you cannot hear Me


Dream Maker
Apr 29, 2002
I see you trying to peer into the future, and trying to control it's destiny. Letting your fear be the pen you write the script with. Taking control in a subtle way, yet not hearing the answer you wished for even in the words that speak your desire clearly and concisely. Always one foot on the threshold between running and staying. I feel doubt, hesitation, denial, confusion, lack of self esteem. I see your inability to focus consistently on plans that you formulate to please Me. Small things that add up when I see slow or no progress. Then I see your disappointment when I cannot understand why you set yourself up to fail.

These words were written to My ex fem sub who I still have a wonderful friendly relationship with...when she could not hear Me I took her to this conversation so that she could step back and understand what I saw...this is only a piece of what I saw...
I see you trying to peer into the future, and trying to control it's destiny. Letting your fear be the pen you write the script with. Taking control in a subtle way, yet not hearing the answer you wished for even in the words that speak your desire clearly and concisely. Always one foot on the threshold between running and staying. I feel doubt, hesitation, denial, confusion, lack of self esteem. I see your inability to focus consistently on plans that you formulate to please Me. Small things that add up when I see slow or no progress. Then I see your disappointment when I cannot understand why you set yourself up to fail.

I think this is a great passage. One thing is reminded me of is that sometimes we as humans are far harder on ourselves than we need to be. Whether it is questioning our validity in our need to submit or our ability to do what is necessary to have a bdsm relationship, we often are our own worst enemy.

May I join you in this conversation?

May I say what I think you also saw? (Oh - hope I am not being too presumptious? I think I may wait ...)
A: Is the answer "Tommy, by The Who" ? :)

Shadowsdream, your writing is very diplomatic.

Do you usually express your dominance in this way with your sub(s)? Are you this way in your day-to-day interactions in the rest of the world?

Have you ever read the book Radical Honesty?



Shadowsdream said:
I see you trying to peer into the future, and trying to control it's destiny. Letting your fear be the pen you write the script with. Taking control in a subtle way, yet not hearing the answer you wished for even in the words that speak your desire clearly and concisely. Always one foot on the threshold between running and staying. I feel doubt, hesitation, denial, confusion, lack of self esteem. I see your inability to focus consistently on plans that you formulate to please Me. Small things that add up when I see slow or no progress. Then I see your disappointment when I cannot understand why you set yourself up to fail.

These words were written to My ex fem sub who I still have a wonderful friendly relationship with...when she could not hear Me I took her to this conversation so that she could step back and understand what I saw...this is only a piece of what I saw...
Re: Re: you cannot hear Me

Lancecastor said:
A: Is the answer "Tommy, by The Who" ? :)

Shadowsdream, your writing is very diplomatic.

Do you usually express your dominance in this way with your sub(s)? Are you this way in your day-to-day interactions in the rest of the world?

Have you ever read the book Radical Honesty?



Yes I express My Dominance in this way with My sub and those I train. It is My belief that having them look inside and see all sides of the coin..dissect it, taste it, revel in it and swallow or spit it out must eventually come from inside of themselves.

I am also buried deep in honesty and depth of conversation in all of My day to day interractions if My counsel is sought or I have something of value to contribute. I do not believe that it should be necessary to destroy someone to have My opinions validated. I know without a doubt that no one can always be right.

BUT I do know what is right for Me and any sub that I would consider to be Mine will have a deep desire to be everything I could want and more as they also see how deep My care for their growth is.

I have never read the You recommend it?

Thank You for adding Your voice to this conversation Lance

quietwillow said:

I think this is a great passage. One thing is reminded me of is that sometimes we as humans are far harder on ourselves than we need to be. Whether it is questioning our validity in our need to submit or our ability to do what is necessary to have a bdsm relationship, we often are our own worst enemy.


Sometimes it can be difficult to see the forest for the trees and therefore it becomes much easier to get lost. To run before you present more than you are...

It is so nice and also valuable to have you contribute to the conversation.
WillowPuss said:
May I join you in this conversation?

May I say what I think you also saw? (Oh - hope I am not being too presumptious? I think I may wait ...)

I only have so much patience willow...where have you been?
~~~grin~~~you are always more than welcome to join the conversation and it is always much nicer if I don't have to come looking for you!
Shadowsdream said:

I only have so much patience willow...where have you been?
~~~grin~~~you are always more than welcome to join the conversation and it is always much nicer if I don't have to come looking for you!

Ohh heavens.
Errrrr may I fetch you a coffee? (trying hard to redeem herself here!)

OK ...
Now then - what else might you have seen?

I think, possibly, you may have seen a woman who was not quite ready to face Your reality.
A woman who has strong submissive tendancies, who maybe felt she was a 'true' submissive, but who was beginning to discover that reality is not anything like fantasy.
Possibly she had met with 'Dom/mes' On-line and found it so easy to'submit' and leapt into reality a little too soon. She tried running before she had mastered walking. A woam who wanted it all NOW! before starting out slowly and savouring every small step.

And a woman who somewhere along the way, lost her footing and began to stumble.
And rather than asking for help and guidance compounded her 'mistake' by being ever more eager to please without realising she was in fact closing herself off.
WillowPuss said:

Ohh heavens.
Errrrr may I fetch you a coffee? (trying hard to redeem herself here!)

OK ...
Now then - what else might you have seen?

I think, possibly, you may have seen a woman who was not quite ready to face Your reality.
A woman who has strong submissive tendancies, who maybe felt she was a 'true' submissive, but who was beginning to discover that reality is not anything like fantasy.
Possibly she had met with 'Dom/mes' On-line and found it so easy to'submit' and leapt into reality a little too soon. She tried running before she had mastered walking. A woam who wanted it all NOW! before starting out slowly and savouring every small step.

And a woman who somewhere along the way, lost her footing and began to stumble.
And rather than asking for help and guidance compounded her 'mistake' by being ever more eager to please without realising she was in fact closing herself off.
I see the dreams and the desires hidden amongst the giggles and soft eyes. I hear the love in your voice and experience it in the touch of your hand. I feel your joy and your pain your hopes and your dreams. I see your humor as the wall that is your protection and the cuteness that always gets you by.
I saw her dream...and yes it was a dream that she lived online with one Master after another... but her dream was valid..only the timing was wrong and her understanding of reality versus fantasy. This beautiful woman still has this dream but now understands that reality is much more and more difficult than fantasy. her dream has not changed nor has her goal. she will succeed but with honesty to herself first.
Shadows, I wanted to take a moment to tell you that this conversation topic has moved me to tears. In that one short paragraph, you neatly summed up the issues that I am currently struggling with.
I find myself at a place of new beginnings. I'm very much aware of past mistakes and have a deep desire to learn from them and to avoid these pitfalls whenever possible. I appreciate the way your threads cause me to stop and think, even when I am led to probe some very tender places.
You have a gift for teaching. Thank you.
Unregistered said:
Shadows, I wanted to take a moment to tell you that this conversation topic has moved me to tears. In that one short paragraph, you neatly summed up the issues that I am currently struggling with.
I find myself at a place of new beginnings. I'm very much aware of past mistakes and have a deep desire to learn from them and to avoid these pitfalls whenever possible. I appreciate the way your threads cause me to stop and think, even when I am led to probe some very tender places.
You have a gift for teaching. Thank you.

I hope that you will always see with your eyes wide open and recognize when they begin to half close. W/we grow from mistakes and should never allow their memory to stop a journey. I am touched that you would find some comfort in My words and that you can face your mistakes without allowing them to destroy you.

Thank you for taking the time to share your reality in this conversation.
Shadowsdream said:
W/we grow from mistakes and should never allow their memory to stop a journey.

I believe in these words 100%. Sometimes the urge to rehash old hurts and mistakes take too much of our time, and in doing so it makes it harder to live in the present and advance toward the future.

The past cannot be changed, and rehashing it uses too much energy.

I prefer to use my energy in positive pursuit of the future. Learning and growing is painful

I prefer to use my energy in positive pursuit of the future. Learning and growing is painful

Wow now that is so true... changing and growing is painful in life.

It does us no good to worry or fret over the past or borrow trouble for the future...

I have a girlfriend that always has said " When it hurts enough, then you will change". I have found that to be so true.

Ebonyfire said:

I believe in these words 100%. Sometimes the urge to rehash old hurts and mistakes take too much of our time, and in doing so it makes it harder to live in the present and advance toward the future.

The past cannot be changed, and rehashing it uses too much energy.

I prefer to use my energy in positive pursuit of the future. Learning and growing is painful


I must agree and still take it one step further using this past relationship as a guide into My particular mind.

Almost two years later, I still keep My eye on this girl and her developement. I still allow her the comfort of My knowledge and respect. I support her journey from a distance and she will bend her knee for Me again. Perhaps just for a few hours or perhaps for eternity one day.

All situations are colored by what is happening at the moment, if and why growth is attained. Never is a very long time. I never say I will Never give another chance but I use My patience to judge if and when the next chance should occur.

If another chance occurs it is because BOTH parties have a need to see if the magic has grown or evaporated.

I seldom give second chances...yet would NEVER lock Myself into saying never! was that for long winded?
I see your softness and fragility in the tentative way you hesitate and yet I also see your hardness and capability in the steel of your spine. I see your duality between meek and argumentative. your excuses for all that you are questioned on or reprimanded for. I see your tongue trip over the words as you try to get them out fast enough to convince Me that there are valid reasons for all failures..large or small. I watch you try to bite your tongue when you disagree with My
interpretation of your deeds or lack of them.


There really is so much to look for on a daily basis that can be over looked if one looks with the heart instead of honesty.
Shadowsdream said:

I must agree and still take it one step further using this past relationship as a guide into My particular mind.

Almost two years later, I still keep My eye on this girl and her developement. I still allow her the comfort of My knowledge and respect. I support her journey from a distance and she will bend her knee for Me again. Perhaps just for a few hours or perhaps for eternity one day.

All situations are colored by what is happening at the moment, if and why growth is attained. Never is a very long time. I never say I will Never give another chance but I use My patience to judge if and when the next chance should occur.

If another chance occurs it is because BOTH parties have a need to see if the magic has grown or evaporated.

I seldom give second chances...yet would NEVER lock Myself into saying never! was that for long winded?

It clocked in quite nicely! LOL

Peering into the future...

I would like to elaborate on this sentence of Shadowsdream.

I see you trying to peer into the future, and trying to control it's destiny.

In my own personal experience, I find that (male) subs often try to look into the future of a potential relationship.

It usually take the form of a question like "What will I ....?"

"How will you....?"

As if asking Me how life will be under my control ,as if I can predict the future. I think their questions stem not from a desire to top from the bottom, but the fear of letting go of control, and stepping out into the unknown.

I tell them that since each sub/slave is different I have no way of knowing. I tell them the only way to find out, is to serve for a trial period.

Peering into the future is a waste of time, preparing for it is more useful, but being in the present is always best.

Shadowsdream said:

I must agree and still take it one step further using this past relationship as a guide into My particular mind.

Almost two years later, I still keep My eye on this girl and her developement. I still allow her the comfort of My knowledge and respect. I support her journey from a distance and she will bend her knee for Me again. Perhaps just for a few hours or perhaps for eternity one day.

All situations are colored by what is happening at the moment, if and why growth is attained. Never is a very long time. I never say I will Never give another chance but I use My patience to judge if and when the next chance should occur.

If another chance occurs it is because BOTH parties have a need to see if the magic has grown or evaporated.

I seldom give second chances...yet would NEVER lock Myself into saying never! was that for long winded?

(I think I quite enjoy long winded)
Re: Re: Re: you cannot hear Me

Originally posted by Shadowsdream

I am also buried deep in honesty and depth of conversation in all of My day to day interractions if My counsel is sought or I have something of value to contribute. I do not believe that it should be necessary to destroy someone to have My opinions validated. I know without a doubt that no one can always be right.

BUT I do know what is right for Me and any sub that I would consider to be Mine will have a deep desire to be everything I could want and more as they also see how deep My care for their growth is.

These few words move me, Shadowsdream, because they echo the way I feel about Himself. I do believe that having the best interests of those people is the best indicator of love.

I cannot operate but from honesty. It has to be that way in all that I do with him and the others we bring into our circle. I do not expect that from them, these others in the beginning, because I don't think they always understand how important honesty is.

Like you I see that if I am honest with them, it creates an arena where they can begin to be honest with me. That is all that I can from them.

Progress not perfection.
Re: Peering into the future...

Ebonyfire said:
I would like to elaborate on this sentence of Shadowsdream.

I see you trying to peer into the future, and trying to control it's destiny.

In my own personal experience, I find that (male) subs often try to look into the future of a potential relationship.

It usually take the form of a question like "What will I ....?"

"How will you....?"

As if asking Me how life will be under my control ,as if I can predict the future. I think their questions stem not from a desire to top from the bottom, but the fear of letting go of control, and stepping out into the unknown.

I tell them that since each sub/slave is different I have no way of knowing. I tell them the only way to find out, is to serve for a trial period.

Peering into the future is a waste of time, preparing for it is more useful, but being in the present is always best.


Applauding this reality...
quietwillow said:
I have a girlfriend that always has said " When it hurts enough, then you will change". I have found that to be so true.


That is an excellent statement!


I have had much respect for every thread topic you have ever introduced in this Forum. They are all based on REALITIES, which may be falsely construed as FANTASIES by the inexperienced or ill informed.

By far, this topic is the most interesting to me. The few sentences, you have chosen so far to cause one to open doors and peer inside, is a credit to your skills in articulation.

You continue to amaze me, with your insight into the various aspects of Domination and submission.
If one cannot learn from you, then they are not opening the doors of which you have freely given the keys.

It *IS* about "Truth and Honesty" to oneself. All the answers are within each of our own truths. It is OUR responsibility to seek them out. Often, that is what scares us, (the truth).

We tend to deny it, because it is painful or we do not understand it, (the unknown). Fear CAN keep us from seeking the truth, but trust can give us the strength to overcome it.

Trust, is what is MOST difficult for each of us to deal with. Thank you again for a marvelous TOPIC.
I will be reading this thread avidly, and as always, learning greatly from your wisdom.:rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: you cannot hear Me

cellis said:

These few words move me, Shadowsdream, because they echo the way I feel about Himself. I do believe that having the best interests of those people is the best indicator of love.

I cannot operate but from honesty. It has to be that way in all that I do with him and the others we bring into our circle. I do not expect that from them, these others in the beginning, because I don't think they always understand how important honesty is.

Like you I see that if I am honest with them, it creates an arena where they can begin to be honest with me. That is all that I can from them.

Progress not perfection.

Honesty may be the biggest freedom that can be experienced. I have felt from your posts that you have discovered this as well...I am sure which ever fem sub that you both choose will enter into a wonderful journey of honesty.

It is wonderful to have you join the conversation