X-MEN: Intrusion of the Darkest Kind (Closed for thepoeticmaster2121 )


Really Experienced
Dec 27, 2007
X-MEN: Intrusion of the Darkest Kind (Open to anyone wanting to play as Wolverine)

( OOC: this takes place before M Day and before X-23 was revealed to be Wolverine's clone for those wondering on the time line)

Code Name: X-23
Real Name: Laura Kinney
Height: 5'7
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

It is mid day in Salem Center, New York and Professor X had taken the entire school out on a field trip. The sun is high and the wind is blowing slightly as the sound of birds chirping could be heard all around the courtyard and everything seemed to be serene.

Moving quickly and making almost no sound as she moved effortlessly through the trees around the courtyard Laura Kinney takes a moment to stop and ponder what mission had been laid out for her as she thinks to herself about who she is and where she comes from.

"The Facility created me to be a weapon. Killing was all I knew. I didn't know how to say "no." But if I ever did say no, they had a way to make me kill. A chemical trigger. This is it. A lot of it."

"Thinking this silently to herself and then pausing before doing a rolling handspring and triple front flip off of the large oak branch she was perched on and landing silently on the balcony of the second floor of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters or as it is now known Xavier Institute of Higher Learning.

"Glad no one is home right now this is going to be easy money"

She said quietly but aloud and unaware that The Wolverine is home house sitting and relaxing in the weight room. Quickly and deftly she pulled out one claw and cut the lock open without damaging the door and stepped in making her way down the narrow hallway which went past the bedrooms of all the X-Men.

Moving stealthily down the halls avoiding detection by any and all cameras. She was feeling so confident and happy because the blue prints and security schematics paid off. Working her way to the X-Man's room known as Cyclops to get what she came here for.


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“Come on come on”

Logan growled and tightened his muscles sweat dripping off his face and down onto the matt, the bar was close so close he just had to give one last push to clear it. He closed his eyes pushing his feelings and thoughts aside and blanking out focusing on his body and nothing more. He pulled him self up clearing the bar with his chin and busting out two more as adrenalin burst through his body.


He dropped down onto the matt landing on it with the balls of his feet, he quickly toweled the sweat off and took a small sip of water he saw his muscles pulsating from the hard work out and grinned ignoring his white beater and walking towards the door.

No kids today which meant the man could relax and move about the mansion freely, he didn’t mind living at the school (if he was being honest he loved it) but the damn kids had since lost fear in him. They were always asking him for battle stories and the house had gotten a bit more tighter as more and more students filled the halls.

Which was why he offered to baby sit the mansion today

He paused his senses alerting him, some one was in the house some one who smelled….. Off. The scent was weird different and familiar to his own at the same time almost as if it was his brother. The foot steps were to light though and the scent was clearly a women’s just one he had never met before.

“Where are you going” Logan murmured opening the door and stepping out into the hall, whoever the person was they were heading towards Cyclops room and moving past the mansions security with a practiced ease.

“This girl is good” Logan thought to himself picking his way down the hall and letting his claws slowly slide out, Cyclops room was at the end of the hall which meant she wouldn’t be able to escape him.

He slowly moved in for the kill reaching the opened door and pushing it open.

“Who are you?”
Turning quickly she looked him up and down and smirked at him

"Hmmmph what are you campus security?"

She looked around the room looking for an escape route as her sexy toned legs switch position to a relaxed yet offensive posture

"Look mister I do not want trouble and I know you are not ready for that kind of trouble so step aside and I will leave I am done here any way"

She took one step back as her eyes met his
“Campus security?” Logan said laughing and watching her move, she seemed so… Familiar as if she was his sister or some thing, it was very off putting and it was very distracting.

“Give me back whatever it is you stole” Wolverine growled dropping into a low expert fighting style, he moved a step closer showing her that he was by no means a push over.

A fact that was heightened when three long silver claws slid out of his knuckles

“If you haven’t heard of me kid then I suggest you just run because if not then I’ll have to show you why you should be scared of me” Wolverine growled his teeth pulling back and his mouth snarling out the last words.
She stepped back defensively at the sound of his claws ripped through his overly muscular hands and exposed themselves as she did a back handspring landing in a defensive position and flexed her forearms and released two equally silver blades from each hand watching his reaction.

"I do not want trouble and I did not steal anything but if you do not step aside I will pick my teeth with your bones old man"

She instinctively sprung out towards the wall beside him and ran the distance beside his short yet formidable form and slashed once with her left arm slicing his arm before she leaped off the wall and did a front flip and landed behind him and started to run down the hall as she said quietly to herself unaware he could hear her whisper.

"I am sorry Logan-San"
He growled turning and chasing after her, he didn’t bother to wait until the wound closed. Instead he pumped his arms working hard to catch up to her. The women knew his name but didn’t seem to know any thing about his powers or his skills. She was a mystery, one that was getting more and more mysterious every second he followed her.

Maybe it was time to get some answers

The hall ended at the staircase but also a window, Logan waited until the last minute then poured on the last bit of speed reaching her in seconds he jumped tackling her with all of his body weight. They crashed through the window and hung in the air for a couple of seconds before gravity finally got the better of them, they crashed down to earth and Logan straddled her trapping her as they slammed nto the ground.

“Don’t move” Logan growled two of his claws sliding out, he slammed his fast down trapping her neck between the two silver claws. If she so much as moved his other claw would come out and slice through her neck.
She was running thinking she had gotten away until his body slammed into hers and she gasped as they went through the window letting out no scream as the glass shredded her flesh and looking into his eyes and gave him a wink as he held her to the ground and he could see shards of glass sticking out of her body

"Maybe next time we can land in the pool?"

She glanced down at her wounds and rolled her eyes

"Would you be a dear and pull the glass out please"

She looked up and down his body

"Not too bad for an old guy not many people get the drop on me which is why you are still breathing"
“I’m sure you can pull the glass out” Logan growled getting up and keeping his claws trained on her, she seemed okay which meant she had his healing powers as well as his claws. The mystery girl got stranger each and every moment he was around her and she was also testing his very patience.

“I want you to go back into the house and go to the elevator” Logan growled his fist curled and his claws ready to attack “hands behind your back until I tell you other wise” he snapped.
She stammered to her feet as she looked him up and down before she bowed to him in respect and placed her hands behind her back

"Hai Logan-San"

She walked in front of him her young body moved remarkably well for not having removed the shards of glass

"What will you do with me old man? The brig?"

She chuckled softly under her breath

"Would that hold you?"
“For now the brig is the best place for you” Logan growled his claws firmly pressed against her back as he marched her into the underground base of the X-men. He didn’t think it would hold her for very long but then again he wasn’t letting her out of his sight either, she could try and escape but he would be in the room to.

“That’s why I am not leaving you” Logan snapped opening the door and bringing her inside, he stepped in and locked it behind him before leaning against the wall and starring at her “when the school kids get back Xavier will know I am in here and come and get me” Logan said grinning “until then I’m going to watch you and make sure you do not escape”
She leaned back against a wall of the containment room

"You and I are not so different you know" She paused and smiled as two claws slowly slid out of her hand

"We are both soldiers the only difference is I am not someone's lap dog"

She walked around the room and dragged her claws along the walls leaving two cut trails

"What do I have to do to get you to let me go?" She said to him impatiently as she pulled the glass out of her body her wounds healed as fast as his would if not faster as she walked to the door

"Look I did not take anything honest so no crime other than breaking and entering has been committed so let me go and I will give you something you want"
“Not a chance” Logan growled ignoring her and pulling out a cigar “I’m not about to let you go so you might as well just sit there and look pretty” he said lighting it and taking a deep drag before closing his eyes. He kept his claws out showing her that even though he was relaxing he could still gut her if she got any ideas.
She laughed at him playfully

"Ha ha ha so you think I am pretty? You are a dirty old man aren't you?"

She began to pace around the cell like a caged lioness as she looked at him taking in his stature and she smiled

"What happens if I touch this force field?"
( OOC: bump for anyone who wants to take over as Wolverine Pm before posting please)
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( OOC: bump for anyone who wants to take over as Wolverine I really would like to continue this thread Pm before posting please)
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( OOC: bump for anyone who wants to take over as Wolverine I really would like to continue this thread Pm before posting please)
( OOC: bump for anyone who wants to take over as Wolverine I really would like to continue this thread Pm before posting please or we could do a similar thread)
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