You big flirt!!!

Well, you didn't have to devote an entire thread to it, but thank you, dearest!!

No need to sing my praises. I am very modest. A good spot on your sig line is plenty.

Red haired? Where did you get that? It's clear from my avatar I'm a tall dark haired man with penetrating blue eyes.
Who's the flirt now, eh?

I have to giggle with LKE on this one, love!!
You know, It's a good thing I'm a guy cause I couldn't be trusted with a pussy...I'd fuck it all up. :D
All this talk of woodies is making me hot.

I have turquoise eyes.
Damn Trish...can worship those legs? :D

Tourquiose is a beautiful color ;)

Anyone up for some one-eyed dragon slaying?