right Jake. You wouldn't fuck me, you think I am getting herpies from the men I have been fucking." I laughed even harder and even arched my hips up as an offering, though I knew he wouldn't take it.

"You wouldn't know what to do even if you had a real pussy to fuck. Hell here is one and you are just standing there doing nothing." I don't know why I said that, or even why I was taunting him like this, but a part of me knew he wouldn't ever try anything like that with me, he was always too scared. The thought occurred to me that maybe one day I would push too far and he would end up fucking me, but then I pushed that thought away; he would have to grow some real balls to do that and I didn't see that happening anytime soon.

I placed my hands on the bed and started to sit up, showing him that he wasn't going to do anything.
I wanted to roar with rage. I was literally trembling with it. She was calling my bluff and there was nothing I could do about it. She would taunt and tease me forever until I exploded my brains out. I needed to do something. But it was wrong, to go through with this, not only would fucking my sister be incest, it would also be rape. Well probably rape, I mean the way she fucked with me I bet she really wanted me to fuck her.

She sat up, ready to push away from me. I sneered in anger and let my hand on her chest slide down. I gripped the collar of her nightgown and ripped my hand away with as much force as I could, the thin material of the nightie tore in half and exposed her naked upper body to me. Her breasts jiggled free and I smiled as I took in the sight of her glorious globes.

"I think I've had enough of your shit." I told her. "Now look at you, showing your brother your breasts." I reached out before she could move and cupped her breast in my hand. Wow breasts felt amazing, perky and firm in my hand. I gave her a squeeze and leaned closer to her. "I'll keep going if you want me too sis. I'll take you all the way till I have your face buried in my pillow cuz you can't moan quietly." I whispered my lips barely an inch away from hers.
I expected him to stumble backwards at my actions, but instead his hand slipped down to my nightgown top and before I realized what was happening I felt the cool breeze of his room brushing over my nipples, making them harder than before.

He taunted me about my breasts showing and before I could say or do anything his hand was cupping one of them. Now I know he was my brother and I know I shouldn't be enjoying any of this, but the feel of his warm hand on my breast had a moan crawling up my throat that I covered with a clearing of it.

I raised my chin in defiance at him, I wasn't going to show him that his hand fondling my breast was doing anything to me. I could always say the cold air was what caused the hard nipples, but if I started moaning, then I would be up shit creek without a paddle to speak of.

He drew closer to me, taunting me again about how he will continue and even brought up how loud I do moan, which was true I suppose. Smirking again at him, "You don't have the balls brother." Again my mouth was getting ahead of me. I knew I should just end this little feud between us, but damn if the hand on my breast wasn't making it hard for me to stop it. He was only inches from my lips, his hand on my breast and I already knew he was hard as a rock and yet my excitement at this little battle was raging high.
I pulled back just enough to smile at her. "The balls you say?" I laughed and stepped back from her just a bit. My hand grabbed at the waistband of my basketball shorts, then satin ones I used to sleep in because holy fuck they were comfortable. I hesitated just a moment, then jerked them off and kicked them away. I exposed myself to my sister, my cock hard as a rock, my balls heavy and full of a load that she had teased my nuts into developing.

I hefted my nuts and smiled, "Looks like I got plenty of balls sis." I told her and moved back closer, my junk hanging in her face. "You look awestruck sis. Does this turn you on? The taunting you've been harassing me with has created this thing before you. You should be happy to see it."

My eyes watched her carefully, I didn't want her to slug me in the balls and drop me like a sack of meat cause she could totally do that. But I was betting that somewhere deep down, hell maybe not even very deep, she wanted to fuck me. She wanted to see what I was made of and it was all a test to see how it would feel to fuck her own brother.

"Why don't you be a good sister and show your brother what a blowjob is like. Give me my first good dick sucking, you've had a lot of practice right? Show me what you've learned." I mocked.
I heard him laugh as he stepped back and dropped his shorts. His hard cock bouncing from the action even as he stepped up closer to me again. The sight of him so hard had my body tightening with anticipation and yet I was fighting with it trying to say this was my brother and not someone I should want to fuck.

This started with me teasing him, trying to get him to realize fucking a fake pussy would get him no where and now here he stood in front of me hard and ready. I couldn't let him have the upper hand even as he taunted me about sucking him and having experience with it. I had to hit him where it hurt and this would hurt probably more than if I actually punched him in the balls myself.

I raised my chin up to him again, "Yeah I see that, balls but no cock. You think that would make me feel anything?" I damn well knew it would, hell he was packing more than some of the guys I fucked, so I could just imagine what it would feel like and hell if my body wasn't getting wet prepared to find out exactly what he felt like. Glancing back down to his cock I laughed softly, "You mean such on this tiny thing?" Even as I asked the question I couldn't stop myself from flicking my tongue over it just to watch it jerk in response.

"This would be like sucking on my finger," still teasing him and yet my lips wrapped around him and slipped down his length. I couldn't believe I was sliding my brother's cock into my mouth, but damn it all he wasn't going to get the better of me. My tongue slithered along his cock waiting for him to finally back off.
She taunted and she teased me about my size. But see she could fool a nerd. We nerds are smart and i had been paying attention. When i jerked my pants down i saw the look in her eyes. She could say whatever the hell she wanted, but she knew i had a good dick. Honestly it made me feel pretty damn good. It was confirmation that i had a little something something going on between my legs after all.

I smirked and watched her lean forward. Holy shit was she really going to do it. Then her tongue licked at my tip and my eyes widened. Whoa that was like a lightning bolt through my body. It felt incredible. I didnt even have time to react, her mouth opened and she slid down my cock.

I grunted as her warm wet mouth surrounded me. Her tongue rubbing down my length getting my shaft wetter and harder than ever before. It was amazing, and she looked great with my dick in her mouth. I paniced, i needed to pull away, but it felt too good. I groaned instead and pushed my hips forward, forcing more of me between her lips.

"Holy shit that feels great sis. How many cocks did it take for you to get this good?" I taunted her. I needed to keep up this act until she broke down. I wasnt going to lose she deserved to be completely fucked.

My shaft pulsed in her mouth and pre cum dribbled out. I knew i couldnt last long. No amount of taunting was going to make me not a virgin to this. I wondered if i could make my sister swallow my load. Ha that would make her sorry, i would gag her with my sperm, the sperm of her own brother. Fucking bitch.
He taunted asking me how many cocks I had to suck to get this good. My mouth slipped to the tip of his cock before driving back down onto him. Feeling his hips arch and drive him even further into my mouth. I tried to hold off the moans around his cock and even found my fingers tightening on the bed fighting it back.

I slid from his cock and looked up at him smirking, "God Jake I think you are going to blow at any moment, too bad you still won't have fucked a real pussy." Laughing softly I slid my mouth back down the length of his cock. My tongue slithered and flicked on the underside of his cock as my mouth tightened. I was going to make him blow just so I could continue to tease him about fucking a fake ass pussy.

The more my mouth bobbed on his hard cock the wetter I got. He may not last, but fuck if I wasn't going to have to get off or find someone to fuck shortly after this little show of determination. I found myself inching toward the edge of his bed, driving his cock into my mouth as I started to grind myself on the edge of his bed, seeking some kind of release. Yet the movements I made I made them small so he wouldn't notice how turned on I was getting. Jake may be my brother and I maybe I shouldn't have his cock in my mouth, but damn it all I wasn't about to let him tease me out of this. After all, I was doing him a service to get him out of his room more often.
I dont think my sister truly knew my masturbation habits. After all with my pocket pussy i could sometimes fuck it three times in a row before finally going soft. So even if i came in Melanie's mouth there was still a good shot that i would be hard still and ready to fuck her tight little pussy. Oh god, did i just think about that with my sister.

As she sucked her mouth up and down my cock, making my balls tingle with release i shrugged. We already crossed that dirty line. Might as well go for broke. It wasnt like i could lose my virginity to a hotter girl somewhere else.

I grunted and said, "We'll see sis, now shut up and have a drink." I gasped as my balls burst their juices through my shaft like bullets from a gun. Melanie didnt have much time to react as my shaft swelled and instantly spewed white hot cream into her mouth like she had just bit into a microwaved Twinkee.

My knees trembled and damn near buckled as the power of my orgasm ripped through me. It wasnt the orgasm itself that thrilled me. It was the fact that i was cumming inside a real live girl. Even if it was my sister, there was something more thrilling about getting off with someone else. And goddamn i was going to drowned her the way i came.