WWE Fantasy - Open for 1 male


Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2012
The arena felt like a ghost town around this time of the day and Katie liked to watch the wrestlers practice for the night's performance from a spot where no one could see her. She was your typical apple pie girl next door that had taken on a position as assistant to the man in charge of production for the WWE RAW series. Katie typically wore jeans and a t-shirt a few sizes too big, having a bit of a complex about her looks. Who wouldn't when you were surrounded by amazing females with these bodies that were considered a man's dream.

Katie never thought of herself as being a looker. She kept herself fit and dressed normally. Most of the time Katie did her best not to draw attention to herself. Her work was her life. She didn't go out or hit the clubs with some of the rest of the girls. Right now she was watching her crush, a man named Phil Brooks. His stage name was CM Punk and he had had her attention from day one.

She didn't have that much experience as far as men are concerned but this one got to her in a big way. Katie watched him sometimes, appreciating the curve of his ass and the muscles that lined his frame. Coming from what was considered the traditional American home, Katie found his bad boy look very attractive. She wanted to trace the tattoos that covered his chest. All it took was hearing his voice and she was wet, her nipple erect.

Today Punk was practicing with John Cena for a main event match that they were going to do that night. Katie sat in a dark corner as usual and watched him with avid interest. She almost jumped when she felt a tap on her shoulder and her bud, Mike (AKA The Miz) plopped down next to her with his goofy grin.

"If you stare any harder you might melt his tights."

Katie tried hard not to smile and failed. She and Mike had developed an unusual friendship that had kept her sane throughout her employment. He had taken her under his wing and made things more comfortable for her. "I wish you wouldn't tease me about this." Mike laughed and Katie swatted at his arm, making him grasp it with a pouty look as if she had injured him. "It's hard enough having to work around him without blushing."

Off to the right Katie heard her boss, Eric McCarty calling for her. She waved bye to Mike and ran to see what Eric needed from her. As usual the manic Scotsman gave her a laundry list of errands to do. Katie was running about back stage, trying to find the script for tonight's show when she ran smack dab into the one man she melted for.

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended I have no association with WWE or CM Punk
"Well hello there little lady, can I help you with something?"

CM was going through his normal pre-fight routine and getting psyched up with some music when this new assistant had bumped into him. Being surrounded by all the sexy bodies of the female wrestlers and fans was great but this girl didnt wear tight clothes and show off her body, she was a mystery to Punk and that intrigued him.

"Where are you going so fast?" he said to her with a wink
Katie turned a bright shade of red when he winked at her and straightened herself. "I am t...t.trying to find Mr. McCarty." This was something he had hoped would never happen. Here she was face to face with the guy of carnal dreams and she could barely speak to him. Katie glanced at the floor and did her best to gather herself again. "Sorry for bumping into you like that. I wasn't watching where I was going."

Katie had a hard time not staring at the lip piercing he had. She had seen him on screen when he would play with it. It always made her want to nibble at his mouth. "Did you need something?"
He smiled to himself as she stuttered and stumbled to get her words out. Something about how nervous she was around him attracted him more than the brash girls that usually flaunted themselves in order to get in his pants. He had a busy schedule ahead of him that day but CM was now very intrigued by this mystery girl that wore baggy clothes instead of showing off. He knew that this girl had a thing for him not only because of the way she had just acted but because his buddy the Miz had told him she couldnt stop staring at him. Thus hes simply asked her, "I'm just wondering why you always hide under all those clothes?" while playing with his lip ring.
Katie bit back the urge to groan when he played with his lip ring. The man made her go wet in the panties with very little effort. Jesus. How was she supposed to get though a conversation without seeming like a complete idiot. This whole meeting seemed a little too convenient for her taste. If Mike had said anything to Punk about her little crush, she would stick him airport hotels for the next 6 months for events.

She blushed as he asked about her clothes. "Hide?" Katie looked down at the modest but over-sized clothing that she always wore. "I'm comfortable like this." That was the truth in part. Katie had a well developed bust and it was a source of embarrassment for her. She grew up in a preacher's kid and dressed the part most of her life.

The one time she got caught otherwise was during a car wash in high school. She had been wearing a modest white tee that didn't last long around the rowdy members of their football team. Next thing she was soaked and her tee was plastered to her curvy body.

She had no idea what had brought on this question from Punk of all people. Katie had no idea he ever noticed her to begin with. What else had she missed when it came to him?
It was easy to see the light in her eyes just from talking to him which was a new thing for CM since most girls just wanted to fuck him for namesake and his big cock. This girl however seemed completely enthralled in him and definitely was from what Mike had said. He reminded himself to thank him later for the info and take him out for a beer.

Turning his attention back to Katie he thought about her answer, "Comfort is great but not all the time, in order to succeed and change you have to step outside your comfort zones little mystery girl." "I just find it interesting that around here you are the only one covering yourself up, what ya got to hide." he said with an enticing smile.
Katie didn't know what to make of Punk's interest in her sense of style or in her period but she was calming a bit in his presence. The attraction that kept her antsy was still there though. "I know how appearance can help in advancing career wise. I like to think that its something I can do slowly. I've never been real concerned with how I look. I'm not running about naked so I seldom consider it a problem." Wow! That was more words she thought she would ever say to him without stuttering.

That smile he gave her made her hands shakey. A man shouldn't be allowed to be that sexy. It was lethal. "I'm not hiding anything." That was a bad lie and she wasn't counting on him believing it but she could hope. "I'm just not the type to dress like some of the girls around here. I've always dress this way."
CM could tell that she was lying about not hiding anything. He knew even with her modest clothes that she had at least some sexy under there. He was also impressed with how quickly she was getting more comfortable with talking even tho he could tell she was still nervous and antsy. "Not saying to prance around naked either, though im sure noone would mind." He joked with her and gave her another wink and a smile. "Im sure McCarty would take it easier on ya if you did, probably wouldnt have you doin as much bitch work for him that way."

He looked down at his watch to make sure of the time so he knew how close the fight was and noticed her hands shaking. This again showed the impact he had on her like she was a teen schoolgirl talking to a boy for the first time. Once again he smirked and joked with her again to see how she would react, "Are you cold, you seem to be shivering?" and he chuckled.
Katie snorted. "That would be highly unlikely." She grimaced at the mention of her boss. " I think Eric has plenty of flesh bouncing around here." As much as Eric would like to pretend that he was a gentleman, deep down he was just another horny male in Katie's opinion. She had overheard conversations between him and the roustabouts that took care of the hard labor before a show. They consisted of legs, boobs and just about every other body part of the girls. None bothered to realize that those girls had brains. Some were actually pretty nice to Katie on a regular basis.

She could have gone white as a sheet when he noticed her hands shaking. Kate glanced upwards for a second. "I think I might be standing under one of the AC ducts." A shit of a lie but she needed to save face.

Katie saw Eric jogging over to see them. "Hey, Kitty Kat. You found the man I was looking for." She rolled her eyes at the nickname. She could bust his balls when he used it. "Punk, have you decided on an escort for tonight's event?"
"Hmmm i don't know that a tough decision. I choose Kitty Kat here as my escort if you dont mind me borrowing you're assistant Eric."

With that he looked down at Katie and winked at the shocked look on her face. She had boldly lied to him about the AC duct and now he was putting her on the spot.

"Guess it is time to step out of your comfort zone Pussy Kat, I mean Kitty Kat." and he winked at her again turning to McCarty and saying, "what do you think Eric?"
Katie dropped her clipboard with a loud thud and momentarily forgot who she was talking, entertaining the thought of kicking the bastard in the knee. Her grandmother's Irish blood damn near came to the surface. Pussy Kat? When he winked at her, the blood rushed to her face and even Eric noticed.

"Looks like you're will be accompanied Punk on tonight's Monday Night RAW."

She tried to catch Eric before he could go report the new status for tonight but she was too late. Katie didn't know what she wanted to do more: lick Punk or strangle him. One of the girls dragged her off to the wardrobe. The ladies there dressed her in a royal blue dress that was strapless and cut off at the tops of her thighs, strappy black heels that helped show off her legs. Her hair hung in soft waves down her back. The make up staff played up Katie's eyes. When she walked up to Punk backstage she looked very different.

There were whispers about who the hell the new girl was.
Punk laughed when she dropped her clipboard and her face flushed red. He wondered how she would take the new assignment hoping it would break her out of her shell and let her have some fun. As she was dragged to wardrobe he just smiled and winked telling the girls to, "do a good job."

When they met backstage he barely even recognized her and she looked stunning. Punk was now the one that had to keep himself from staring. He could hear people asking who she was and smiled.

"So thats what was hiding under there all along, I never would have guessed. Lookin good Pussy Kat." he said with a wink.
Katie wasn't too comfortable with the way people were looking at her. She saw Mike grinning at her like a Cheshire cat and she nailed him in the gut for good measure. He tried to look hurt but she knew damn well he had said something to Punk even if she didn't know exactly what.

She could barely look Punk in the eye. "Thanks." His music started and Katie could hear 'Cult of Personality'. As instructed she took his arm and walked down the ramp with him, ignoring the fans booing. During the match he had with Kane, Katie sat in a chair next to Jerry Lawler while he called the match.

After it was over and Katie could finally go change out of the dress they had her in, Katie was having trouble finding a place to change. Her day clothes in her hands, she kept trying until she found a dressing room that was empty. It wasn't liker she planned on taking forever. Dropping the pile of clothing onto the leather chair, she began to strip off the cumbersome shoes and dress.

She remain in a black lace bra and matching thong. Her long legs were still in the silk thigh highs.
After winning his fight with Kane, Punk was feeling great and wanted to talk to Katie about how well she did overcoming all of that. He asked around and found out where she had been. He first met up with Mike who congratulated him on the fight and asked how things were going. "Great man thanks for telling me about her, I never would have guessed she was so sexy." Mike responded by saying, "No problem dude, and yea she took me by surprise too. Go get that man and remember you owe me. Haha." "Thanks man Im going to find her right now."

After finding the dressing room that Katie was using Punk just walked in unannounced. He walked in to see her in just her thigh highs a bra and panties looking herself over. He walked up behind her and covered her eyes saying, "Guess who?"
Katie hadn't heard the door open and was about to strip out of the thigh highs when someone covered her eyes. She wanted to scream but that seemed so stupid at this point. "Damn it, Punk" She picked up the dress and tried to cover herself with the sparse amount of material.

Her shyness was very apparent at the moment. Katie had never been this exposed in front of a man before. It didn't help that his voice had triggered her arousal and her nipples were more than a little erect and begging for his mouth.

"What the hell? Get out of here so I can dress." She needed to regain some part of her dignity. In this state she couldn't hide how much she wanted him and Katie didn't want to complicate her job by being rejected.
"Thats not gonna happen." he said sliding his hands away from her eyes and down her tight sexy body. "You were great out there by the way. And now I see why you cover up. You dont wanna embarass the other ladies around here." Punk flirts and kisses her neck softly cupping her body. "So how was it being out of your comfort zone Pussy Kat." As he says this he licks her neck.
Katie couldn't think when he touched her. All she wanted now was for him to take her bra off. His mouth was driving her pulse into a rapid beat. Her skin erupted in goosebumps and she shivered as he cupped her body. Her pussy dampened so badly that Katie thought she may be coating her thighs. How did he do this to her.

When his hot tongue licked the back of her neck, Katie's knees went weak. Jesus christ she could have came right then and there. "What do you want from me?" The question came out in a desperate plea. Her eyes were dilated and she was breathing hard. There was no hiding this anymore.
Punk felt her shiver and her knees go weak knowing he had her right where he wanted her. He whispered into her ear, "What do you think I want sexy? I want what you have been wanting since you saw me. Dont think I dont know Pussy Kat, Mike told me you cant keep your eyes off of me and you have a crush on me so why dont we just make it a reality?"

He slid his hands up taking her dress from her and dropping it on the floor, cupping her breasts in his hands and nibbling on her shoulder. "What do you want Pussy Kat?" he whispered in her ear while pressing himself into her back.
Katie had known Mike had said something to Punk now she knew for sure. She couldn't be angry at him at the moment. Not with Punk touching her skin. She sighed and her back arched, letting her breasts shove into his hands. Her arousal was so intense that there was no denying this anymore.

"I want you..." She gasped as he nibbled on her shoulder. "I need you to fuck me." It came out in a plea laced with a lust that she only felt for him. At that moment Katie felt the clasp of her bra come undone. She leaned her head back, her eyes almost begging him to kiss her.
He finally got her to let loose and stop being so nervous. Now this would be fun. Punk unclasped her bra as Katie leaned back into him in ecstasy. He slid the bra of her shoulders and dropped it with the dress on the floor. Now he could cup her gorgeous breasts without any hindrance, pinching and rolling her nipples in his fingers.

"You want me, huh? How long have you wanted me Pussy Kat? What do you want from me you sexy little minx?" He urged her more and more kissing her neck and fondling her breasts. Finally he kisses her quickly on the lips and presses his hard trapped cock against her tight ass. Slowly sliding his hand down from her breast teasing her to no end and making her need release more than ever.
Katie gave in to his touch and whimpered. She couldn't see past what he was making her feel. Every little pinch to her nipples sent shockwaves to her clit making her move, trying helplessly to find relief. "Yes, I want you. I've wanted you since I first saw you. I want you to fuck me with your hard cock. God I want to make me scream."

Her need overcame her fears and Katie let her hand touched through the material of his tights. There wasn't much they could hide and she explored him. Her unrestrained hunger would be her undoing. When he kissed, she taste the sweet sugar from those candies he loved so much. Everyone knew of Punk's sweet tooth.

She moaned into his mouth but Katie needed more. Her body ached so badly that she was close to begging for what she needed. Without a word, she wiggled out of the panties and let them drop to the floor.
"There we go, I knew you werent just some good little innocent girl hiding her assets. Let yourself free Pussy Kat." Punk whispers to her as he slides his hand over her tight stomach and finally feels her sweet shaved pussy, running his fingers slowly over it parting her lips. Turning her around he kisses her full on the lips and slides a finger inside of her. Finally whispering, "Today is the day your fantasies and dreams come true Katie."
Katie's moans echoed in the room as his hands tormented her. She was helpless as his hand touched her pussy, the dampness very evident. Her eyes nearly rolled in her head when he slipped a finger inside of her. She kissed him back on fire for him.

Katie nibbled at his mouth teasingly. She wanted what he was promising but she knew it meant letting down all of guards. Turning around, Katie took what she wanted. Her mouth kissed at his neck and followed downward as she unzipped the hoodie he always wore. She kissed his tattooed chest, running her tongue down his stomach.

Her fantasy wasn't of him taking her but of them taking each other.
Now it was his turn to enjoy her as she kissed down his chest and undid his sweatshirt he took it off and dropped it. As she continued to lower herself he fondled her breasts the entire time as he slid his now sopping wet out of her slippery pussy.

On her way down his body he slid his finger into her mouth so she could taste just how turned on she was because of him. Finally she was on her knees in front of him and Punk said to her, "Go ahead sweetie take it out, get what you have been waiting for." Smiling he knew he had broken her and that she had given in to her dark side releasing her pent up sexuality.
Katie moan as he slipped his finger into her mouth. Her eyes darkened and she sucked at his finger with a sensual relish. Her tongue swirled at the tip, trying to devour every bit of her essence that drenched the digit for herself. When she hit her knees it was pretty clear what she wanted.

Katie released his hard cock from his tights, pulling them down to his knees. Her hand caressed the thick flesh, pumping it once before she licked up the length. Her mouth covered the tip and suckled loudly. She moaned, letting the vibrations resonate through his cock.

Her naked breasts pressed against the skin of his thighs. Katie wanted to taste every inch of him. Her hand cupped his balls while the other pumped his cock when she took all of him into her mouth.