Waking Up With a Baseball Bat


Literotica Guru
Dec 24, 2012
In the middle of the night I woke up with a baseball bat in my pants. Usually I can roll over and fall back asleep but this thing wouldn’t go down.

Woman in the past I could just pull off their panties while they are sleeping and fuck them. My fiance isn’t like those ladies. So took care of matters in hand. But man I was hard!!! And big!!!
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Been there and did that a few times, you just can't sleep until you give him what he wants. I've done it very quietly in bed and cum in my knickers while shes still fast asleep, I then get out of bed for a quick clean and a pee.
I love those nights when my husband wakes me up because he needs to use my pussy. I sleep without panties so he has easy access and he just takes me hard and fast. Its the best feeling. Im sorry your fiancé doesn't like that, :(