Yes I am an idiot.

John Roberts

Mambo gal
Jul 5, 2002
For all you who have tried to reach me lately......I am so sorry.
I did not realize that one had to clean out one's "sent mail" and I had quite a bit stacked up.

I......he..he....hope you that you try again.....:eek:

Can you think of something really stupid that you have done?
I tried to light a gas hot water heater one time.......
I walked around without eyebrows for a month.
Geez John, you're talking to Bimbo Extraordinare here... where do I start?

Ok, back in high school.. I went to a convent and was taught by nuns. During religion classes, my teacher frequently talked about euthanasia... fair enough, but no one thought to tell me just what euthenasia was.

I misheard the nun and thought she was saying.. "youth in Asia", and I used to wonder what on earth the youth in Asia got up to, to make them so bad!

That's only one, I have so many more, but I'm not going to post them until someone else joins in. :D
Another stupid thing I did was a long time ago at a dinner party,
I smoked pot pretty regularly in those days, so I was defending pot saying you can function perfectly normal and dumped a greasy plate of food in a pretty nurses lap....of course everyone laughed at me......geez!, the person that I was debating with did not even have to open their mouth. I of course in total humiliation
never went to one of those gatherings again....
Of course I referred to getting stoned as getting stupid after that incedent.:)
I have not smoked the stuff in years, I decided that if I was going to get any edge in life I had to try for a little clarity.

LOL...for years i thought that the lyrics to 'Your The One That I Want' from Grease went......'I've got chilllis....thyre multipying'...LOL...i used to sing it in class and couln't figure out why everyone lauhed...LOL