Writing Goal for the Day?

Well, it seems everyone in the Penn household is sick with something. PennBoy got sick last night -- it's always something. PennGirl is happy, though, b/c Mr Penn picked up some graham crackers at the store. I think I may go into Nick Jr overload...
Well, it seems everyone in the Penn household is sick with something. PennBoy got sick last night -- it's always something. PennGirl is happy, though, b/c Mr Penn picked up some graham crackers at the store. I think I may go into Nick Jr overload...

You may all need some... Pennicillin.


I'll just wait a sec while you all stop groaning...
Chapter one of the hard-to-start pen name novella is now under my belt and I know what goes in chapter two, so maybe I'm getting over the hard-to-start feeling on that one.

In the good news department, my complex ancient China GM novel by the Dirk Hessian pen name went to category best-seller at Allromanceebooks in one day.
You may all need some... Pennicillin.


I'll just wait a sec while you all stop groaning...


Thanks, beatrice. That was pretty good. :D

PennBoy is definitely better, and probably could have gone to school. PennGirl is also pretty good; here's hoping she sleeps okay tonight. Now if Mr Penn and I could just get past this...
I should do another 300-word flash fiction short story, get me back in the fiction writing groove. Another day of documentation at the job, even worked past 11 today, to get the sh*t done in time for a meeting tomorrow morning.
I have no writing goals today. If I tried, it would have to be BDSM, which I've never written before, but I had a horrible, horrible night last night and...well, maybe I should write that BDSM, take out my frustrations on some hapless characters. Maybe I'd feel better.:(
10,000+ words done on ch 4 of A Life and it looks like this is going to be a long series. I can easily get a dozen chapters or more out of these two, they play so well together. It's great when the characters play nice together with me. :D
I guess I have to add to my writing goals. My publisher has just let me know that they are closing down on March 31. I'm annoyed about this for several reasons, but honestly, less for myself (most of my contracts with them were up or nearly so) than for the authors they recently published, and who still have not heard first-hand about the closing. Nor were they aware of the possibility when they signed a contract. I have a few things to consider, just need to get organized.
Sorry to hear your publisher is closing, PL.

Thanks, me too. It's in part due to the PayPal thing, although in the email I received they cited other factors, mostly lack of time and money to do it right. Still, I think the whole thing has not been handled very well. But live and learn, I suppose. They gave me a start, now I have to go from here.
Sick as a dog. I think I caught something from Pennlady's posts.

Seriously, it was one of those days I felt fine and a half hour ago I started shivering, then sweating.

Not going to get anything done tonight. I think it'll be a hot tottie with a theraflu chaser and bed by eight.
Thanks, me too. It's in part due to the PayPal thing, although in the email I received they cited other factors, mostly lack of time and money to do it right. Still, I think the whole thing has not been handled very well. But live and learn, I suppose. They gave me a start, now I have to go from here.

Go paypal, ruining the commerce that they make money off of.

Honestly I am not so sure I would put a lot of blame on paypal, they backed off as quickly as they charged in. Unless your publisher just figures the writing is on the wall with them.

Too bad, for you and the other authors they represented.
Allromanceebooks just today instituted a clampdown phase by layering its online catalog. You have to log in to see whatever book listings, including the covers, that they are now determining as objectionable.
Go paypal, ruining the commerce that they make money off of.

Honestly I am not so sure I would put a lot of blame on paypal, they backed off as quickly as they charged in. Unless your publisher just figures the writing is on the wall with them.

Too bad, for you and the other authors they represented.

Sorry to hear you're sick. :-/

I'm not putting all the blame on PayPal. In the email I received, my publisher said that they would have to pull a couple of authors who ran afoul of PayPal's new rules, and that they didn't want to do it, as these were two of the "original" authors for the publisher (I'm another). They also said that they did not have the time and money to do what they wanted to, to grow the business, etc.

Frankly, I'm not too sympathetic to the first reason, because I believe they have responsibilities to their other authors. Plus, they had released two new books within the last month, and in my emails with those authors, they knew nothing about the possible closure until I told them. That is what I think was handled badly. If they were already considering closing, then they should have told those authors that from the beginning.
Sorry to hear you're sick. :-/

I'm not putting all the blame on PayPal. In the email I received, my publisher said that they would have to pull a couple of authors who ran afoul of PayPal's new rules, and that they didn't want to do it, as these were two of the "original" authors for the publisher (I'm another). They also said that they did not have the time and money to do what they wanted to, to grow the business, etc.

Frankly, I'm not too sympathetic to the first reason, because I believe they have responsibilities to their other authors. Plus, they had released two new books within the last month, and in my emails with those authors, they knew nothing about the possible closure until I told them. That is what I think was handled badly. If they were already considering closing, then they should have told those authors that from the beginning.

I'll bet they themselves are these "original" authors and they only want to be in publishing if they have the cutout behind which they themselves are appearing to have a publisher.
Allromanceebooks just today instituted a clampdown phase by layering its online catalog. You have to log in to see whatever book listings, including the covers, that they are now determining as objectionable.

I only have a couple of things on there and I got an e-mail about "re shelving" a few days ago.

Honestly I don't think my stuff violates Paypal's clampdown as it's BDSM, but the books have not been doing much and I think I am just going to pull them.

I'll admittedly be an ass, and tell them I'm pulling because they're caving to pay pal's BS even though paypal appears to be caving to their own lies.

Which, for the record, no one is still able to locate any proof that the CC companies have the issues with certain material that Pay pal claims they have,
I'll bet they themselves are these "original" authors and they only want to be in publishing if they have the cutout behind which they themselves are appearing to have a publisher.

No, they're not. Or if they are, they're going to a great deal of trouble maintaining blogs and FB pages and etc in the names of those other authors. I have individually emailed these authors -- and the other of the four originals, Heather Killough-Walden -- at different times and all, so I'm as sure as I can be that they are not the publishers.
I only have a couple of things on there and I got an e-mail about "re shelving" a few days ago.

Honestly I don't think my stuff violates Paypal's clampdown as it's BDSM, but the books have not been doing much and I think I am just going to pull them.

I'll admittedly be an ass, and tell them I'm pulling because they're caving to pay pal's BS even though paypal appears to be caving to their own lies.

One of my publishers says that ARE once was a leader distribution site but now is falling behind the pack in services and technology. Sales have been going down there while going up at other distribution sites. I've told him to feel free to pull all my books under the more erotic publishing house label and pen names there, but he says there's no harm in riding them down to their bottom, if that's where they are headed.
I got the email, too, Penn. Have to say my feelings run along some of the same lines yours does. And thanks for the info you sent, also.
I got the email, too, Penn. Have to say my feelings run along some of the same lines yours does. And thanks for the info you sent, also.

You're welcome. Sorry I couldn't get our group letter to them before this, but I felt like I didn't have a final ok from some people. But it looks like it would have been a moot point anyway.
One of my publishers says that ARE once was a leader distribution site but now is falling behind the pack in services and technology. Sales have been going down there while going up at other distribution sites. I've told him to feel free to pull all my books under the more erotic publishing house label and pen names there, but he says there's no harm in riding them down to their bottom, if that's where they are headed.

Wringing every last dime. Why not?

My thing is I have limited time to write/post/edit/cover hunt -design and every thing else around my job,e-bay, daughters and borderline nympho wife.

If they are going that way, then I'll donate my limited time to Smashwords which I have done okay on and Amazon which I have just started on but can;t complain about the results so far. Right now I can only have my hand in so many things.
My thing is I have limited time to write/post/edit/cover hunt -design and every thing else around my job,e-bay, daughters and borderline nympho wife.

That's why publishers are good to have if you can get them. They take care of that themselves.
That's why publishers are good to have if you can get them. They take care of that themselves.

I suppose that is the point. But I write what is right now very objectionable material. My incest sells well on SW and as for my current project, it is hardcore BDSM and the type of stuff that according to Kitt's blog Paypal may be trying to stop as well.

So for now I do as much as I can when I can.

ON an aside, a friend at work who knows I like that "rough stuff" let me borrow his kindle and I have spent the last two days skimming through Shades of Grey

Makes me want to vomit. Romanticized BDSM aimed straight at the twilight audience and horny attention starved housewives.

But it's getting a buzz and making money so even though it is watered down pablum the BDSM market is going up and should keep amazon from considering banning it for the foreseeable future
My goal for the day is to finish this freaking story already and then work on getting it edited.

My telephone company and DirecTV recently teamed up. The upshot for me? A monthly credit on my DirecTV bill. For whatever reason, they want to combine their billing, too - trying to sell me on the convenience of a single bill each month for both my telephone and DirecTV account. I don't see that as much of a convenience, but I was willing to go along with it until I received a letter from my phone company. IF I allow them to combine my DirecTV bill as part of my phone bill, I will no longer be able to order The Playboy Channel, The Spice Network, or any other "adult" programming. However, I do have the option of contacting DirecTV and saying I don't want to bundle - and I will still receive the discount.

I don't buy porn from DirecTV. Why would I? It's why the Internet was made, right? But on free speech principles alone, I'll be making that phone call.

I don't understand why PayPal doesn't want to serve the needs of adults making adult purchases. Unfortunately, I don't know of an alternative, either.