
*Yawns* dont think I sleept enough :| you'd think 6 hours would be enough *Stretches and yawns*
Good Morning Pixie. Well, it is afternoon here, now.

Just sitting here chomping on jawbreakers. If I eat them all my son will be mad...might have to run to the store to replace the box so he won't know....lol

Hope all is well in Canada.

Dantetier, sanjuaneros....good morning/afternoon to you two, also.

LOL serious? DaMN insomniac???????
this is REALLY REALLY early for me. probably will nap
Hey Blue *S*

Nah. I'm not an insomniac. I work Graveyard.. so I sleep during the day
Dantetier said:
Hey Blue *S*

Nah. I'm not an insomniac. I work Graveyard.. so I sleep during the day

Eek! Graveyard shift. Bummer. Unless, of course, you enjoy it. lol

I shoudl be a vampirer, been told I'm too "Goth" I sleep all day. I burn easy in the sun LOL I love to bite LOL
I used to be Heliophobic... I despise the sun. it's soo.... bright
BRight lights give me headaches. I much prefer night time, unfortunally in the summer doesnt get dark here at night
I love winter here... I live in the desert, so it can get really chilly at night, but not freezing... and we get the Santa Ana winds... and I used to have a black leather trenchcoat, so I used to walk to my friends house at like 2 in the morning and scare people. It was fun... so there was a nice chilly wind and it was blowing my cloak back and I looked just badass...
LOL OMG WICKED I love that!!!!!!! LOL

I miss stars, :( I miss to be able to just sit outside at night and it being warm and look at the stars.
*chuckles* I love scaring people....

My friends ran a big Haunted house out here, and I used to volounteer.. and so I just shrouded myself in black, and lurked in the main hallway, which was pitch black... and something I did that freaked people out the most was just get right in fron of them and put my face directly in front of theirs (My eyes adjusted to the dark, but they had just walked in from a bright room) and as they slowly adjusted, I started to appear, and some people just WIGGED out
Pixie Mischief said:
I just woke up hehe, Good Morning everyone!!!

Damn I been up for 7 hours! Well congats on waking up, it beats one alternative I can think of.
You rock! LOL I like to fuck with the mind's of ignorant people LOL

your gonna give people heart attacks LOL