Writers and civilians

When a character in a story starts drinking, I'll drink what they're drinking while I'm writing the scene.

Dylan Thomas could drink, and drink, and drink, and drink...

Not to mention Brendan Behan and James Joyce.

Writers can usually outdrink civilians and have more reasons to do so.
Hunter Thompson and Hemingway had no trouble knocking 'em back either; sometimes it amazes me they could find the right keys on their typewriters! :rolleyes:
On a totally different track of thought the OP's use of the word "civilians" reminded me of an old saying when I was hanging out on Parris Island -

Often both grunts and National Guardsmen would use the O course (as well as some civilians like me) looking pretty identical which caused the Marines to say - "How do you tell the difference between a Grunt and a Guardsmen? Yell 'Snake.' The Guardsmen are the ones in the trees whilst the grunts are the ones looking on the ground to play with it." Once on the O course I hit a climbing board midway up to hear the rattle of the snake I never noticed coiled at the base of the board when I jumped. If I had missed the rope or slipped, I would have landed right on it. You bet I cleared that side in record time and took off down the trail without looking back.

I remember another story I was told when during a training operation a Grunt came flying out of an amphibious transport when it stopped and crashed headfirst into the transport in front of his, and while he was lying on the ground dazed the training COs standing over him were busy checking the transport for damage. :rolleyes: