You Can All Smurf Off


May 23, 2012
Feeling smurfy?

Need to smurf?

Don’t know how to smurf properly?

Or do you just want to smurf around?

You can smurf until you’re blue in the face for all I care. Just smurf the smurf above you, below you, or yourself. If you want to bring your smurfy ways with you, be my smurf. Go smurfing crazy. Why the smurf would I start a thread like this you ask. To annoy the smurf out of you when it pops to the top and for no other smurfing reason. Now, Smurf Off!!!
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Feeling smurfy?

Need to smurf?

Don’t know how to smurf properly?

Or do you just want to smurf around?

You can smurf until you’re blue in the face for all I care. Just smurf the smurf above you, below you, or yourself. If you want to bring your smurfy ways with you, be my smurf. Go smurfing crazy. Why the smurf would I start a thread like this you ask. Too annoy the smurf out of you when it pops to the top and for no other smurfing reason. Now, Smurf Off!!!
Takes some serious smurf-berries to start a thread like this. Hope you're smurf enough to handle it.
So what about Sassette?


Granted she'd have been jail-bait but I'm betting you smurfed her over your knee at least once!

Now I have to go find the "What made me Smile", And "Say Smurf" threads. Oh, that's exactly Douchie Smurf. He's such a smurf sometimes. And as a side note, Pink's "Glitter in the Air" is smurfing in my ear. I wouldn't say no to smurfin her or just smurfin her wherever she told me. Smurfs are very receptive to directions. Some of the smurfs around here could maybe pay attention to that bit of smurf. I understand some of the directions may seem anatomically impossible, but give it a smurf. You'll smurf it. I smurf.

A million brazillian smurfs to you for making me smurf. :rose:
So what about Sassette?


Granted she'd have been jail-bait but I'm betting you smurfed her over your knee at least once!

You got that right. I can't believe you'd try to bring smurfie smurf to my thread. For smurf. I'm gonna have to bend you over my smurf and give you a good smurfing. I smurf you. It's gonna smurf me far more than it's gonna smurf you. :caning:
Now I have to go find the "What made me Smile", And "Say Smurf" threads. Oh, that's exactly Douchie Smurf. He's such a smurf sometimes. And as a side note, Pink's "Glitter in the Air" is smurfing in my ear. I wouldn't say no to smurfin her or just smurfin her wherever she told me. Smurfs are very receptive to directions. Some of the smurfs around here could maybe pay attention to that bit of smurf. I understand some of the directions may seem anatomically impossible, but give it a smurf. You'll smurf it. I smurf.

A million brazillian smurfs to you for making me smurf. :rose:

Do you need a smurfing tissue?

;) :kiss:
So what about Sassette?


Granted she'd have been jail-bait but I'm betting you smurfed her over your knee at least once!

Didn't they come along late in the Smurf run ... you know when shows start adding little kids to bring some interest back to the series. :rolleyes:
Didn't they come along late in the Smurf run ... you know when shows start adding little kids to bring some interest back to the series. :rolleyes:

Yea. I had to stop watching when they showed up. It was time. I was in college. Now I'm hooked on Phineas and Ferb.

:heart: That was a good photo shoot. I smurfed the smurf out of her right after that picture was taken. That was the best 46.8 seconds of her smurfing life.
:heart: That was a good photo shoot. I smurfed the smurf out of her right after that picture was taken. That was the best 46.8 seconds of her smurfing life.

She got 46.8 smurfing seconds, smurfing with such a smurfity smurf??? I am SO smurfin' jealous! for smurf's sake!

I luckily got the ankle biters hooked on them. Or I got hooked. I'm usually the one left in front of the TV and they're off trying to shave the cat. I blame myself for that. I told them to see if they could do it. Still don't know where the cat is.

She got 46.8 smurfing seconds, smurfing with such a smurfity smurf??? I am SO smurfin' jealous! for smurf's sake!

You're smurfin A right it was smurftastic. I got smurf to do. I smurf em and leave em. I'm not about the smurf-play. That's for smurfs. And Papa ain't no smurf. He's a smurf's smurf.

No reason to bring up my gnome fetish. I have one smurfbang with some gnomes on your front lawn and all of a sudden I'm smurfed. I'm sorry you lost your smurf to me. It was just smurf, smurfy. You're gonna have to move on with your smurf. need a bit more of Papa's smurfin. :nana:
Just out of curiosity, are you at all sorry you did that product endorsement (or is that still smurfing in the bucks?)

No reason to bring up my gnome fetish. I have one smurfbang with some gnomes on your front lawn and all of a sudden I'm smurfed. I'm sorry you lost your smurf to me. It was just smurf, smurfy. You're gonna have to move on with your smurf. need a bit more of Papa's smurfin. :nana:

Papa's smurfing is what got me into all of this smurf with the front door. Me and the gnomes will just smurf ourselves, thank you very smurf.