Writing on your phone?


with cheese
Aug 8, 2022
I've got an Android Galaxy S22. A few years old now. Works great.

I know there are some of you that write on your phones. What app works best for that? I'm looking for something that might work for a fella with big paws. Thanks in advance.
I use Google Docs all the way around both on my phone and laptop. It's so hard writing on a phone. I think at least half of everything I've written here was done on a phone and it showed in the typos and misspellings.
I suggest you invest in a tabletop device that can prop your phone up for you and has a full sized keyboard attachment, they have lots of options on Amazon. It makes life writing on a phone soooo much easier, because that little keyboard can give the thumbs a serious workout if you're clocking 10K or more words.
I have a little AT&T phone, bought at Walmart for $52. It's also my go-to computer, and it's what I've written on since September 2001. Hasn't failed me yet.
I use Google Docs, primarily on a laptop. I do use the phone version to check formatting and for some proofreading/editing. It does a reasonable job of approximating Lit's mobile look for the text and I can do it from anywhere I can carry my phone.
I don't normally use a keyboard with the phone, but I have a Microsoft foldable keyboard that does work well and has a good feel.
iA Writer on Android with Microsoft's swiping keyboard, for notes and sex scenes. Those require enough thought that I don't mind how slowly I type. Dialogue on the on-screen keyboard would be agony.

Not sure how big your hands are, but I can span 10 keys on a piano.

If you're up for carrying a bluetooth keyboard around, check out the Thinkpad Bluetooth external keyboard. It's big, but feels exactly like a laptop keyboard. (Because it is the keyboard they use for the laptops, stuck in a case with a bluetooth chip.)
iA Writer on Android with Microsoft's swiping keyboard, for notes and sex scenes. Those require enough thought that I don't mind how slowly I type. Dialogue on the on-screen keyboard would be agony.

Not sure how big your hands are, but I can span 10 keys on a piano.
I've got thick bricklayer's hands, but even if I had petite elfin digits I cannot grasp how I'd type on a phone at the speed that the characters are talking. Therefore, laptop with Word doing auto spelling corrects as I go so I can keep up. If you can't get the words down as fast as you can think, how do you maintain flow??
I've got an Android Galaxy S22. A few years old now. Works great.

I know there are some of you that write on your phones. What app works best for that? I'm looking for something that might work for a fella with big paws. Thanks in advance.
I write all my smut on my phone. I just feel sexier when I’m lying down. I use MS Word and transfer the docs to my laptop with Dropbox for final clean-up.
My phone has ten keys. one through zero.
As does mine. I write in an ancient version of Word on a not quite so ancient HP desktop with a wide screen monitor. My fingers are too big for a smartphone keyboard and I need a lot of screen because my eyesight isn't what it was when I was 20.
I use WriterPad for drafting on my Android phone. Google Docs is a pain in the proverbial and makes things too complicated to read easily, so for final edits I switch to the desktop.

I can type nearly as fast as on a keyboard, using Google keyboard and the autocorrect options, with one or two thumbs. I take notes in meetings on my phone pretty much verbatim.
I don’t write on the phone except forum messages.

I do have a Logitech k380 that I like. It has a feature that was very rare years ago, but not that rare today, the ability to fast switch between 3 devices, so could be used for phone, computer, tablet. The feel is reasonably ok too.

Edit: a note about the k480 (not the k380 which is compact). The k480 surprises everyone who sees it in real life. I can’t explain why, it’s just bigger than it looks in pictures.
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Apart from the infuriating clumsiness, I find the format claustrophobic and that works against the frame of mind I need to write. It was difficult enough to move from the organic freedom of notebooks, with doodles in the margin, meaningful crossings out where you could still see the words underneath that could later be revisited. Then there's the arrows, underlinings and thought bubbles.... on a phone? Nope.
Apart from the infuriating clumsiness, I find the format claustrophobic and that works against the frame of mind I need to write. It was difficult enough to move from the organic freedom of notebooks, with doodles in the margin, meaningful crossings out where you could still see the words underneath that could later be revisited. Then there's the arrows, underlinings and thought bubbles.... on a phone? Nope.

I am only really happy writing in Pages on my MacBook, and I always write in Times New Roman, 24 pt font, because I am both obsessive and far sighted.
I use WPS, not that I think it'd be better than anything else specifically. Can't use Docs because I can't depend on wifi.

And a Bluetooth keyboard.