Writing and drinking


Literotica Guru
Mar 28, 2012

Now the question is which of us are drinking so much that they can bottle whiskey just from a bit of crying?

I know writers have a reputation for drinking too much but damn!:eek:

Serious question though how many of us feel the need for a bit of 'self medication' to help deal with the world?

I've seen that more than a few writers have either drank themselves to an early grave or helped themselves along to get there quicker. Is this a problem that you have to deal with as a writer (more so than another trade)? Are we, as a group, mental train wrecks... pouring out our minds on paper? I found this page to be a bit eye opening.


We are, in my opinion anyway, artists of thoughts. We delve into the darker places of our minds in the hunt for a good story hook. A way to grab hold of your reader and make them love the words your putting down. To gently play on their emotions, to guide their hopes for your character from page one to page last.

Being Artists with Words some of us may get lost in those darker places, hooked ourselves as it were.

I use Literotica as a teaching tool, writer circle, sounding board, and as a source of entertainment. This Pirate will certainly confess to having a love for Captain Morgan's Black rum.... and Mead... Redds Apple Ale... and to more than a bit of depression at times.

I look at that list of names, some of them truly great and wonder what went wrong. When did the almost therapeutic fun of writing turn on them... or was it just the stresses of life and their writing was just not a strong enough way of getting away from it?

Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S Thompson, Robert E Howard, Sylvia Plath... and more. Good writers, great writer, spectacular writers. Writers who's books will be read hundreds of years into the future... gone before the last verse in the powerful play.

Are we as writers of Erotica, or 'Smut' as I think Boxlicker puts it, anymore immune? Does the fact that we don't write about wars, the drug culture, sword wielding barbarians give us some kind of immunity? After all we write about pleasure, in all it's various forms:D.

Is that factor enough? Are we any different than they?

Pondering rambling thoughts while drinking rum and coke on a hot Sunday night.

M.S. Tarot
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I used to drink way too much in my late teens and early twenties, but over the years have slowed down quite a lot.

I drink every Tuesday night during my dart league and ride in with someone and the wife picks me up so admittedly I get pretty rocked.

Other wise my drinking is on the weekends and I usually have either a couple of Jack and cokes or sip down some Johnny Walker Black.

I feel it does loosen me up a bit and there have been times I have written while I was pretty much in the bag and except for a bunch of typos the stuff flows pretty well.

But I feel that now I drink to relax and enjoy as opposed to "escaping" as I did when I was younger.

and to one of your other points?

My swb series dealt with child abuse, sexual abuse, drug addiction including heroin, schizophrenia, satanism and full out rough as hell BDSM sex

I'll have a double thank you very much.:D
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I fully endorse both writing and drinking
Individually or any combination thereof
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I'm clumsy and something of a control freak, so I really don't like the feel of even mild intoxication. I'll only drink if I'm very comfortable with the situation and the people around me, and even then I'm unlikely to have more than one or two drinks.

Stephen King mentions his alcoholism & other substance abuse in 'On Writing', and it shows up in 'The Shining'. He's not a big fan of the idea that writers need to mistreat themselves in order to bring out the talent.
I'm clumsy and something of a control freak, so I really don't like the feel of even mild intoxication. I'll only drink if I'm very comfortable with the situation and the people around me, and even then I'm unlikely to have more than one or two drinks.

Stephen King mentions his alcoholism & other substance abuse in 'On Writing', and it shows up in 'The Shining'. He's not a big fan of the idea that writers need to mistreat themselves in order to bring out the talent.

Tapping talent isn't the only reason to drink. I don't think its even in my top ten
I typically drink either wine or coffee while I'm composing, but I can't remember having been drunk since 1978 when someone's child was making me triples at a party when I thought I was only getting singles--so I don't blame anything on drink.
When I write I prefer to drink Andalusian nectar freshly brewed from buds of Yamyam roots harvested on the southside of Mount Banuela in the Sierra Morenas.

If that isn't available I'll settle for a chilled glass of Pepsi Max with a lemon slice...
I've never tried to drink and write. In fact other than a glass of wine on a special occasion I rarely drink (though I have no problem with those who do). Also when you consider the fact that I do most of my writing at work I'm not sure drinking/writing/working would be a good combination! LOL
I must confess that, on writing days (which in my case is most days), I generally stop writing around midday and then, at about 5:30, I pour myself a glass of red wine and sit down to review what I have written that day. It has been part of my routine now for about 40 years - although, in my younger days, the tipple was often scotch, so I'm probably moving in the right direction.
I don't drink.

I cant recall the last time I drank. It was Sangria. I love Sangria. Was it 2009?

I like booze and beer, I don't oppose its consumption.

But I experience none of the wonders others love. Its just another thing to drink, and it makes me sleepy. Although a bottle of Southern Comfort will keep me hard all night. I like to sip it from the bottle when I fuck.
I don't drink.

I cant recall the last time I drank. It was Sangria. I love Sangria. Was it 2009?

I like booze and beer, I don't oppose its consumption.

But I experience none of the wonders others love. Its just another thing to drink, and it makes me sleepy. Although a bottle of Southern Comfort will keep me hard all night. I like to sip it from the bottle when I fuck.

Sorry, JBJ, sippin' is still drinkin'. :)
Sorry, JBJ, sippin' is still drinkin'. :)

Are you politely suggesting I oughta sip when I'm writing? I don't think McLIT could handle the results. Laurel might then insist that readers view my tales thru 3D glasses while restrained.

Found this an interesting read.

I like the idea it puts forth that writer suffer a bit of 'stage fright' and use alcohol to help with that.

I don't drink often (Great i sound like the Dos Equis guy) but when I do to does seem to help. Specifically with my dyslexia. It seem to get a little better to deal with, maybe I'm more relaxed.

Okay raining like mad and popping lighting.... :eek: